Weight-Loss The Black Team Thread

YEAH!!! BELL great job, I did not fair well on my weigh in this morning. Aunt Flo showed up today, YEPPER DOO bright and early when I got up, and well the scale proved that one. I was up a pound from last week. I give UP!!! I worked my A........ Off at the gym all week, probably burned a good 600-700 calories each night, I never ate above 1850 calories ALL week, and I over did it on fiber. So YOU tell me why my body refuses to show weight loss. I'm alright to be eliminated this week, really I should, until my body starts catching up with me, everyone else has really done much, much better. YOU GO BLACK TEAM!! Great job everyone!:hurray:
Bella and Rah--Congrats on your loss! :party:

Twin, I am so sorry about the lb gain. But you know it is the :reddevil: who's to blame. I think most people go up 2-3lbs when it arrives, and you only gained one. So I think you'll have a great weigh in next week when it's gone. I'm sure of it. Don't give up, sweetness!! :grouphug:

If it makes you feel any better, I stayed the same this week. I thought I was going to be up a lb as well, and I don't have :reddevil: to blame.

I lost 1lb!!! i am totally shocked by this as i stayted the same in weigh-in last night (shown on ticker) but this morning 1lb lighter not complaining but what on earth happened over night??? and i need it to happen more!! LOL

Good luck everyone

:party: Yay congrats now move that ticker,have a nice weekend,Tammy
YEAH!!! BELL great job, I did not fair well on my weigh in this morning. Aunt Flo showed up today, YEPPER DOO bright and early when I got up, and well the scale proved that one. I was up a pound from last week. I give UP!!! I worked my A........ Off at the gym all week, probably burned a good 600-700 calories each night, I never ate above 1850 calories ALL week, and I over did it on fiber. So YOU tell me why my body refuses to show weight loss. I'm alright to be eliminated this week, really I should, until my body starts catching up with me, everyone else has really done much, much better. YOU GO BLACK TEAM!! Great job everyone!:hurray:

DON'T GIVE UP!!Your doing gr8 and I am thinking muscle gain? I will predict a big jump DOWN on the scale next weigh in!Have a gr8 weekend Tammy
Woohoo!! :hurray:
The scale was on a down day!!!! YEAH!!!!
I lost 2.2 pounds!!!
I am now 191.6lbs. I feel as light as a butterfly! LOL Haven't been that low in at least 12 years.

YAY well done and great achievement 12year wow you must be made up
Week 2 Results

Blue Team: 897.5 pts
Black Team: 859.9 pts (adjusted) 1117.9 total
Red Team: 833.5 pts

Aleeluh-- 75.7

I'm sorry to say that the 3 people whose names are at the bottom in bold have been eliminated. Don't forget about the 2nd chance thread for those who are eliminated. I hope you will keep up your weight loss efforts, and join that thread. When the challenge is over, I'll total up your pts and whoever has the most will win the 2nd chance. You still do the exercise and bonus pts just like you do here.
All right Blackjacks, we've got some stiff competiton. The Blue Team is kicking ass. All but 2 of them got in all their exercise and bonus pts last week. Of those of us left, 2 didn't get all their bonus and exercise pts. Since this week's pts (aside from the weigh in) are all received by exercise, let's make sure we get those 5hrs in. :hurray:

Sorry to see catsmeow, Aleeluh, Spartacus26 leave us here but keep going on the 2nd chance thread

Right black team lets get exercising

Actually, I need to clarify the pts for the bonus. You still can get a max of 24pts for exercise as usual for up to 300 minutes. In addition, if you exercise for more than 180 minutes, you'll get 5pts for every 30 min on top of the 24pts. So the max pts for the week with exercise and the bonus is 44pts. 24pts for exercise, and 20pts for the bonus. The max exercise minutes you can get pts for is still 300 minutes.

basically what i need to remember ... 300mins=44points
I hate to see people eliminated from our team! :angelsad2:
Don't give up guys! Kick some boo-tah over in the 2nd chance thread! We'll still be rooting for ya!
As for the exercise this week since I have joined a new class that runs on Tuesday's and Thursday's I will have no problem getting all my exercise in. Automatically getting an hour for Mon, Tues, Wed and Thursday. Then add in the swimming classes and any elliptical that I do.
I am virtually guarenteed those 44 points!
Come on BlackJacks!
Let's get back into that #1 spot!
:ack2: WOW I was shocked to see peeps gone from our team,I hope you willcontinue with your weightloss and I will check in with yas on the other thread!
I have been so kicking butt and thought I was doing good but to see me close to the bottome was a shocker! So to lots of pints we need to exersice atleast 4-5 hours this week???Any tips let me know,I though 45 minutes was enough until I did the math.OK Team we have to really pull together and give it all we got,we have a "ROCKING TEAM"**HUGGS***TAMMY

right so i just realised i didn't add 45mins to my total excercise time for last week. i can't believe it!!!!!

this week i definitley have to get max points. i found these 10 min workout cards which i'm trying to do evry hour or so. done 6 today i think. 4 more to go atleast!!!!

have a good excercising week!!!!!

take care


Sorry to see catsmeow, Aleeluh & Spartacus26 get eliminated :(
Had hoped we could keep everyone for a long time. I guess it means it's getting tougher. I hope you guys keep working hard in the second chance section . Don't give up on losing those lbs!
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No exercise as of yet due to being sick with this damn cold and spending the weekend in bed. I WILL get all 300 minutes in before Friday though! I have an hour of Jujitsu tomorrow at lunch then an hour at the gym tomorrow night. I will be going tonight and Thursday night for an hour and a half also.

I doubt I will have any weight loss again this week. The :reddevil: came yesterday so I am icky and bloated and it will take 4-6 weeks for the new Thyroid medication to take full effect. I hope I can stay in this challenge with just exercise and bonus points long enough for the weight to start coming off.
Week 4's bonus has been posted:


This is the last week of teams before we go to the individual phase that starts next Friday. Don't forget to update this past week's points before midnight Friday EST (GMT-5hrs) . That's just under 27hrs from now.
