Squats, pulls, and curls

Wednesday 30.04.08

week 9 day 2

A1 Clean
1x3 176
1x2 187
3x1 198
1x2 187

Lowered the weight, I can now do them pain free and they were all pretty easy. I'm just gonna work on ramping up until I can do triples with 90kg, which should be possible. My hip hurts more on cleans because when you catch the weight you have a pretty quick eccentric phase which takes a lot, it is not like a squat where I can control it down.

B1 Hang power snatch
1x3 132
1x3 143
3x1 154
2x2 143
2x3 132
2x2 132

These were cool, pretty easy. I switched from pwr snatch to hang pwr snatch and lowered the weight a bit

C1 Clean pull
1x3 275
1x3 286
3x2 297
4x2 286
1x2 275

Getting the hang of these now!

D1 Back squat
1x3 264
1x3 275
2x2 286 (was suppose to do 3 sets here, after this I also found I had to adjust things down a bit, I guess I started too high :D)
1x2 275
1x1 275
2x3 253

E1 Bench press
1x5 198
3x5 209
pushups: 1x13 BW done right after the last bench set.

E2 45 degree bent over supinated rows
1x10 176
1x12 176
1x06 197
1x12 176

E3 Standing ab pulldown
2x10 110
1x12 99

Perri workout: the usual
PWO: the usual

All in all a good workout. happy with the benching, I'll be doing 3x5 with 220 in no time. Even though I had to lower adjust the squats a bit down I can't say I'm disappointed.
Also I have started doing a psoas activation drill before front squatting and cleans, this really helps, so I guess my hip flexors might actually be a bit inactive (which is more common than people think)
Thought of the day:
Overtraining is just a myth that God started spreading to stop humans from getting stronger than him.
Thought of the day:
Overtraining is just a myth that God started spreading to stop humans from getting stronger than him.

:D You've never questioned that you were overtraining? I have questioned it before myself, I think at some point during the workout it just gets counterproductive...

I really love your awesome high volume program btw man, looks great.

What are you doing for your diet plan right now? You still watching carbs in some way?
Watching carbs, yes. Workout days, carbs during, post and post post, sometimes post post post if I feel like it.
rest days, carbs for breakfast and usually one more meal later in the day.

I always questioned overtraining, all my programs people tell me I will overtrain and burn out, never did. I just though it was a cool way of saying it :D
I haven't logged for a while because I was at home taking one English written and one oral exam. I got an 6 on the oral exam :D I did 2 workouts there, but I didn't bother to log them.
Friday 09.05.08

Week 1 day 1
this is the program I'm starting:

A1 Hang snatch
4x3 110

B1 Hang power clean
1x3 198
2x3 187

C1 Jerk
1x3 198
2x3 187

D1 Clean pull
1x3 275
1x2 286
1x2 296
1x2 286

E1 Front squat
1x3 214.5
1x2 225.5
1x2 236.5
1x1 236.5
1x2 225.5
3x3 214.5
1x2 214.5

This was a heavy squatting session :D

1x3 352
3x2 363
3x3 352

G1 Biceps curl
2x12 44
1x09 44

Haa my curling sucks :p haven't done it in a while.

Perri: the usual
PWO: the usual
Saturday 10.05.08

Week 1 day 2

A1 Clean
1x3 187
2x3 176

B1 hang power snatch
1x3 143
3x3 132

C1 Snatch balance
1x3 121
2x3 110

D1 Snatch pull
1x3 198
1x2 209
1x2 220
1x2 209

E1 Back squat
1x3 264
1x2 275
1x2 286 (very hard!)
1x1 286
1x2 275
3x3 264
1x2 264

E2 Rear delt fly
2x6 17.6

F1 Bench press
1x1 220
1x2 220
1x1 220

I didn't really have a lot to give here, got weak towards the end of the training

F2 Cable row
1x10 95.7
1x06 95.7

G1 curls
1x8 66
1x6 66
1x8 44

Perri: Usual
PWO: usual
Monday 12.05.08

Week 1 Day 3

A1 Clean and jerk
2x2 198
3x2 187

B1 Hang snatch
1x3 110
3x3 121

C1 Snatch pull
1x3 198
1x2 209
1x2 220 (definitely got this higher than I used to get 220)
1x2 209

D1 Back squat
1x3 264
1x2 275
1x2 286
1x1 286
1x2 275
3x3 264
1x2 264

Exactly the same as last back squatting session a couple days ago, it was definitely easier now though.

D2 Rear delt fly
3x10 15.4

D2.5 L lat + ext rot
1x10 13.2
2x12 11

1x3 187
3x2 198
3x3 187

GMs are great, I really have to push my belly out in order to stabilize the spine to keep it straight when I'm far down, which is something I need to practice and I hope it will carry over to the same thing on the DL and squat
This was actually kinda easy and I can probably do more. (which I have in the past)

E2 45 degree bent over bb row sup grip
1x11 187
2x07 298

F1 Overhead squat iso hold (in the hole)
Xx 132
1x14 132
1x12 132

the numbers are not reps, they are counts, I counted to 14 the second set and 12 the last, the first one I didn't count.
This is kinda of an experiment, I've been incorporating overhead holds with a snatch grip, but figured since where I need the stability is in the hole on the snatch, why not hold it there :p
Anyone tried this before? is this something people do?

F2 Incline bench bi curls
1x12 22
1x10 22
1x12 22

perri workout: the usual
PWO: the usual
Wednesday 14.05.08

Week 1 day 4

A1 hang power snatch
1x3 143
3x3 132

B1 Power clean and power jerk
Jerk part more like a push press, I'm not good at ducking under without splitting my legs.
3x2 198
2x2 187

C1 Clean pull
1x3 275
1x2 286
1x2 297
1x2 286

D1 Front squat
1x3 220
1x2 231
1x2 242
1x1 242
1x2 231
3x3 220
1x2 220

D2 Rear delt fly
1x10 15.4
1x06 17.6
1x12 13.2

D2.5 lat raise with ext rot
1x12 11
2x14 11

E1 Bench press
19x5 198
4x5 209

Juice is coming back here, but still some to go before I'm back where I was. My bench seems to go down quickly if I don't bench for a while, think it is mostly technique

E2 Kroc row
1x12 70.4
3x10 79.2

E3 standing ab pulldown
1x10 99
3x12 9

Perri: the usual
PWO: the usual
Havnt looked here for a while...Loving the workouts kark, as usual. Your realllly organised. Wish i was!

BTW, am i correct in saying that 'perri' is spelt 'peri' ? :D
I have no idea, I've just seen perri :p
however, after a quick google I found out it is indeed peri :p Thanks :D

No problem, just looking out for my h0m0sexual life partner :D