The ChillOut Log

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No post in the log today......I got busy on the forum and with some other things.........I will definately make a post October 3rd, 2007

I hope I didnt let anyone down. :(

Hope all is well with everyone..........And your day went well..........

My heart is with you all............

I hope you all met and exceeded all of your goals for the day........

Rock on!

(EDIT: No post forthcoming for October 3rd, 2007)

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you definetly didnt let me down for one...i am very grateful for everything so far...i have a lot of amazing guidelines in Mathew that i have found; thanks for the recommendation Chillen.

havent started phys therapy yet; have to see my doc first and get a perscription...
my mom is mad at me b/c i am running up the bill on doctor visits....had a checkup may, checkup doctor for my back in June, poison ivy doctor in september and now this and phys therapy :[

other than that, im feeling good today! like i said before, i really like the book of is very helpful.
are you on yahoo?
PB I would appreciate if you would take care of the ChillOut Log, while I am absent.

Thank you in advance.

Nothing else to add; maybe one could use my type of assistance elsewhere
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Hey Chillen -

Hope all is well. Kinda have me worried there with your last couple of posts...everything ok?

If it isn't, let me knwo......I want to be there for you.

If it is, I need you to be there for me. LOL I need some encouragement....

Faith~confidence or trust in a person or thing: faith in another's ability.

What do you put your faith in?
Family? Friends? Yourself?

The Bible says that if anyone even has faith in God the size of a mustard seed(smallest seed), that nothing is impossible.
"You can pray for anything, and if you have faith, you will recieve it."
Mathew 21:22

I know God is capable of doing anything...creator of the universe...he defies our human senses with his unbelievable miracles.
Hence, why people say "That does not make sense, so i will not believe".
They are putting their faith in their own senses higher than their faith in God.
God's ways are HIGHER than our ways!

Knowing all of this, I am troubled by my own lack of faith.
My faith is corrupted by...the world. I believe in God, and I seek wisdom from His words every day...but my senses betray me. Why do i worry? Why do i cry? I have God on my side.

I am on a quest from now on to achieve faith in God.
I know i am severely lacking faith...and i will seek until i find.
I absolutely will not give up until I abandon my senses and begin to truly trust in God with my life. I will achieve faith...i will knock and the door will be opened onto me.

I welcome and encourage any companions who wish to find true faith in the Lord.

"He has the whole His hands.."
He has my life in His hands. I will fear nothing...the Lord is with me.

"if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, 'move from here to there,' and it would move. Nothing would be impossible."
mathew 17:20-21
Talk about lifting weights...
Unless you are moving mountains and more, you need more faith.
Let us pray for eachother in Faith

"For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them."
Mathew 18:20
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Hey Chillen LISTEN UP:

A friend is the one who comes in when the whole world has gone out. ~Grace Pulpit

Strangers are just friends waiting to happen. ~Rod McKuen

A friend can tell you things you don't want to tell yourself. ~Frances Ward Weller

A friend accepts us as we are yet helps us to be what we should. ~Author Unknown

'Tis a great confidence in a friend to tell him your faults; greater to tell him his. ~Benjamin Franklin

PB I would appreciate if you would take care of the ChillOut Log, while I am absent.

Thank you in advance.

Nothing else to add; maybe one could use my type of assistance elsewhere

Hey Chillen, people do use your assistance here, but it's just the way of the world the some people aren't going to like and/or understand you. You were a cop for christs sake, you should be used to it ;)

Cheer up buddy, a positive outlook usually comes out on top
Chillen, I'm not sure what is going on, but you HAVE to know how important you are to this forum. If people cannot respect you for what you have done on this forum, then tell them to go F--- off! Honestly! You have been there for me and countless others and we appreciate your support and encouragement! Please don't leave! I thoroughly enjoy your friendship and I hope you know it's reciprocated. I will always be there for you!

Sent you a PM, but due to pc issues, can't get onto yahoo. PLEASE let me know how you are.....I'm concerned....
If this has to do with a certain someone, they aren't worth the time or effort. Ignore them, report them, do whatever you have to.
heya Chillen, i hope your not leaving, i really do.

i agree with everyone else here, and if it is to do with a certain someone like beth said, please just ignore them and get over it

Talk to me, if you want, tell me whats been going on

Jackie xxx
I just went to Chillen's profile and it's starting to look rather empty and he changed the title under his name to something bland. I really hope he isn't gone....

Chillen. I sent you a couple emails. PLEASE respond....
10/4 chillen is chillen, so I be fillin' in for him

Cataclysm~a sudden and violent physical action producing changes

Nobody wants their life to endure and suffer through a cataclysm.
It is very likely to be something we truly fear in our lives.
However, how many of us realize that we should learn from every tragedy in our lives?
There is a lesson behind every gaffe,error, and blunder; each lesson we learn adds to our mental library of "what not to do", or "what i have to do" so that we will not make the mistake again.

However, did those gaffes, errors, and blunders absolutely have to occur in order for us to learn the lesson and gain wisdom?

Absoluetly not.

Chances are, we were warned beforehand not to make the mistake, yet we still oversaw the lesson!
There are so many preminitions of disaster we can learn from, yet we pass them by without taking into account what might happen to us as a result.
There are endless passages teaching good judgement which we all have the privalage to learn.

This is my point:
Hunger for wisdom, thirst for insight, long for understanding, and pray for faith in God to guide you.

He will be a lamp onto your feet, and a light onto your path, guiding you like a shephard along the narrow roads, protecting you from unneccisary cataclysms.

"Joyful is the person who finds wisdom, the one who gains understanding.
For wisdom is more profitable than silver, and her wages are better than gold.
Wisdom is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her.
Wisdom is a tree of life to those who embrace her; happy are those who hold her tightly."
Proverbs 3:13-15,18

Let us pray for eachother in the search for wisdom.
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Hey Chillen LISTEN UP:

A friend is the one who comes in when the whole world has gone out. ~Grace Pulpit

Strangers are just friends waiting to happen. ~Rod McKuen

A friend can tell you things you don't want to tell yourself. ~Frances Ward Weller

A friend accepts us as we are yet helps us to be what we should. ~Author Unknown

'Tis a great confidence in a friend to tell him your faults; greater to tell him his. ~Benjamin Franklin


My on FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!------------> know what I am referring to..........LOL.......

I saw that and was like.................................................>:eek: :yelrotflmao:

AMP........what a wonderful post to make, dude.........(we have unfinished your journal).......>Get your @SS back on this forum...........:yelrotflmao:---------------->LOL!
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Please don't leave. You've been so encouraging. I hope all is well.


ALL IS WELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!......................and we continue to ROCK!!!!!!!!!!
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