The ChillOut Log

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Chillen, I'm not sure what is going on, but you HAVE to know how important you are to this forum. If people cannot respect you for what you have done on this forum, then tell them to go F--- off! Honestly! You have been there for me and countless others and we appreciate your support and encouragement! Please don't leave! I thoroughly enjoy your friendship and I hope you know it's reciprocated. I will always be there for you!

Sent you a PM, but due to pc issues, can't get onto yahoo. PLEASE let me know how you are.....I'm concerned....

I am fine Beth......All you have to do is look within the log,,,,,and the answer to how I was going to react.....was right there.

At the present------>I have no other comment to make.........LETS ROCK

(By the way......I am not changing.......jack crap!.......LETS ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
heya Chillen, i hope your not leaving, i really do.

i agree with everyone else here, and if it is to do with a certain someone like beth said, please just ignore them and get over it

Talk to me, if you want, tell me whats been going on

Jackie xxx

ALL is well..........LETS ROCK........



Faith~confidence or trust in a person or thing: faith in another's ability.

What do you put your faith in?
Family? Friends? Yourself?

The Bible says that if anyone even has faith in God the size of a mustard seed(smallest seed), that nothing is impossible.
"You can pray for anything, and if you have faith, you will recieve it."
Mathew 21:22

I know God is capable of doing anything...creator of the universe...he defies our human senses with his unbelievable miracles.
Hence, why people say "That does not make sense, so i will not believe".
They are putting their faith in their own senses higher than their faith in God.
God's ways are HIGHER than our ways!

Knowing all of this, I am troubled by my own lack of faith.
My faith is corrupted by...the world. I believe in God, and I seek wisdom from His words every day...but my senses betray me. Why do i worry? Why do i cry? I have God on my side.

I am on a quest from now on to achieve faith in God.
I know i am severely lacking faith...and i will seek until i find.
I absolutely will not give up until I abandon my senses and begin to truly trust in God with my life. I will achieve faith...i will knock and the door will be opened onto me.

I welcome and encourage any companions who wish to find true faith in the Lord.

"He has the whole His hands.."
He has my life in His hands. I will fear nothing...the Lord is with me.

"if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, 'move from here to there,' and it would move. Nothing would be impossible."
mathew 17:20-21
Talk about lifting weights...
Unless you are moving mountains and more, you need more faith.
Let us pray for eachother in Faith

"For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them."
Mathew 18:20

Jon........I dont have the words to express my appreciation.......for this post and the emmense meaning they me.

I appreciate your time, your effort, and thoughts.......


and yes........I am giving you...

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Cataclysm~a sudden and violent physical action producing changes

Nobody wants their life to endure and suffer through a cataclysm.
It is very likely to be something we truly fear in our lives.
However, how many of us realize that we should learn from every tragedy in our lives?
There is a lesson behind every gaffe,error, and blunder; each lesson we learn adds to our mental library of "what not to do", or "what i have to do" so that we will not make the mistake again.

However, did those gaffes, errors, and blunders absolutely have to occur in order for us to learn the lesson and gain wisdom?

Absoluetly not.

Chances are, we were warned beforehand not to make the mistake, yet we still oversaw the lesson!
There are so many preminitions of disaster we can learn from, yet we pass them by without taking into account what might happen to us as a result.
There are endless passages teaching good judgement which we all have the privalage to learn.

This is my point:
Hunger for wisdom, thirst for insight, long for understanding, and pray for faith in God to guide you.

He will be a lamp onto your feet, and a light onto your path, guiding you like a shephard along the narrow roads, protecting you from unneccisary cataclysms.

"Joyful is the person who finds wisdom, the one who gains understanding.
For wisdom is more profitable than silver, and her wages are better than gold.
Wisdom is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her.
Wisdom is a tree of life to those who embrace her; happy are those who hold her tightly."
Proverbs 3:13-15,18

Let us pray for eachother in the search for wisdom.

Jon-------------thank you from the deepest part of my heart!

The last two posts mean the world to me......

We must ALWAYS seek wisdom in all the we do----NO MATTER what happens to us in our lives.

Jon you above all others, should have known how I was going to respond. Look around and read....and read good....take some lessons from it, young man!.........Arm your young mind........and ROCK!

As soon as I spread some rep around......I am repping you again.........

ROCK ON!!!!!!!!!!
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HOWS YOUR DAY???????????

Jackie xxxxxxxx
Yay! The spicy health hen is happy to see that you're back!

She even brought all of her friends to come see your thread!


Best Wishes

YAY!!! He's back!!! :hug2:

And for the record......I was defending a that so bad??? :confused:

No it is not, Beth......I appreciate it VERY MUCH......I am very grateful!

Friends do assist friends.

I Appreciate EVERYONES words and support.

ROCK ON! EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...........How is everyones DAY!

Hope the day is going GREAT!

Mine is just wonderful!

I wish ALL OF YOU the best each and every day...............

ROCK ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!........>:)

and one


ROCK ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
haha...i knew the chillman would be back.
nothing keeps this guy down.

life has been very rewarding since last we talked.
i found ANOTHER youth group which i am attending now. its awesome.
made more friends...getting better grades...learning every day something new...its truly a gift to be among other Christains and to share experiances...thankyou Jesus.


i'v been trying to shun sin latlely..

leave me alone, satan lol
haha...i knew the chillman would be back.
nothing keeps this guy down.

life has been very rewarding since last we talked.
i found ANOTHER youth group which i am attending now. its awesome.
made more friends...getting better grades...learning every day something new...its truly a gift to be among other Christains and to share experiances...thankyou Jesus.


i'v been trying to shun sin latlely..

leave me alone, satan lol

I am fricken speechless........that is fricken Hilarious!........LOL! :yelrotflmao:

HAH!........This world has MUCH TO BARE......with a young teenage mind on the fricken PROWL.........this world has alot to look forward to........LOOK THE HELL OUT!..............>ROCK ON!

Just Piss on his Butt..........he dont like that......but he smell better.....

KEEP kicken those grades in the BUTT..........Keep putting the teachers in the hospital (cardio complications!).........................

My freind.......PB..........special young man!..........You have no limits!

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Babies are relatively high in saturated fats, but if you must eat youngsters, babies are transfat free making them a better choice than toddlers.
Babies are relatively high in saturated fats, but if you must eat youngsters, babies are transfat free making them a better choice than toddlers.

Hmmm....I guess I should take toddlers and elementary school age kids off the menu. LOL

PB - LOVE the life editor!!
10/6 I'm on fire baby

Fear~a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined

Ask yourself: are you afraid of anything in your life now?
Do life's challenges sometimes distress you enough to make you believe you cannot overcome them?(this is fear of an obstacle)
Do you fear change?

Fear can bind us in our lives from following our true desires.
Fear can blind our view on our lives.
Fear is a sign of our lack of faith.

Fear is linked directly to faith.
With faith, fear is never found. With fear, faith is far away.

Whether it be fear of what will happen to us in the future, or fear as we walk in the blinding dark; fear is a clouding emotion which blurs our mental outlook.

For Mark chapter 6, when the disciples were in the boat in the middle of a storm, Jesus walked on water from the land to go and meet them.
"But when they saw him walking on water, they cried out in terror, thinking he was a ghost. They were all terrified when they saw him."
Mark 6:49-50

Fear distorted the disciple's view to SUCH AN EXTENT, even to the point where they all believed their Savior was an evil ghost
Fear tricked the disciples into thinking Jesus, the very person who was there to save them, was a demon there to destroy them.

Remeber, everything has a different, potentially intimidating silhouette when fear is present.

"Jesus spoke to them at once, 'Fear not,' he said. 'Take courage! I am here!'"
Mark 7:50

"Then Peter called to him, 'Lord, if it is really you, tell me to come to you, walking on water.'
"Yes, come," Jesus said.
So Peter went over the side of the boat and walked on the water towards Jesus. But when he saw the strong wind and the waves, he was terrified and began to sink. 'Save me, Lord! he shouted.
Jesus then immediately reached out and grabbed him. 'You have so little faith," Jesus said. 'Why did you doubt me?'
When they climbed back into the boat, the wind stopped."
Mathew 15:28-32

This passage has MUCH meaning; let us discuss:

Peter knew it was Jesus from the boat when Jesus said "fear not".
If he thought it was a demon, he would not ask to go out into the storm to walk towards it. That would end in dissaster.

So, in faith, he left the "safety" of the boat and began to walk on water towards Jesus. Yet, when he saw the wind and the waves, he lost his confidence in Jesus, and he began to sink.

This can resemble one of us leaving our comfort zone(the boat) in confidence to walk towards Jesus(changing our ways from sin, going to church, preaching the gospel).
Yet, when we face difficulties/calamities and storms in life, it is like when Peter saw the powerful wind and the waves.
Many of us lose courage and as a result, we begin to sink!
Many of us will not have complete faith in Jesus to protect us from dissaster in life! Why do we worry? Why do we cry? Why do we get depressed?!
Why do we fear?

Yet, despite our lack of faith, when we cry out to Jesus to save us in the middle of a storm, he reaches out and grabs our hand.

"You have so little faith, why did you doubt me?"

What is there to fear with Jesus on our side!?
The disciples faced death in a storm, yet Jesus said to the waves "be calm" and they were still.
JESUS has complete control over all the conflicts in YOUR life(waves)!!!

I am "walking on water" towards Jesus in the middle of a HUGE "storm!" I am honestly not afraid any more. I was afraid not too long ago, but Jesus is now my rock. He grabbed my hand when i was sinking...and lifted me up. He said to me "You have so little faith, why did you doubt me?"

Jesus said, "Fear not, I am here"

We must believe in faith that Jesus is with us, on our side. No matter what we face in life, whether it be a surgery, bankrupcy, injuries, society; we must take courage and stand firm without fear.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding"
Proverbs 3:5
"Those who trust their own insight are foolish, but anyone who walks in wisdom is safe"
Proverbs 28:26

double whammy...those 2 proverbs tie into my last two posts as well!

The only place fear should have in your fear of the Lord.
Do not get this does not mean to fear the Trinity's presance.
It means to fear disobeying God's laws...for the wages of sin is death, but the gift from God is eternal life through Jesus Christ, our savior.
Spiritual death, that is. Eternal damnation without Christ.

"Those who fear the Lord will hate evil."
Proverbs 8:13

Thus, all who do not fear the Lord do not truly hate evil.

"Blessed are those who fear to sin, but the stubborn are headed for serious trouble."
Proverbs 28:14

"...trusting the Lord leads to prosperity"
Proverbs 28:25

So let us pray for eachother for faith in God; for faith rebukes fear.
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