The ChillOut Log

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I reintroduce Dr. Seuss as there is no reason to be obtuse with Dr. Suess as Chillen will Produce:

Dr. Seuss enjoys sipping pinnapple juice while sitting under a douglass spuce.
Dr. Suess explains he is against substance abuse to the candian goose.
Dr. Suess explains to the brown recluse that the value of context use within the flag of truce.
Dr. Suess explains that since he drank the pinnaple juice, is digestive juice is on the loose and he must now get on the caboose.,<-----------Thats pathetic.............LOL...........
NICE. how do you manage to "improve" your triceps though without eating a surplus?
yea i saw lol.
todays been great. every day i wake up with my back feeling better. i remember how bad it used to hurt before. its healing well.
i went shopping today for clothes and i got some health foods from walmart.
made some protein pancakes. read the chillout log.
i really cant wait to begin weight training again though! i wanna start a new program with derwydonn(i am one of her "clients")! i cant wait for that feeling of achievement and feeling like im getting bigger after a good workout lol.
iv been looking around, checking out training programs, looking at O lifting and being really interested in it. iv even started putting together my own routines. there are so many resourses for me to get workouts from right now its practically teasing me!
diet has been really good. i read about acia fruit today. too bad its so expensive as a powder.
but iv had a lot of spare time. i want to learn more about neurons and strength training. i just want to learn about how to train. i want to be able to create some routines and know that it will produce results and i want to be able to know why.
presently, im only able to create basic routines with the compounds.

but anyway, how have things been with you, chillen?


Ha, ha

Things are good.

I have to workout soon.

But todays post is coming.

I am going to post a more detailed (you know me in the details, my friend) in the tri thread (first here, then there) about my diet scheme, and training regime. make sure you read it. the technique isnt for everyone, and this is precisely the point: I had to find what worked for me, and this is the point.
If they apply and modify, and this works for them: ROCK ON!!!!!!!!!! If not, I hope they apply and try what does work for them and: ROCK ON!!!!!!!!!

and that is the MAIN point! :)

Did you catch my stupid poems? I was cracking my old butt up......Im better now..........LOL

Traditional post in the Chill Log coming after WO,,,,,,,,,
yes, lol i always laugh when i reed your rymes. oh and you OWNED ff in the out of context thread. lolz sorry ff.
and i will definetly read your method of diet!
HEY Tricept show off, lil skinny guy,

your pm box is full!


So, what i said was-
Glad to hear that I can still eat the seeds because they make nice terds!

I cleared it, lol.

Little, yes, but I carry a big MIDDLE STICK!................and its like a brick (too)

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HEY Tricept show off, lil skinny guy,

your pm box is full!


So, what i said was-
Glad to hear that I can still eat the seeds because they make nice terds!


Glad to hear that I can still eat the seeds because they make nice terds!
Its preferred than being a nerd you turd?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hi, John! In order to spawn a swan it dependes on what John acts upon.
So, rely on John to lay eyes-on, whats going-on in the internal beauty salon.

Best wishes

John (oops)
chillen, have you taken too many chill pills today!?!?! hahaha
or maybe your just hyper off those chillen's! i still have to try those!

if jon acst upon a swan, would it be wrong to say it was the bomb?
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If Jon, ROCKS-ON and then acts upon then he is the bomb!


Of to do cardio................

fine. go run along and listen to your ding dong song

but it wont be long until your no longer gone, and back where you belong with your brawn to contemplate another conn.
Completed cardio, Chillen's way.........IT ROCKED! Also completed FREEFORM.

I have to get to bed, I will be posting the thoughts of the day 2morrow. ( I feel like Im cheating you all :( )

Each and everyone of you have a great day. I hope nothing went wrong, and you had a good work out and kept your diet!

Rock on with your bad selves!

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Diet!!! what the heck does that have to do with anything.. Good grief!!


Oh wait! Is that why I feel like I could stamp my foot and NBS could feel it in New Zealand!!!!
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