New member
find a kitty in a sailor outfit!
...I taught my new kitten to fetch..yaaaay!
I love you too Aprilhunny, you're my new bestfriend too.
Let's run gleefully through fields of flowers =D
AJ, our Momma cat is about to have kittens, for the 3rd time n this time we arnt keeping them. id totally pawn them off on you if you lived near. haha
Wow see you really are just a stupid little girl. I never personally attacked you and I never said anything derogative about you. If you feel the need to put others down to make your self feel better than more power to you. Ingorant people like you really are whats holding this world back and honestly I hope you seek counseling because your constant need to tell others whats wrong in there life is obviously there to mask whats wrong in yours. I hope you feel good in the morning about your life because you know what I can always change the things in my life that are causeing me pain but you will forever be just another stupid cunt who will never learn anything about the real world. So you know what yes I am a white trash slut so it shouldn't shock you when I say basicly fuck off you are pathetic and mean nothing to..[me or]..anyone else. No do we all feel better cause I know us white trashy people do.
Sorry, I just found it amusing that you say that you haven't attacked her, but use the rest of your post to. No hard feelings though--it's not my place to judge anybody here
Remember kids: Nobody wins in an internet argument.
And that Hello Kitty kitty ROCKS MY WORLD!