Summer Six-Pack

aww feel better mreik! dont lose those enormous guns you call "arms"

yea we're all on that same boat tryin to get "perfect abs," some of us closer than others. but one way or another, whatever method we follow to get there, as long as we're focused and determined, we'll get there! :) (yes mreik and wolverine, this is my new outlook on life :p) so good luck to everyone and their abs o' steel!
Well, I tell ya...I lost my 20 pounds in less than four weeks with a reduced calorie diet and weight lifting. I basically followed The Velocity Diet. I did not touch one bit of cardio until last week. My cardio will now consist of two days of 15-20 minute interval runs.

Wolverine, if you will google EPOC you will find that the interval running (HIIT) is generally a superior way to go because it increases fat burning potential much better and for a longer period of time than steady state cardio at long lenghts of time.
Yeah the two weeks of cardio was great and I got into way better shape, but I wish it improved me more.

well evolution... I'm impressed. can you tell me more about your routine and this "velocity diet" you did?

and one last thing? what's your age, height, weight, muscle measurements and if possible, bf%?
I had tried to send this before, but it didn't go through...

The Velocity Diet can be found over at
My routine that I followed is in My Training Thread at the weightlifting section of this forum.

The Velocity Diet is basically a liquid diet. I basically, most of the time, only had a meal about every three or four days. The rest of my intake consisted of protein shakes, fish oils, CLA, MCTs, multi-vitamins, and Hot Rox (a fat burner). The Hot Rox helped decrease appetite between protein shakes. My intake was around 200 grams of protein, 50-80 grams of carbs, and around 70 grams of fat. I tried to limit my calories to 1400-1700 a day.

I started around 189 and ended at 168. I have since slowly climbed back up to 176 through slowly increasing my calories. I'm still pretty much on protein shakes but I have incorporated back into my intake-oatmeal, egg whites, cottage cheese, and vegetables.

I'm 28, 5'8", 176, and don't know all my measurements at the moment but I know my arms are at 16" (down a bit from when I dieted, but that's to be expected. I'm supposed to be gettin a camera by the end of middle of May and so hopefully I can take some snapshots.
hmmmmmmmmmmm... seems like a good diet. but I think what gave you the most benefits were the shakes, CLAs, fish oils and "hot rox" (so im guessing you recommend that? if so, i will maybe buy it. how many pills you take a day?) sounds good - I am impressed and will consider this. what are MCTs?

I am considering getting CLA supplements and hot rox now definitely.

As for your progress, evolution... Bravo!
Thanks, Wolvie

Yeah, I really like the Hot Rox! MCTs are medium chain triglycerides and they are fats but process a lot like a carb, so you get the benefit of the energy from carbs but not the carb count.
so were the MCTs a supp? or are they found in everyday food? if so, which food?

i must say, if you took your calories down to 1400 to 1700, i am impressed. that is really low calorie intake, and that takes serious will power. here's why i bring it up: if you lower your cal intake to such a low amount, whats the point of having the hot rox? you know what i mean?

what im trying to say is the hot rox isnt really necessary in the first place since you lowered your calorie intake anyway. but did you feel as if the hot rox burned off a lot fat? I guess what i'm really asking was IF you truly think it was effective?

Many thanks
well the hot rox would work with your already low calorie intake, and then help burn some of the few calories that are left. basically it's to get shredded..

evolution, im going to do this velocity in a week or two (when i get the money to buy the protein shakes). and i was wondering what brand of fish oils you used (like is their one thats better than others) and what type of protein shake you used, i am just going to use the one in the original velocity forum unless you feel yours worked good. and instead of hotrox i will be using stacker 2 with ephedra. ill also use a liquid multivitamin, but was wondering is CLA and MCT's really nescesary.. in your opinion.

you didn't take any fiber supps?? and one more Q to add to the mass, where in the world did you get 70g of fat in that diet?
mreik said:
where in the world did you get 70g of fat in that diet?

probably just drank straight olive oil! lol.

mreik, you're going to try stacker 2 with ephedra? tell me how that goes because im thinkin about taking a fat burner. and i thought ephedra was illegal?

from what i've heard, CLAs sound like a must. I have to get some soon.
The ban on ephedra has been lifted. When all you're living on is protein shakes you can get pretty hungry between them; the hot rox helped to decrease my food cravings and appetite. Plus, a fat burner will help kick up the metabolism slightly that a lowered calorie diet can kinda bring down.

I used a combination of Micell Edge and Biopure isolate protein. The Micell Edge has 5 grams of fiber per serving. As far as fish oils, I feel that Carlson Fish oils are the best when it comes to quality.

Let's see, there's about 9 grams of fat in the Micell edge. I used a full serving in the morning and a full serving before bed. I then did four half servings mixed with Biopure's that got me 36 grams of fat. Then I got about 10 grams of fat from the fish oil and another 10 grams of fat from the CLAs and then followed it up with another 10 grams of fat from the MCTs. My fat intake would vary from 60-70 grams on a daily basis.

The protein from t-nation would be more than fine, they got some good stuff.

On training days, my post-workout came from CytoSports CytoMax. However, Surge is a great source for PWO nutrition.

Good luck guys! Let me know if there's any more questions.
there are more questions... mwa ha ha ha

evolution said:
When all you're living on is protein shakes you can get pretty hungry between them; the hot rox helped to decrease my food cravings and appetite. Plus, a fat burner will help kick up the metabolism slightly that a lowered calorie diet can kinda bring down.

so is hot rox an appetite reducer AND fat burner? the reason I ask is that I'm more interested in a FAT burner, because I believe I have a slow metabolism.

evolution said:
On training days, my post-workout came from CytoSports CytoMax. However, Surge is a great source for PWO nutrition.

What are these cytosports cytomax and surge? these products have very interesting names so I'm intrigued.

Many thanks!
What are these cytosports cytomax and surge? these products have very interesting names so I'm intrigued.
they're both great sources of energy. a mixture between complex and simple carbs to provide steady energy, no low after the high. they work great before or after workouts, to help give you the edge and move your protein post haste..
Yup, hot rox will do both for you

Surge is good because it already has the perfect carb to protein ratio and it tastes really good.

Cytomax is good (as has been mentioned); I usually mix Biochem's Ultimate Protein System strawberry flavor with it for the protein. Yeah, I know I've listed a few different protein brands that I use...but I really do use a few. Of course, considering that I get Biochem protein for free (the guys that make Micell Edge) and Micell Edge protein for free...makes the decision easy.
the stacker's given me the shakes.. it's kinda weird but o well. it gave me a mental edge when i ran the 40, and i got a tenth lower than my best run! so gooo placebo effect! lol, anyways ill keep everyone posted, since it's legal now.

WOW! Nice job, holy cow! I've valued your opinion on many topics you've posted on, especially the abs made in the kitchen catch-phrase of yours. But NOW I can see you know what you're talking about, you've got some nice results!

Nice job!
Spock, do you have any idea what your bf% is? I'm curious because women usually have to get a really low bf% for the abdominals to visible like yours as opposed to just a flat stomach.
dam nice abs-definitly gonna pay more attention to my diet now to get results like you