October 13th, 2007: Thoughts for the day
“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away”
Look ahead: See through the trees and the small irretating hills that gather in your way. Let it take your BREATH AWAY as you see yourself reflecting back showing you the way.
Where the heart is willing, you will find infinite ways. Where the heart is unwilling, it will find a infinite excuses.
Do not provide excuses for your failings. Rather find a reason for your successes.
Each time you train is a form of self creation; you should delight much in every common touch
Your goal is the inner truth
RESTORED; do not be
IGNORED; Get your
GOAL is part of your
SOUL; please
CONSOLE; and make yourself
Some off beat stuff today.....cause....well.....Im in that sort of mood (LOL):
Pooper Scooper:
Do not allow your
GOAL to plug up and over flow a toilet
BOWL; please provide some flood
SCOOP up the goal
POOP and be a
TROOP and give out the war
WHOOP! Please
Poop Scoop!

...........RAH!..RAH!...RAH!...........Send your Goal for a LOOP!
Supreme in your DREAM
GLEAM with much
ESTEEM to put away all the
ICE CREAM and make your head and stomach a fantastic
TEAM; now you reign
SUPREME in your
Put to BED the DREAD:
You looked
AHEAD and put the old mental
HEAD in the
SHED and your old thoughts
FLED; your mind
SPREAD and put to
BED the
Upstairs or Downstairs?
Upstairs or
Downstairs, who the hell
Cares? Take charge of your
The goal is
Theirs in who
TRAIN your
BRAIN for the impossible
RAIN and this will
DRAIN any goal
PAIN and you will continue your
Brew the Knew You
What do you mean,
Boo Hoo? Wake UP!
Stew the
Knew You and throw the other in the
Zoo for a bear to
Chew; I am sure he will
Thank You.
Hey!........I can break tradition once in a WHILE, to make one SMILE.....it makes it all WORTHWHILE!...........HEHEHE
There is a spirit in each of you that yearns for the goal you desire. Embrace it. Reach in and pull it out. Hold it in your hands tightly. Let it fuel your hands to allow you to do the handy work necessary. Put it back in your heart to burn brightly and you will be the knight daily and nightly.
Hope your day went GREAT!.............I hope you trained and met your dieting goals you sought after...........
GO FOR IT BABY!............Keep on trying......
Best wishes,