Sport The Starvation diet...

Sport Fitness
Yeah, drink a good amount of water, run in the boiler room with every piece of winter gear you have on for hours and you'll lose a ****load of weight.

Yeah, I drink on the weekends, and thats about my weekly beer intake (which is nothing compared to about 6 months ago). It's all about tolerance..and the fact it's Coors Light.

I take in 4 protein shakes (240g) on training days, 3 shakes (180g) on "off" days. I weight 210.

I meant "decreasing nicely".

How many grams of protein do you get from normal food ?

And how many calories is in one of those shakes' ' normal servings ' ?
I wouldnt say more than 20 grams of protein in actual food,...meaning egg whites and a turkey sub from Subway, it's the healthiest thing I can get on the road.

3 scoops = 60g of protein = 310 calories

It's whey protein...

I take an anti-catabolic supplement on any days that I perform resistance training, which is 3 scoops = 240 calories.

I gotta tell you though, I have twice as much energy the next day when I carb up the night before (pasta, bread). Since my food intake is relatively low, and my protein shakes make up most of my calories, along with CoQ-10 fish oil pills, will I start to see fat gains?

Overall I'm lifting more weight week to week, and my arms are starting to get more muscular, not really trimmer. As long as I'm strong and can keep my run time I dont really care about a 6-pack. I drink too much beer anyways...
wait, wait, you starve yourself and then drink a bunch of beer?

No, I dont starve myself...and yes, I have a life on the weekends. After an 80 hour work week a few brewha's doesnt hurt.

Honestly, you never say anything worth dick in any of my inquiries, which is cool with me...I'd have a little more respect for you if you werent such a rhetorical, sarcastic ***** though.