Weight-Loss The Amazing Race Challenge Weight Loss Warriors Team

2.5 c. of cabbage down, and 75 minutes of exercise.

I ate the cabbage in both colcannon and asian chicken wraps. The wraps are supposed to be wrapped in raw lettuce, but I subbed whole boiled cabbage leaves instead, plus in the chicken/veggie mixture, there was 1 c. cabbage. There was a cup in the colcannon, also.

Good work! We're going to reach our objective in no time!
Hey girls, I'm checking on you to see how you're doing.
With my wednesday morning hockey practice, I'll reach 4.5 hrs. If you think you might not be able to reach your 4hrs, I'll probably get 5.5 or 6.5 hours!!

Also, I learned today that I'm scheduled to have an operation on monday. (it was supposed to be in may)
The operation consists of a small incision near my coccyx.
The doctor says I should be able to get back on my feet within 2-3 days but I won't take any chances by doing my part of the exercising over the weekend.
The only thing I fear is being at home with nothing to do and unable to train for 2-3 days is food. I'll put a locker on the fridge :)
For easy reference...

Week 2—Moscow to Rio de Janeiro Travel time: 16hrs 45min. That's 5hrs 35min for each team member if split up evenly.

Roadblock: The roadblock is to do the Capoeira videos below. Capoeira is a Brazilian combination of martial arts and dance. One team member must watch the first 3 videos and follow along with the next 4 videos once during the week. You don't have to do the moves perfectly, but do the best you can as you follow along. You can do all 15 videos if you like, but only the first 7 are required.

Please keep in mind that Thursday the 13th is the last day to eat your cabbage and get in your week 1 exercise. You can use Thursday or Friday's weight for you weigh in, and all teams must have updated their detour, exercise and weight info by midnight EDT (GMT -4hrs). Otherwise, your team may be eliminated. :eek:
whoohoo! It has begun!
I played hockey during 55 minutes this morning. Right after I came to work, closed the door, and did that stupid russian dance.....ouch...Never thought a minute could be so long :p I still feel the pain!

I always thought that Bikinibound was one of the nicest person around here....
I'll have to reconsider if next detour is as hard as this one...
I'm kidding! It's still better than eating cabbage! :biggrinjester:

Aww...ne dites pas que je ne suis pas gentil ou tu casseras mon coeur. :D

Good job on doing the cossack dance--Tyly, too. :hurray: And congrats to Amber for finding creative ways to eat cabbage. What a typical Canadian male Jerome is with all his hockey playing. :D Skate away mon ami. :)
OKay...which of us is doing capoiera? Remember there is a limit as to how many roadblocks each team member can do before the challenge ends.

Also, my many, many apologies dear teammates. I ate my cabbage. I did my exercise. But, I somehow gained 1.8 lbs. I know I had a high calorie weekend, but I did well during the week, so I thought I'd at least maintain, if I did not lose. I'm sorry and I hope it does not hurt our standings too badly. I'd hate to get eliminated. (I am going to wait until tomorrow and see if it is lower, since Friday's weight can count. If it is lower, I am using it!)
Aww...ne dites pas que je ne suis pas gentil ou tu casseras mon coeur. :D

Good job on doing the cossack dance--Tyly, too. :hurray: And congrats to Amber for finding creative ways to eat cabbage. What a typical Canadian male Jerome is with all his hockey playing. :D Skate away mon ami. :)

Bikini, j'espère ne jamais te rendre triste!!:angel:

About the hockey, I know it's typical, but it's a good way for me to get in shape! It's like going for an intense run, but having a lot of fun doing it :)
Unfortunately, we're in the playoffs, so it's almost over. And we still have too much snow outside (record year in Quebec City). So I'll have to wait before getting my bike out or go for a run outside... I'll have to stick to the gym... I'd rather be outside!! :)
Amber, like daiseeangel said, don't worry for your weight. I'm sure that it willl be better next week!!
Well, i went "scouting" and spied on all the other team threads. So far, everyone who has posted has lost...except me. 2 people have not checked in yet.

As much as I hate it, unless someone does not meet the deadline (or its a non-elimination week, which I doubt in the 1st week), our team will be gone.

I'm sorry I drug you two down.
Well, i went "scouting" and spied on all the other team threads. So far, everyone who has posted has lost...except me. 2 people have not checked in yet.

As much as I hate it, unless someone does not meet the deadline (or its a non-elimination week, which I doubt in the 1st week), our team will be gone.

I'm sorry I drug you two down.

Even with your gain, your team is still close to the top in weight loss. Never fear, you cannot be eliminated this week. If anyone will be, it'll be my team. :(

Jerome--je ne suis pas triste..lol. Ne t'inquiète pas. ;) Le hockey, c'est une bonne type d'exercise en mon avie. Bon chance avec les playoffs. :D
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Well, I'd hate to see the omega-3s eliminated...but my competitive nature says I am thrilled it isn't our team!! I'm so glad I have teammates whose bodies cooperated with their efforts and gave them great losses!

So, now, team...capoeira anyone?
I went and watched the videos and were thrilled to see they were so basic and instructional and only about 1.5 minutes apiece. I don't think this will be that hard of a roadblock, actually.

If neither of you want to try it, I'm game.
Well, i went "scouting" and spied on all the other team threads. So far, everyone who has posted has lost...except me. 2 people have not checked in yet.

As much as I hate it, unless someone does not meet the deadline (or its a non-elimination week, which I doubt in the 1st week), our team will be gone.

I'm sorry I drug you two down.

Like I said, don't worry about your gain. If you gain, maybe it was water and you'll have a great loss next week. We all have bad weeks sometimes.

Make sure to make an extra effort this week, because I won't be able to lose as much since I'll have a surgery on monday... I'm still planing to lose. (2 lbs hopefully) That will be hard since I will be stuck on the couch, at home.

Anyway, I won't let you down! I promise! I'll come post here if I'm too hungry :)

And Amber, since you're game to do the roadblock, it's all yours :rotflmao:
Sure! You can do it if you like (the roadblock)! :)

Don't ever feel like you "drag us down" - we are in this together! :D
Hey girls, I got my surgery this morning. It hurts a lot and can't sit at all, but the good news is, I'm going to do a quick recovery. My case was a small one and I only have 8 stitches.
So I'll probably get through this without letting you down! I only got 47 minutes left to complete my 335 minutes and I'll be able to go on a walk on thursday.

I'm really relieved because yesterday night, I went to see on the web what my surgery was and discovered some pictures that kept me from sleeping last night. They were so horrible that if you see them, you won't eat tonight :puke: :D
On the website, the guy spent 2 months not being able to walk or sit.
Fortunately, I stressed out for nothing and I'll probably be able to run next week!!

Anyway, that's the news from me! I hope that you're doing well this week with your exercises and for Amber, that weird copeira dance!!
You are such a tough one, Jerome!!! I hope you have a super speedy recovery!

I have been visiting families this week for Spring Break, and I won't be home until Sunday. But, I have been getting in some exercise, and I have been eating right.

Unfortunately, thanks to the traveling, I haven't gotten in as much exercise as normal...

Friday: 30 minutes
Saturday: 40 minutes
Sunday: 40 minutes
Monday: 40 minutes

So far I'm only at 2.5 hours! Yikes! That is nothing compared to normal...

I'm sorry if I don't get in my full time!