The ChillOut Log

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Heya chillen, sorry i havent been on here for a couple of days, i been busy. yes i have email: i will pm u it, thanks man


Jackie xx

I got your PM........Expect an E-Mail
Good morning everyone........

Hope your day ends up Great......

Jon: I guess I am getting close. I hadnt noticed: About 2 days off..:)
yeah my day is going great now. it started off rough - 3am in the morning i was waiting for a taxi in the freezing cold with a couple of mates, for over an hour.

I went driving ealier with my brother - that was good, i went really well, im getting better at driving, maybe i will get my lisence by the end of the year, it would be kool if i do.

at the moment im sorting out music on my computer, ive got too much, im going through it all, deleting the rubbish that i dont want n probs never listened to, i need a bigger ipod, i can fill a 4 gb one.

Hows everyone elses day going, what u been up 2??

Jackie xxxxx
You ate good the other day: 2800+ calories.......I think this is the most you had ate in a while.....(over your limit, GIRL!)

Things are are you Jackie
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yeah im thinking that cant be right, lol. Well at least it will maybe raise my metabolism for a couple of days - would this make sense?

Jackie xx

Yeah i realise its way over my limit - trust me i wont be doing that again, i want a lil 6 pack lol

n thats not of rolls, hahaha
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Manipulation of calories according to several arguements I have read can have an effect on the metabolism.

This is one reason (among others)when one coming off a deficit diet they get the effects they do.

I missed ya jackie........I hope all is well.

I think the Burger King whopper Meal......did you in.....(have you googled this to get the caloric amount?-----you will be suprised in the calories and bad fat content:

To be honest, jackie: 2800 cals is alot of calories for the activities you do. But going over "reasonably" once in a while, I do advocate for several reasons---------------->But 1000c is a bit high..........Agreed?

BUT DONT FRET<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<ROCK ON!
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yes i understand ya, i must have done about 2 hours of walking yesterday at least, and at least an hour of dancing

Yes i googled the calories - and yes i was shocked lol

yes i do agree thats a bit high

Jackie xxx
yes i understand ya, i must have done about 2 hours of walking yesterday at least, and at least an hour of dancing

Yes i googled the calories - and yes i was shocked lol

yes i do agree thats a bit high

Jackie xxx

I have to run and pick up my wife's mother (LOL)......I will be back.....In a little bit......:rolleyes:
ok just dont try to do them both at once, you might strain your back lol

i realise thats not what you meant, im having fun hahaha

Jackie xx
Im gonna be busy with a few things at home, and then I have to get busy with a posting promise I made in the chill log; therefore I will not have much time today.

Maybe after work for me and after school for you 2morrow........

Best regards,

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I am good AMP. Thank you for asking.

I am working on a post for FoRenSiC and ARC at the moment that is going to be posted to the ChillOut Log when I finish. Both brotha's asked me to write some thoughts........

My heart burns for the brotha and sista's because I do know the trials and tribulations of the road to our goals--at least from personal experiences. Above ALL ELSE you have to count on yourself to get the job finished--or it will never get accomplished......


Thank you for asking........hope the rest of the evening goes well.

Best wishes

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ok, sounds good, chillen.
just so you feeling a bit better than before..
and im thinking about asking my dad to bring me to the doc for some physical therapy classes that i can take...thats what i did when i hurt my back on the trampoline2 years worked good
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