TekToN's (Storm's) Lifting Log

Weight: 161 //+ 13 pounds since summer

Noteworthy: Had to workout from home today :(!

Bench Press: 3x10 last set was 175

Tri-Push downs
: 3x10

BB Bicep curls: 3x10

DB Shrugs: 3x10

Cable Curls: 3x10

Skull Crushers: 3x10

Shoulder complex: 3x10

No running today

Intensity: 7/10

Thoughts: It's finals week and it's hard to get into the gym but I will still find a way! I had to work out from home which was lame but I'll get in the gym tomorrow and blast legs, UP THE VOLTAGE A LITTLE :devil:
NICE dude. 175x10 is really great.
and i know what you mean for the finals, i have one more for tomorrow: computer class : ]

butother than that man, im glad you'r still going to the gym, doing well man. maybe get some measurements/pics up eh? :p
Here's a picture of an arm. I am trying to make these things grow some!! argh, anyways, there's a noticeable difference from my befores I have yet to post. I'll post a pic of abs tomorrow (even though I am on a bulk, it's not overly pretty lol)


as you can kind of tell, my triceps are pretty big compared to my biceps lol... woops, :rofl:
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looks good overall, man. triceps are supposed to be bigger than biceps :p

Haha true, they are suppose to be two times bigger. Anyways,

No workout today, missed out on it. So I'll skip having an offday on wednesday and workout wednesday,thurs, friday. That's what I like about having an off-day during the week, my schedule can be flexible if it needs to be.

have a good day everyone.

I have a HUGE final tomorrow worth 58% of my grade, wish me good luck!
nice, man! you'l do fine if you prepared well! i wis you well!

btw, im starting a new program starting the new year! i cant wait!!! texas method man!
Weight This Morning: 162 //+ 14 pounds up since summer

Squats : 3x10 - Last set was only 235 -- upped tho

Dead Lifts : 3x10 did last 2 sets on 225

Leg Curls : 3 x10

Leg Extensions : 3x10

Calf Raises : 3x10


these all felt a little bit easier, a little sore tonight from them, must be the deep, slow good form awesome.

also did abs today

intensity: 8.5 // 10

thoughts; was a solid workout, just happy to be getting in there during finals and getting i done... awesome. As always, looking forward to arms tomorrow :)
Weight : 162.0 +// 14.0 pounds from summer

Bench Press: 3x10 - Last set was 185x10 -- Last 2 assisted

Military Press : 3x10 -- 175 on smith machine

BB Curls : 3x10

DB Pec Flies : 3x10

Tricep Overhead Extensions :

DB Shrugs :

Tricep Push down :

DB Shoulder Complex : 3x3x12 -- use 15's

Pull ups: 3 sets of 10 - Slow with good form

DB curls/Cable curls : 3x10 -- 35's

Played Basketball for awhile today. Got a good sweat in for sure.

Intensity: 9/10

Thoughts: Great workout today. I got a good burn in the arms still. I had trouble even picking up a basketball when I first started playing today. Good workout and great cardio, I am done with finals and think I owned them ;). Hope everyone else is having a great day too.
Hey guys, hope you guys are having a fantastic Friday.

Here's a look a what is going to be going on the next month or so.

I don't have free weights or anything like that besides a curling bar and a Bowflex-like Machine (I'll post pictures tomorrow). So basically it's going to be arms every other day for 6 days, then off 2 consecutive days. The days between arm days I'll do some lunges with weights in my hands and high rep body-weight squats as well as jog. That's honestly the best I can do. I can still do a pretty good Upperbody workout with my equipment.

My Upper Body days will look like so:

3x10 Bench

3x10 BB Curls

3x10 Up-right rows (Yup I can do them on this machine)

3x10 Tricep Pushdown

3x10 Skull Crushers


And I will probably end each routine with a curl burnout as well as a Bench Burnout.

So expect that to look like my workout until about Janurary 14th. I'm upset about it, but hey, at least there is something for me to do here while I am home.
Weight : 160 +//12 pounds since summer

Decline Bench Press : 3x10 last set was 245 pounds, but this is easier than a regular bench.

Tricep Push down: 3x10

BB Curls : 3 x10

Decline Push ups : 3x20

Skull Crushers : 3x10

Shoulder Complex
: 3x10

Up-right rows : (new) 3x10 last set was 165

No abs or running. I will do those on the same day.

Did a burnout on bench/curls/ and push ups

Intensity : 9/10

Thoughts : wow, this workout actually took me 80 minutes. This just goes to show that I can get a good upperbody workout from home and I'm excited about it. This machine my dad has it pretty legit I'll post images.

Here is the machine, it's called the Powertec Workbench.

not bad, man! hope you keep getting gains!!! :D

Hey, thanks PB. I should be able to work my arms really good these next few weeks here from home. How are you? and How is your workouts/routines going? You still putting in the time :)? I'm sure you are.
dude, iv been reading TONS of info on training. i read 3 e books so far. really great stuff. i can PM you a great source of information that is invaluable if you want. just give me the word.

iv been enjoying break with informing myself on training....tons of it! that and spending quality time with the family, christmas shopping, and being with the girlfriend : ] really great times man. im hoping you'r doing just as well if not better!

what are you up to?

and yeah man i always put in the time for lifting! : P

as for the creatine:
i took creatine before with high hopes and it didnt really do me that well.

i know that it is a useful suppliment but i guess i like to say i got there without it. the main reason is that i would cycle it IF i took it--every month. 1 month on, 1 off. and the thing is, i dont want to over-complicate my training with strength and muscle endurance slightly swinging up and down due to the creatine supplimentation.

i guess its just easier and cheaper for me to do it "naturally" lol
Weight : 160 +//12 pounds since summer :Staying the same here.

Decline Bench Press
: 3x10 last set was 245 pounds.

Tricep Push down: 3x10

BB Curls : 3 x10

Decline Push ups
: 3x20 - I encourage anyone who doesn't have these in your workout to implement them, or at least try them. I tried them for the first time just a couple of days ago and WOW. These work your chest good. All you need is a bed or a chair (something to elevate your feet on) and go to town. You REALLY feel the tightness in your chest. A slow 20 reps is a good workout for me. This is quickly becoming my favorite exercise.

Skull Crushers : 3x10 -- Nearly failed on these today, phew.

Shoulder Complex : 3x10

Up-right rows
: (new) 3x10, these are good. I feel like I'm relying to much on momentum to get my reps, maybe I'll go down in weight a tick and focus on slow form.

Did light Abs today:
3 sets of 30 crunches and 3 sets of sides/front planks for 45 secs to a minute each.

No running today

Did a burn out on Decline Push-Ups, got a fast 38.

: 9/10

Thoughts: Phew, what a work out! I am having a blast being able to have the freedom of lifting at my own house. This machine is really somthing, I may invest in one when I am older, they aren't overly expensive either! On another note, I don't think I am going to be running during the course of this break. It's just to cold outside to do cardio here and I'm trying to put on weight anyway so the hell with it. I may scrap running from my workout totally while bulking and just play basketball for 30mins-1hour every day after my workouts in the gym. I enjoy that more and still work up a sweat.

PB; as for the creatine stuff. At first I got pretty good gains from creatine but they leveled out fast. I've been using it since August and quit using it at the start of december. I am going to take a month or two off of it and try and cycle it and see how that works. I can understand why you dont use it though. It truly isn't a miracle supplement like some people think, it does work but it's effectiveness ( for me ) leveled out quick. Just something to think about.
I am starting a new routine on Feburary 10th that is probably going to be 3 sets of 6-8 repitions. It will be a 5-day split.

Here's the short version:

Day 1: Legs/Abs -Wednesday
Day 2: Chest - Thursday
Day 3: Back/Abs* - Friday
Day 4: Rest - Saturday
Day 5: Shoulder/Abs* - Sunday
Day 6: Arms - Monday
Day 7: Rest - Tuesday

Day1: Legs/Abs

Full squat
Leg Press
Hamstring Curl
Leg extension
Calf Raises

Day2: Chest

Incline Bench
DB Bench
DB Flies
Pec Dec
Chest Pullover (this is similar to a skull crusher only you go past your head)

Day3: Back/Abs

Wide-grip Pull-ups
Barbell Rows
Straight arm-pulldowns
Seated Pull-downs.

Day4: Rest on Saturday

Day5: Shoulders/Abs

Bench Press
Front DB Raises
Side DB Raises
Upright Rows
Bentover cable Side Raises

Day6: Arms

Preacher Curls
Tricep Extensions
Hammer Curls
Calf Raises for ****s
Normal Bench

Day7 : Rest

Note: The days denoted with 'Abs' I will be doing 2 sets of 30 crunches and 2 sets of front/sides blanks. Then an additional set of crunches and front/sides planks until failure. Should be killer.

It's one muscle group a week only, and that's fine. For this workout to work to it's full potiential, I obviously cannot take days off as well as I cannot give anything other than maximum effort on every single lift. Let me know what you guys think.
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not much time to talk man, but incline bench hits the shoulders more, and flat bench hits the chest more, so move incline from chest day to shoulder day :p

i never ever tried body part splits, i never thought it was logical to train the body in such separation when it works best in unison.

either way, its cool to experiment. il be following!!!
Weight : 161 +//12 pounds since summer :Staying the same here.

Decline Bench Press :

Tricep Push down: 3x10

BB Curls :
3 x10

Decline Push ups : 3x20

Tricep-Over head Extensions : 3x10

Shoulder Complex : 3x10

Up-right rows : 3x10

Intensity : 7.5/10

Thoughts: it was an 'okay' workout. I am still kinda bogged down from x-mas still but I got the workout done today and it was still good. I'll edit this and post more, right now I am taking a nap though lol.
Weight : 164.2 +//16.2 pounds since summer: WOOT, get big!

Decline Bench Press : 3x10

Tricep Push down: 3x10

BB Curls : 3 x10

Decline Push ups : 3x20

Tricep-Over head Extensions
: 3x10

Shoulder Complex : 3x10

Up-right rows : 3x10

Shoulder Shrugs : 3x10

Also did Abs, 3 sets of 30 crunches + front/sides planks - 3 sets

Intensity : 8.5/10

Thoughts : Good workout to get back on pace. Pretty excited about my weight gain. My dad purchased me this months Muscle & Fitness Magazine. My dad use to have subscriptions to these when he body builded. Pretty interesting stuff. The Cover features fifty cent with a really interesting/unique workout. I've noticed most the magazine is composed of ads but not all of it. Still good stuff!

Here's the addition I got, I'm about 1/2 way through reading it:


PS: where the F is everyone else. Just because it's break doesn't mean you can't get after it!
Hello all. Today I didn't workout and probably won't be tomorrow either =(. I missed todays workout because I was sick from yesterday and it was a busy day believe it or not. Pretty upset about it. So these next 2 days will be off and then I will hit it really hard on Saturday! Everyone have a happy and safe new years!

Weight today: 161.8
you too bro! im still here! im taking a deloading week because i REALLY need it. after that, i'l be posting again with a great, basic new routine! iv learned so much!