The ChillOut Log

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Question chillen, you always encourage people to start a journal to help them reach their goals, but where is yours? You have the chill log, but why don't you make a journal with your diet/ training so others can help you too? Just a thought:)

I keep my diary in OneNote. Track my calories and diet in Excel. Schedule my workouts with a Word Scheduler, and use a printed form each time I weight train to keep track of Weight, Reps, Rest Time, and of course exercises.

I would rather devote most of my time in helping others than trying to maintain TWO diaries (one on the forum and the system I have in place), and this is the reason I do not have one. My personal diary system has been in place since I joined the forum.

Thanks for the concern and thoughts, AMP!

Without further ADO........

ROCK ON!!!!!!!!!!!!

your friend,

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I'm glad to see that you're back.

I hope your wife is feeling better.

Best wishes,

chillens probably too energetic to sit down from all the extra energy he's had lately :]
perhaps he's busy
and i'v been really busy lately as well...gotta keep grades high@

You better keep those GRADES UP!

I have my eye on you!............It will be following you!

Your Friend,

I see him on Yahoo messenger, but he hasn't responded. But later on i knew he was active because his away message was "training"
So its good to know hes still training :)
Wish he would visit the forums though, i miss him as well.

I got back late tonight, and got settled in, and went to train. If you sent messages, I didnt get them!

I missed ya too..........HEY!!!!!.........TIME TO FRICKEN ROCK!...........
heya how you doing chillen, i anit been on for 2 days, have i missed anything??

Jackie xxxxxxxxx

I am good. I have been gone a few days. I made a post on why.

HEY!.......How is JACKIE........not WHACKIE...........correct?

ALRightttttttttttttty Then.............

Keep..........Cooking it! (LOL....a new one.....hehehhe)

Your friend,

It's great to see you back. I'm off to bed now. I procrastinated and I have a homework assignment to do early next morning. I'm too tired to do it tonight.

Have a great evening, chillen.

Also, thanks for replying to my thread about childish things. Your response put a smile on my face. :)

lets get a huge BOWL................

and cook the brotha and sista' togetherness.......and goodwill!

and ROCK THEM ON toward their goals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MIX it BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Best wishes,

congrats on passing with flying colors, chillen!!!
its good to see you back! im glad all is well with your wife...i'l continue my prayers for you two :]
congrats on passing with flying colors, chillen!!!
its good to see you back! im glad all is well with your wife...i'l continue my prayers for you two :]

I brought my 2 sons with me. I brought them so we could share in the experience, but I brought them also to learn something. They thought I was nuts for opting out of my age bracket. But I was a father on a mission, BABY! They knew however, not to try to persuade me to the contrary, as I set this example to them from birth:

From birth I told them they can accomplish anything. Take my eldest son(Dustin, 22) for example, when the doctor swatted this young man on the butt when he was first born, he never shut up since; I knew I had my hands full (and boy did I, LOL). He has a gift and I saw this in him as he grew and assisted him in molding it as he grew up. He had the gift of gab and argumentive persuasion. Today he is on the path to use it. He is going to be a lawyer. Most go all of their lives not realizing their gifts or passion. (He is also alcohol and drug free, and no mentality to party--completely absent--nay sayers.......shut the hell know jack squat). He has the never say die attitude like his father and mother.

In contrast my youngest (Quentin, 19) is the quiet type and most loving, will give the shirt off his back to you, but with a fierce temper and will rip your tonsils out and eat them for breakfast. However, when this surfaces it usually based on good cause and is VERY slow to show itself. Like alot of kids he was both afraid and fascinated by bad weather; however, he seemed to carry this abit further and had a passion for it. The stories I could tell when it simply rained with thunder or thier was tornado warnings out, lol. To this day, when it rains or storms, he askes me to take a ride with him to look around. He is a freshman at KU wanting to be a meteorologist--he knows his passion.(He is also alcohol and drug free, and no mentality to party--completely absent--nay sayers.......shut the hell know jack squat). He has the never say die attitude like his father and mother.

The both have the fire of passion through an unbroken spirit, and I will provide this example to them to my death bed.

Breif Synopsis:

Back to the PT/weights/stress test. Where I lacked was in the "time" in the 2 mile run. I obviously lost a step, and need to work a bit harder. I came in 4th out of 20. (I never really got and ran, except with my son a couple of times, and it shows here. The upright bike I do constantly---but it PAILS in comparison to baring your own weight and running, lol)

I was first in pushups, 93.(You shoulld have seen their faces, lol). I was first in the Situps to failure (though they stopped me at 323). I was first in pullups (though I dont do them, lol):21 (and I thought I would lose this one for sure), I was first on the max bench press (325--slightly down from about 2 weeks ago--which is understandable). I was first in the "shoot dont shoot" obstacle course run (7:24), and first in EVOC (Emergency Vehicle Operations Course), and passed the FATS machine (a shoot dont shoot simulator--stress test).

It was enjoyable experience. But most importantly it was a learning experience for the three of us, and we talked about this on the drive back home.

I didnt raise no babies--they too eat them for breakfast. They have a heart of a lion and are compassionate and loving at the same time.

That's so cool that your sons are passionate about life and know what they want to do. It's also neat to hear that they are drug and alcohol free with no desire to party. I know it's possible because I am a college student and I'm the same way. I have no desire whatsoever to get drunk and party. I was afraid everyone in college would be like that, but I was wrong. There are a lot of more mature people at my school with one goal in mind, and that is to get educated. It sounds like your sons are on a great path to success, you are probably very proud of them.
That's so cool that your sons are passionate about life and know what they want to do. It's also neat to hear that they are drug and alcohol free with no desire to party. I know it's possible because I am a college student and I'm the same way. I have no desire whatsoever to get drunk and party. I was afraid everyone in college would be like that, but I was wrong. There are a lot of more mature people at my school with one goal in mind, and that is to get educated. It sounds like your sons are on a great path to success, you are probably very proud of them.

Yes, they are and still are alcohol free and are party free. Instead they provide the party of life and passion. When I stated this a few months back there was some in disbelief, LOL. I understand this disbelief though, LOL. Im not a niave parent to the inner and outer workings of kids, lol. And, they can twist it, bend it, and flex it, in any way they choose, it doesnt change this bare truth: they have been and still are completely alcohol free (and never tried it).

Yes, proud of them. But most importantly I am proud that they are proud of themselves. And, they know without a doubt, they have an old man.......with the ChillBoot.......cocked and ready to the right spot...and they both have some 50lbs+ on me.......uh.......bigger target....( :) )
hahaha you got first in almost everything. very nice

Yes, but obviously I lack running endurance. I am changing this this week.

By the way, my weight this morning is: 171. HEHEHEHEH........ROCK AND ROLL!

Coming off a deficit a week prior to the surplus.......HUH!......The benefits......;)

I have so much energy......I can pull nails with my teeth.........BUH! about the nose nostrils........HEHEHEHE
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October 13th, 2007: Thoughts for the day

“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away”

Look ahead: See through the trees and the small irretating hills that gather in your way. Let it take your BREATH AWAY as you see yourself reflecting back showing you the way.


Where the heart is willing, you will find infinite ways. Where the heart is unwilling, it will find a infinite excuses.


Do not provide excuses for your failings. Rather find a reason for your successes.


Each time you train is a form of self creation; you should delight much in every common touch



Your goal is the inner truth RESTORED; do not be IGNORED; Get your REWARD.



Your GOAL is part of your SOUL; please CONSOLE; and make yourself WHOLE.



Some off beat stuff today.....cause....well.....Im in that sort of mood (LOL):

Pooper Scooper:

Do not allow your GOAL to plug up and over flow a toilet BOWL; please provide some flood CONTROL; REGROUP and SCOOP up the goal POOP and be a TROOP and give out the war WHOOP! Please Poop Scoop!


:)...........RAH!..RAH!...RAH!...........Send your Goal for a LOOP!

Supreme in your DREAM

You GLEAM with much ESTEEM to put away all the ICE CREAM and make your head and stomach a fantastic TEAM; now you reign SUPREME in your DREAM.


Put to BED the DREAD:

You looked AHEAD and put the old mental HEAD in the SHED and your old thoughts FLED; your mind SPREAD and put to BED the DREAD


Upstairs or Downstairs?

Upstairs or Downstairs, who the hell Cares? Take charge of your Affairs!

The goal is Theirs in who Prepairs



TRAIN your BRAIN for the impossible RAIN and this will DRAIN any goal PAIN and you will continue your CAMPAIGN


Brew the Knew You

What do you mean, Boo Hoo? Wake UP! Stew the Knew You and throw the other in the Zoo for a bear to Chew; I am sure he will Thank You.


Hey!........I can break tradition once in a WHILE, to make one makes it all WORTHWHILE!...........HEHEHE

There is a spirit in each of you that yearns for the goal you desire. Embrace it. Reach in and pull it out. Hold it in your hands tightly. Let it fuel your hands to allow you to do the handy work necessary. Put it back in your heart to burn brightly and you will be the knight daily and nightly.

Hope your day went GREAT!.............I hope you trained and met your dieting goals you sought after...........

GO FOR IT BABY!............Keep on trying......

Best wishes,

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Morning everyone! Wish your day well!

Be like a ROCKET........provide the fuel and take OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RISE HIGH!!!!!!!!!!!

Dont self DENY!!!!!!!!!!

Best wishes for all of you!

I am really impressed with the way my aging 46 year old body is responding to the surplus of calories. I have gained over 10 lbs in just over 3 weeks.

(158 to 171). The calories have been on a progressive but restrictive surplus tier system.

My body responds very well after a deficit me its flat amazing to actually experience what one reads and learns. I expect the weight gain to slow as my body adjusts to its new caloric environment. I have a plan in place for this when I see it.

I gained a small amount of fat......but its an amount very close to what I had calculated. Thus far on track. Abs still very much visible, not up to my personal standards, but this is expected in this clean bulk.

My skin is noticably thicker thoughout. I measured my arms at 16" (at 158lbs they were at 15"), since I have put on overall body weight my arms have blown up an inch in just over 3 weeks.

Waist went from 30" to 31 1/2". Im gonna measure my chest today and compare it to the measurements when I was at 158lbs.

All weight on all exercises have went through the ROOF the past three weeks. This too was expected and planned for.....makes sense this was going to occur.

No cardio the first month of bulk. But this will change at the right time, and as soon as my body tells me its the right time----PB what am I looking for?
I have my reasons to include cardio........what is it?

UH..........ROCK ON!

Now I am going to go eat some NAILS for lunch! HEEE...

Best wishes

wow...great posts man. sorry, i dont have much time to post, but i guess the reason you would do the cardio is to maintain your progress you made when you werent bulking.

its great to see you progressing chillen :] keep up the awesome work.
hey i still havent seen your routine :p what are you hiding
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