Weight-Loss Team Eclipse

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August 01: 190
*Starting weight*

August 08: 188lbs - 2lbs lost - 2 points
exercise points: 6.5
*no mini challenge this past week*
Total for first week: 8.5

August 15: 188
exercise points: 5.5
mini challenge points: 6
Total for second week: 11.5

August 22: 186
exercise points: 8
mini challenge points: 4
Total for third week: 14

August 29: 183
exercise points: 3
mini challenge points: 6
Total for fourth week: 12

Sept. 05: 180 (I drank a few too many cocktails last night and was sick this morning so I don't think this'll last)
exercise points: 2.5
Total for fifth week: 5.5

Sept. 12 _______
**Final weigh in, end of full 6 wks**
exercise points:
mini challenge points:

Weight loss points:
Exercise points:
Mini Challenge Points:


Not a great week for me, I'm going to try and do better for the last week but I doubt I can beat my current best of exercise points because I don't have the same time off anymore.
Hey guys!!! One week left in the challenge!!! How are you all holding up???

This weeks mini challenge is going to be different. While its not weight loss related, I thought it would be awesome to end the challenge on a high note. Lets "pay it forward" Do something really nice for someone! It doesn't have to be grand. Everyday you do somethign really nice (out of the normal for you) you get one point :D You could even post what the nice thing is if you want??

Just wanted to add this....I will ONLY accept any updates needed to your charts...NO LATER than TUESDAY the 14th!!!! Come noon on tuesday... I"m gonna double check for any updates and then the challenge is closed.

Now, this is for anyone who might have forgotten...or who can only update on computers at work...this is NOT for people to give themselves an extra day or two to get as much weight off as possible. Lets be honest :D

Lets rock the last week guys!!!!! I believe in you all :D
What a great challenge. I really love it and will enjoy thinking of things to do. I have already decided on today's. I will phone an old friend of my dad's that like my dad doesn't get out much and tell him that I will go and pick him up one day this week and bring him back for lunch with my dad.
Wow ok so at first I couldn't think of much to do for that challenge but I've just had a great idea - or at least for today's good deed!

I've been planning for a while to send my niece a line drawing for her to colour in and some stickers for her to stick on it (she loves those kind of things).You see, because she and my sister live all the way down South I don't get to see either of them as much as I would like, so it would be a nice way to keep in touch.

Thanks for kicking me into action on this plan!
August 01- 163
*Starting weight*

August 08- 162- 1 lb lost= 1 point
exercise points: 5
*no mini challenge this past week*

August 15- 160- 2lbs lost= 2 points
exercise points: 6.5
mini challenge points:0

August 22- 160 -0 lbs lost
exercise points: 7
mini challenge points: 0

August 29- 158 -2 lbs lost= 2 points
exercise points:4.5
mini challenge points:0

Sept. 05- 157 -1 pound = 1 point
exercise points:5.5
mini challenge points:0

Sept. 12- 157 none lost
exercise points:5.5
mini challenge points:0

Weight loss points:6
Exercise points:34
Mini Challenge Points:0

August 01: 190
*Starting weight*

August 08: 188lbs - 2lbs lost - 2 points
exercise points: 6.5
*no mini challenge this past week*
Total for first week: 8.5

August 15: 188
exercise points: 5.5
mini challenge points: 6
Total for second week: 11.5

August 22: 186
exercise points: 8
mini challenge points: 4
Total for third week: 14

August 29: 183
exercise points: 3
mini challenge points: 6
Total for fourth week: 12

Sept. 05: 180
exercise points: 2.5
Total for fifth week: 5.5

Sept. 12: 179
**Final weigh in, end of full 6 wks**
exercise points: 4.5
mini challenge points: 3
Total for sixth week: 8.5

Weight loss points: 11
Exercise points: 30
Mini Challenge Points: 19


I'm pretty pleased with my totals :) Although I think I slacked off a lot in the last 2 weeks.

I hope everyone else has done well.
August 01______ 70 kg this morning.
*Starting weight*

August 08______ 0 -
exercise points: 14
*no mini challenge this past week*

August 15____0
exercise points:7.5
mini challenge points:7

August 22__0 points
exercise points: 7.5
mini challenge points: 3

August 29______0
exercise points: 9

Sept. 05______0
exercise points: 7
mini challenge points:0

Sept. 12 _______
**Final weigh in, end of full 6 wks** 2 point (finally lost a kilo :)
exercise points:5
mini challenge points:3

Weight loss points:2
Exercise points:50
mini challenge points:13
Total : 65
ok guys!!! Tuesday at noon i will be tallying the weight loss results!!! Get those charts updated!!! You've had since sunday!
Here it is folks!!! The moment we've been waiting for!!!

All in all, each team finished with ONLY 3 members! Its funny it worked out that way though.


Team Eclipse
weight loss points: 19
exercise points: 114
mini challenge points: 32

Team Crepusculo
weight loss points: 43.3 **highest weight loss points**
exercise points: 87
mini challenge points: 42

Team Luna Nueva
weight loss points: 24.8
exercise points: 158.1 **highest exercise points!!**
mini challenge points: 44 **higest mini challenge points!!!**
TOTAL POINTS: 226**highest overall points!!**


Weight loss results:
Holly88: -11
Eyckmans: -2
Bren: -6
Korrie: -15.5
JanaNanner: -14.8
Knyt: -13
jjjay: -5.4
Lochmond: -4.4
YummiMummi: -15.0

Congrats to everyone on their loss!!!!

Ok, so this is funny....I technically won the challenge....however, being a moderator, I am disqualifying myself from winning a prize. SO........

The individual with the most weight loss and will be recieving a prize from WLF.com is.....

:party:YUMMIMUMMI!!!!!! :party:

with a total of 15.0 lbs lost (and 64hrs of exercise)
Yummi.....please PM "allcdnboy" with your address where your prize can be mailed to!​

Yeah we should be proud of what we did! I know I put a lot more effort in for this challenge that I would usually.
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