Weight-Loss Team 2 Chat Thread

Hey people I'm sorry i'm sort of MIA and not posting, but i'm doing mine and colleagues' work this week so i don't have time to post. but i'm still going strong :D hope you're all doing great :D
So I thought maybe it would be nice to do a continuation of the challenge for anyone interested...anyway the info is in the link

ya know... for the first week ever... I have not hit my 4 hours yet by Thursday, but I was ovetraining and it was starting to get to me in some ways too. I am still up to about 3 1/2 hours now though. I expect to get the full 15 bonus points from the exercise challenge by weeks end. I'm on my food log and so far I'm doing it all. Now if my weight would just cooperate :cuss::cuss: Scale!!
have been out of internet this week and having a rough week on top of it. zero food points so far *shameful* I slated a free day for today but have more than used it up already. Fighting off a cold and a migraine to boot today so I did not go to the gym. Bleck.
Wow, just amazed myself with a totally awesome circuit workout....managed 4 sets of skipping and 2 sets of stair running (total 325 steps)...amongst that I did my swiss ball, weights, resistance band, elliptical trainer, bike and stepper....total of 60mins

Hope everyone else is finishing on a good note!
I have been off and around all over the place this week- so I think I won't get many of the bonuses this week. Hope everyone had a wonderful valentines day!!!
Oh well, finished off the challenge well, got in 6 hours of exercise this week. My weight has not been melting off as hoped, but I'll take a pound a week, at least it is coming off!
Hey there! Hope everyone had an awesome Valentine's Day, and a great finish to the challenge.

I thought I remember seeing a link to continue this challenge... does anyone know more about that?
My end to this challenge didn't turn out so good. My eating since Valentine's hasn't been stellar. Well, I will do better with the continuation challenge I hope. This was a BLAST.
Just checking in, eating has been ok but did not have time to log it for the bonus points
Hey folks, just checking in to say hey... I've done alright this weekend, but haven't had time for anything so I'll update soon...
Can everyone please put their final ending weight in column "F" in the spreadsheet? That way I don't have to edit any formulas. Gracias.
thank you all, its been great AND I have lost 10lbs. I have enjoyed getting to 'know' many of you and I hope to see you all in the continuation challenge!!