These are Superstitions about Tea Around the World
1. In some parts of England, it is thought that tea leaves scattered in front of the house will ward off evil spirits and protect the family that lives there.
2. If the lid of the pot is inadvertently left off, then a stranger will call at the house.
3. If you forget to put the tea into the pot before pouring on the boiling water, it is a very bad omen indeed.
4. If you make the tea too weak, you will lose the friendship of someone close to you. If you brew it too strong, you will make a new friend.
5. it is very unlucky to stir the tea in the pot - if you do you will certainly quarrel with someone.
6. If two women pour from the same pot, then one of them will have a baby within the year. Or a member of her family will. And worse still, it might be ginger-haired twins! Or both women will encounter bad fortune! So no-one should pour from the teapot in another person's house.
7. Two spoons accidentally placed on the same saucer mean that a wedding will happen soon. Or the person whose saucer it is will marry twice. Or she will have twins.
8. if you drop a teaspoon on the floor, it means that a child will visit the house.
9. If food is being served at tea-time, the person to take the last piece of cake from the plate will be the first to get married.
10. Fishermen on the east coast of England never empty the pot after they have started fishing in the north sea. If they do, they fear that they will in effect 'tip away' all the fish and that they will have to go home with empty nets.