The ChillOut Log

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i missed you!

Sup, Jon! :)

great to be back man...iv missed so much of ur work, but i hope u forgive me!

Of course. :)

glad to hear u accomplished your goal of 170/8%!

Thank you, Jon. It was much more difficult this time (as compared to the last, and the last was difficult too, lol). Work pressure (10 or more hour days about 6 days per week), and trying to work in a diet/training regimen to go under 10% isn't an optimal combination--considering what I have to do in diet to get a response. I have more satisfaction this time then I did last time.

I appreciate you taking the time to post a comment, Jon. I missed you too.

How have you been? How is home life treating you?


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170lbs around 8% body fat is a hell of an accomplishment, regardless of age. Congrats Chillen, it's good to know the hard work is paying up.

Wow that's amazing. I guess we should offer Chillen a doughnut on the way to the gym to slow him down a bit. I'm jealous. :D
Wow that's amazing. I guess we should offer Chillen a doughnut on the way to the gym to slow him down a bit. I'm jealous. :D

The doughnut with its sugar and other carbohydrates, sounds pretty good, post glucose depletion, and wouldn't experience any adverse physical-goal effects.

;) :)

Thank you, BB.

How are your goals coming along? How are you doing? I sincerely hope all is well with you.

Have a good Sunday, BB. :)

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The doughnut with its sugar and other carbohydrates, sounds pretty good, post glucose depletion, and wouldn't experience any adverse physical-goal effects.

;) :)

Thank you, BB.

How are your goals coming along? How are you doing? I sincerely hope all is well with you.

Have a good Sunday, BB. :)

I'm fine how is Marko doing did he get his 6-pack? Its been frustrating for me trying to get to 100 kg squat with my hips lower than my knees. I'm close enough to smell it though. :animal2:
I'm fine how is Marko doing did he get his 6-pack? Its been frustrating for me trying to get to 100 kg squat with my hips lower than my knees. I'm close enough to smell it though. :animal2:

I spoke to him a few weeks ago, and he is right on track and doing very well. I expect an update soon, and expect good results.

You will get this..........shaaaaaaaaaaaaaait.......! :)

What exactly are you doing to improve going above this stated weight? Do you mind sharing your program? Or did I miss this some where on the forum already posted? I apologize, I do not know your personal goals, do you mind sharing them, BB? I would be interested in reading that.

Hope your Sunday went well. :)


Best regards,

June 28, 2009: Thoughts for the Day: Metabolism Discussion

At this link is some good information about variances in metabolism which includes Lyle McDonald response posts and some PubMed posted studies on the subject with links.

He is the link if you wish to read on it:

Metabolism Question
hey chillen! iv been doing well; just graduated high school about a month ago and summer has been fairly busy!
wrestling ended 2 weeks ago, which makes me very happy because that means i get to hit the weights HARD! and now i can track everything and tailor my progrom however i see fit instead of wasting my time with hammer curls and tons of upper body stuff we did in wrestling lifts.
however, wrestling was very productive; i maintained my weight and strength, and learned a lot of techniques!

home life has been very comfortable! im still with my girlfriend and we are very happy together!(no im not living with her hahaha). everyone in the family is getting along very well and i just fixed my BIKE!!! i usually ride it around 8-10 miles to my girlfriend's house because i dont have a car LOL XD

besides that, iv been improving my lifts quite comfortably, my new goal is to get my back squat very high--above 340 and improve the SIZE of my calves. too small.

it was very fun today because my girlfriend tried out weightlifitng the last 2 weeks and she enjoys it very much!!!
so she lifted today and i spotted her; she worked up to a back squat of 130x3 at a body weight of 123. not bad huh?! :D 2nd time she ever squatted! haha im proud of her. wer working her up to a 160 back squat! i really hope ur doing fine in your job, chillen! i reallly really look forward to the rest of the summer with plenty of communication between us for support, ideas, and friendship!!!! :D
Wow, how did you pull leaning down to 8% while doing 10 hours work days. That is just amazing, share the secret.

Glad to see you posting again man, I miss: your poetry, knowledge, courtesy, insight, detailed and the combinatin of all that which only Chillen can bring to the table. Welcome back!!! Still awaiting the pictures.
Wow, how did you pull leaning down to 8% while doing 10 hours work days. That is just amazing, share the secret.

If it doesn't "fit" you must "acquit".

If the food item (by calories and macro-nutrient allotment), doesn't "fit" in the type of diet you are following, you must acquit (let it go).

When I was handed the project a few months ago, I knew then it was going to be long-term project that could effect some of the short-term business. I knew the hours were going to be long, and the days would accumulate.

In addition the work was going to be more mental than physical, and I had to keep my energy up (to keep mind alert) So the diet circumference/training volume and frequency had to be inline with this, while at the same time allowing for some-albeit slower fat reduction and muscle maintenance.

The "clock" hours were going to be the same each day; therefore, after each day, I would sleep for 2 to 3 hours after work, get up, train (if a training day), and then go back to bed after about an hour. I respond very well to variances of glucose depletion (learned through a school of hard-knocks in trying to figure out how to get rid of the last bit of BF, in my first goal attempt), but, in truth I don't have to deplete "it" fully, like I have in the past. I just have to touch base with it, just enough.

I studied some of Lyle McDonald's thought processes and opinion on the "approximate amount of carbohydrates" burned during working weight training set, and did some math on the amount of sets/reps I was performing, and kept in mind what was "approximately needed" just for bodily function with training not considered and considered at the same time. I reconfigured my calorie allotment with the increased activity, and spent some time working on calorie and macro-nutrient timing in relation to what I was doing.

For the work day, I concentrated in getting in most of my calories and carbohydrates. Most carbohydrates were slower releasing carbohydrates, such as Oatmeal, grains, etc (without getting into more detail), and simple carbohydrates (quicker absorbing) were given (just enough) around workouts (including protein of course). And, I drank a lot of water, coffee/tea, both hot and iced :))).

The process was just enough to bring glucose depletion. I kept calories about -400 below maintenance, with variable maintenance lines dependent on what I was doing. Additionally, I allowed some re-feeds, of which my body was more tolerant to the extra calories and carbohydrates, and this "assists" with a degrading metabolism that a deficit tends to bring over time.

I trained a push/pull circuit 3 days per week, and performed cardio (upright bike) 3/4 times per week (mainly in the AM, before work). I respond well to cardiovascular-activity in the AM, only in the sense that it tends to bring my energy up and make more more alert, and of course the obvious physical/biological benefits that it brings.

This is a brief synopsis, if want a more detailed post, I can do this. But be prepared for it being very long.

Believe it or not, I am a "bottom-Line" sort of person. I study constantly. While I research some science, and understand some of the processes dependent on what we are talking about, I garner a "basic" understanding of the concept/biological process (etc), that leads to the bottom line, if you see what I am saying.

I learn just enough to "understand" the process, the reasoning behind it from reputable/respectable sources, as it relates to the purposes of what I am trying to do. When trouble creeps is your friend, and when you know yourself and how you "tend" to react, and then execute certain functions (when necessary to change), education is there to assist you.

Additionally, In order to be successful you have to check your "heart" at the door, and when walking through, make sure the door doesn't shut on "wanting-it" enough to see progress and success while being content within your life-style at the same time.

When we have goals like we do on the forum, we "must" adapt to changes in life, as the curve-balls it throws, do not stop. Give yourself "the-tools" to adapt and over-come (old military terminology)

Glad to see you posting again man, I miss: your poetry, knowledge, courtesy, insight, detailed and the combinatin of all that which only Chillen can bring to the table. Welcome back!!! Still awaiting the pictures.

Thank you Tic. I appreciate your thoughts and words of kindness.

Hope your Monday is good, young man.

Best wishes,

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I love to Garden, and plant one every year. (I posted this in the Garden thread), but wanted to post it here, as I am going to post updated pics and pics of the produce when they mature.

I have 6 different tomato plants on my patio in large pots: Patio F-1 Hybrid (determinate, 65 days, medium fruit), which is producing very well and larger than expected fruit, two Jet Stars hybrid (indeterminate, 65 days), which is producing okay (regular size tomatoes), a Chocolate Cherry Hybrid (indeterminate, color resembles deep chocolate, 70 days, 2 oz fruit size) which is already 3 1/2 foot tall (planted very early April), and producing well, and a Bush Goliath hybrid (determinate, 65 days, 8-10 oz fruit), planted late (around end of April).

In the main garden, I have some water melons and Cantaloupe, Peppers, Peanuts, and a variety of other small veggie items.

I plan to make my own peanut butter this year. :) Which rocks!


Fresh ripened tomatoes right of the vine: Fantastic! Store bought can not compare!

I took these pics about two and half weeks ago, and the plants are about a foot to a two-foot taller, and much bushier than these at present:

Pictures of the Patio F1 Hybrid (golf ball size average tomatoes, producing extremely well, determinate to about 3 ft, and ripen fruit all at once, and this week, I am getting ripened fruit, and already had a few! :) :), and its not even July! :)):

Plant 1: (has about 40 tomatoes all together at present)


Plant 2: Has about the same amount of tomatoes, mostly in the back part of the plant at the present time)


These patios are simply amazing for as small of a plant they are. Prolific producer: just a beast.

Picture of the Chocolate Cherry Hybrid (indeterminate grows to about 3-5 approximate feet, all summer producer to frost). A brute of a plant and is about 2 foot taller than this pic at present:



The Jet Star Hybrid (indeterminate), starting out well, and producing fruit already. I have two of these, this is a pic of one of them.


Unfortunately I didn't take a pic of the Bush Goliath, I will post this later. (see next post, lol)

I will be swimming in tomatoes in July, LOL.


Best wishes to all of you, hope your Monday went well.

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I was taking a pic of the bush Goliath around the 1st of June, and my Wife slipped in a little "message" at the last second and ruined the fricken pic: :)



Best wishes,

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My son and I went out and car shopped. This is what he picked out: A Honda Civic SI, Blue (38,000 miles), and for $6,500. I co-signed for him, to get his credit started:




And, my son Striking a pose next to the car:


Needless to say he is very happy young man at the present.

Well, I am a Great Daddy..........>at least for today....., lol :)

Best wishes,
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Off to train (yes this late).

Jon I will answer your post 2morrow.....sorry for the delay, young man.

Edit:Jackie I am patiently waiting on you, sista.

Best regards,

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Your son is a lucky kid! That car is coveted by many! Just make sure he obeys the speed limit, as that's a popular 'boy racer' car.
Your son is a lucky kid! That car is coveted by many! Just make sure he obeys the speed limit, as that's a popular 'boy racer' car.

Yes, I know. He spend many weeks looking for this make and model of car. Quentin is responsible, though I know like most "kids" (he is 20, 21 in September), they do "things" that the parents do not know, and if they did know would put more grey hair on their head (I know I did, LOL).

He is responsible: He held the same job since his sophomore year of high school until he graduated, and then moved to Sprint-Communications post-graduation (where he currently works part-time, while attending K.U.).

One of the stipulations of getting this vehicle, is that I required his own investment. He came up with 90% of a 1,500 down payment, and I supplied the small amount remaining, and the co-signature. In addition, he saved for the Insurance, and registration/tax fees: All a good learning process for this young man. The decision to assist him, was made on character and responsibility.

I am sure he is going to have a lead foot once in a while, and we had some Father-Son discussion on this, while going out for a test drive post purchase. ;) :)

Thanks for your post, Hoss.

Best wishes,

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Absolutely, swimming in tomatoes from the Patio F1 Hybrid. They are all ripening at once, and just pounding me, and I can't keep up! Its a nice problem to have! Yes! So many healthy things to do with them.

I plan to post new plant pics as soon as I get my new camera back.

My son went to Mexico this week, and took my Coolpix camera (yes I got a new camera since the brand new avatar pic). He will be back next week, so I have to put off the updated pics for about a week, sorry, for anyone that is interested and waiting. No, Hoss, he didn't drive, lol.

In a week, it will mark my three year-life long journey of finding myself in fitness. I am just elated. Triumphant over trials and tribulations brings euphoria to new personal levels.

Just to be stupid, I slapped about 45 pounds of weight and walked around like a complete idiot.........the weight resembled the initial weight I lost, to the dismay of my wife who made some rather absurd comments and laughed her ass off.

Then I took my balding ass to the pull-up bar, and did 16 reps with the weight attached........and cracked my nuts in the process (hanging on with a leather belt between legs), and, uh.....decided that was good......:)

Reps with my balls, not cool. :(

Happiness to all

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LOLZ maybe they will swell up and u can brag about how big ur balls are. =P

I would prefer they didn't, thank you. :)

They are fine. I just a had a bruised ego, because my wife was standing there watching. She had no sympathy. :( :eek:

Trust me, my wife is kind loving, adoring women, but with thick skin, extremely tough, claws of a female wolverine, and gnashing teeth.

She just said shake it off, and shut up, stupid. :(

EDIT: Remember, she is the type of gal that wants the seat lowered after I/or sons take a piss.

And, I am the type of guy, that wants the seat raised after they piss.

Equal rights, I say. If she raises the lid, I lower the lid, its that simple :)

Does this work?

Uh.....after 25 years of arguing......>:). I am lowering the lid. :(

I lose.........:(

Best regards,

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July 02, 2009, Thoughts for the Day

You have heard:

Carbohydrates in excess get converted and Stored​

Well, here a person I respect: Lyle McDonald, and his view point on this, and other things:

DNL has been the subject of much debate for years and many readers have probably seen it claimed that ‘carbs in excess of needs simply get converted to fat and stored’. This is true if you’re looking at rats, mice and hamsters. One study (Acheson et. al., 1982) in humans gave the subjects 500 grams of carbohydrates (2000 calories) all at once; conversion of carbs to fat was insignificant. The majority of research in humans has not found DNL to contribute significantly to fat gain except under a few very extreme conditions.


Effects of (-)-hydroxycitrate on Net Fat Synthesis as De Novo Lipogenesis

Kovacs EM and MS Westerterp-Plantenga Effects of (-)-hydroxycitrate on net fat synthesis as de novo lipogenesis. Physiol Behav. (2006) May 23; [Epub ahead of print]

(-)-Hydroxycitrate (HCA) might promote weight maintenance by limiting the capacity for de novo lipogenesis (DNL). It was investigated whether HCA may reduce DNL in humans during a persistent excess of energy intake as carbohydrate. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized and cross-over design, 10 sedentary lean male subjects (mean+/-S.D., age: 24+/-5 years, BMI: 21.8+/-2.1 kg/m(2)) performed a glycogen depletion exercise test followed by a 3-day high-fat diet (F/CHO/P, 60/25/15% energy; 100% of energy expenditure (EE)) and a 7-day high-CHO diet (F/CHO/P, <5/>85/10% energy; 130-175% of EE; overfeeding). During overfeeding, they ingested 3×500 mg/day HCA or placebo (PLA). Each intervention ended with a 60-h stay in the respiration chamber (days 9 and 10). Body weight increased during overfeeding (mean+/-S.E., HCA: 2.9+/-0.2 kg, PLA: 2.8+/-0.2 kg). Respiratory quotient (RQ) was >1.00 in all subjects indicating that DNL was present. On day 9, 24-h EE was lower with HCA compared to PLA (P<0.05). On day 10, resting metabolic rate and RQ during night were lower (P<0.01 and P<0.05, respectively). Non-protein RQ, fat balance and net fat synthesis as DNL tended to be lower (P<0.1) with HCA compared to PLA indicating lower DNL; activity-induced EE was higher with HCA (P<0.05) indicating the urge to eliminate the excess of energy ingested. We conclude that an experimental condition resulting in DNL in humans was created and that treatment with HCA during overfeeding with carbohydrates may reduce DNL.

My comments: I choose this week’s study for two reasons as it addresses two separate issues, that of de novo lipogenesis (DNL, the synthesis of fat from carbohydrates) as well as the supplement hydroxycitric acid (HCA) which has been touted as a ‘fat-burner’ (for use on a fat loss diet) for quite some time.

DNL has been the subject of much debate for years and many readers have probably seen it claimed that ‘carbs in excess of needs simply get converted to fat and stored’. This is true if you’re looking at rats, mice and hamsters. One study (Acheson et. al., 1982) in humans gave the subjects 500 grams of carbohydrates (2000 calories) all at once; conversion of carbs to fat was insignificant. The majority of research in humans has not found DNL to contribute significantly to fat gain except under a few very extreme conditions. They are

1. An artificially low-fat diet: less than 10% of total calories which well-meaning but otherwise misguided athletes and bodybuilders sometimes try to achieve.

2. Chronic massive carbohydrate overfeeding: one study (Acheson et. al., 1988) gave 700-900 grams of carbohydrates for 3 straight days following glycogen depletion. In the first 24 hours, as glycogen was refilled, there was no net DNL. Over the next 2 days, as carb intake remained massive and sustained, DNL increased and a significant amount of fat was synthesized. This is part of why diets like Bodyopus and my Ultimate Diet 2.0 taper carbohydrates down as the carb-load continues.

This study created a situation similar to both, for the first 3 days, the subjects followed a low-carbohydrate diet with glycogen depletion (sound familiar). Then they were overfed for the next 7 days on 85% carbohydrates(5% fat and 10% protein) with caloric intake at 130-170% over maintenance. Massive carbohydrate overfeeding accompanied by a very low fat intake, and DNL increased significantly as indicated by a respiratory quotient (RQ) greater than 1.0.

Along with this, the researchers gave the subjects HCA to see if it blunted DNL during the overfeeding, which it did. Back in my first book The Ketogenic Diet, I mentioned that HCA might have some use during CKD style carb-loads for this very reason: empirically, some people found that HCA would limit bloating and puffiness during their carb-load.

But what relevance does this study have to normal conditions? Essentially none. Unless you’re deliberately overfeeding carbs for many days in a row (along with an extremely low-fat intake), DNL generally contributes minimally, if at all to fat gain (for review, see Hellerstein, 1999). As well, HCA only has an impact in humans during massive carbohydrate overfeeding, although one study (Westerterp-Plantenga, 2002) suggested it might help reduce food intake. Its use as a fat-burner on a diet (by definiton you can’t be overfeeding carbs, except during refeeds or CKD style carb-loads) was misguided anyhow, since that’s not how it works.

Summing up: except under the most extreme of dietary conditions, DNL contributes almost insignificantly to fat gain in humans. Which isn’t to say that carbs don’t contribute to fat gain, it’s simply generally not through direct conversion to fat. And while HCA might have some use during those types of extreme dietary conditions, in general it’s fairly useless as a supplement; especially as any kind of fat burner on a diet.


Have a good read.........Education is the Key folks, Trust me. Its your friend, and will be there when you most need it, and when the chips go down.

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July 02, 2009, Thoughts for the Day (2)

Here is another good one:


This may be of interest to some of you.

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