Squats, pulls, and curls

yeah I've got pics. There is a thread in the photo section, just use the search function to find threads started by karky in that section and you should find it, make sure to check the date of the thread to get the ones that are most current.
Friday 16.05.08

Week 2 Day 1

A1 Hang snatch
1x3 110
1x3 121
2x3 126.5

B1 hang power clean
1x3 203.5
1x2 214.5
2x3 192.5

C1 Jerk
1x3 198
1x2 209
2x3 187

I get a pain in my left shoulder when catching the jerk. I feel nothing with snatches or regular OHP.. wondering what it can be, it is really weird. Is only felt at higher weights, not during warm ups. This is the reason I haven't progressed much on the jerk lately.

D1 Clean pull
1x3 275
1x2 286
1x2 297
1x2 308

E1 Front squat
1x3 220
1x2 231
1x2 242
1x1 253
1x1 242
4x3 220

E2 Rear delt fly
3x6 17.6

E2.5 L lat w ext rotation
2x10 13.2

1x3 353
1x2 374
1x2 385
3x3 353

Dunno about these, I dropped my hip kind of low, but then again, I have always done that on the RDLs, but I think I dropped them a bit too low here.
Probably used a bit too much weight

2x6 187
1x5 187
1x6 187

G1 Overhead squat holds
Xx 132

The numbers are counts, last set 20 counts at 132, I don't know how long the counts are but I'm pretty good at getting them the be the same length every time

G2 Crunch knee up
3x25 55 Drop sets: 3x15 22

G3 EZ Preacher curl
3x12 33 (+whatever the bar)
iso hold right after last set.

Perri: usual
PWO: usual
Monday 19.05.08

Week 2 day 2

A1 Clean
1x3 198
1x2 209
2x3 287

These are getting better, no pain as of yet (which was why I had to lower the weight and "start over" in the first place)

B1 Power snatch
1x3 143
1x2 154
1x3 143
1x2 143

C1 Snatch balance
1x3 121
1x2 126.5
2x3 115.5

D1 Snatch pull
1x3 198
1x2 209
1x2 220
1x2 231
The heavier sets are getting higher and higher, definitely improving.

E1 Back squat
1x3 264
1x2 275
1x2 286
1x1 297
1x1 286
4x3 264

I let 2 other guys do some squats between my sets, they did quarter squats. One of the two gentlemen made a medical prediction about how my knees were going to start giving me trouble in 3 years (he first asked me how old I was). I've got nothing against people saying that if it is in a nice tone, not their fault they have been miss informed, but he was saying it in a demeaning manner, ^^^^ing ahole. I really wanted to mention how I have been hit by a car and gotten my medial ligament almost torn right off on my left knee and how my lateral ligament is slightly "stretched" on my right knee gotten my squat back up to a respectable place without any knee trouble.
And in case anyone is wondering, yes, I do full squats.

E2 Rear delt fly
2x10 15.4
1x08 15.4

E2.5 L lat raise with ext rotation
1x10 13.2
2x12 13.2

13.2 lbs would hurt my right shoulder not long ago. Clicking sounds and all that stuff, it is getting better.

F1 PL Bench (pause at bottom)
1x3 198
4x3 209

F2 Yates row
1x8 198
1x9 198
1x8 198

G1 Incline bench curl
3x12 22 + short iso hold after last rep

G2 Cable side bends
2x12 100

Peri: The usual (managed to remember only one R spelling there! Gold star for me)
PWO: the usual
I let 2 other guys do some squats between my sets, they did quarter squats. One of the two gentlemen made a medical prediction about how my knees were going to start giving me trouble in 3 years (he first asked me how old I was). I've got nothing against people saying that if it is in a nice tone, not their fault they have been miss informed, but he was saying it in a demeaning manner, ^^^^ing ahole. I really wanted to mention how I have been hit by a car and gotten my medial ligament almost torn right off on my left knee and how my lateral ligament is slightly "stretched" on my right knee gotten my squat back up to a respectable place without any knee trouble.
And in case anyone is wondering, yes, I do full squats.

I had something similar happen to me, more than once, while I was attending a gym.

The first time I explained the anatomical reasons why squatting below parallel is correct.
He refused to accept anatomical fact and insisted, without any logical explanation, that squatting fully is bad for the knees.

Against logic there is no armor like ignorance.
- Laurence J. Peter
Wednesday 21.05.08

Week 2 day 3

A1 Clean jerk
1x2 198
2x2 209 (failed the last jerk on the first set)
1x1 198

It was a bit ambitious to do 209 for 2 reps :p
I really hate it how the jerks makes my shoulder hurt :( I might have to stop doing them.

B1 Speed deads
2x3 198
4x3 209

I got some really good speed on these.

I'm taking out snatches and doing speed deads and regular deads instead for a while.

C1 Snatch pull
1x3 198
1x2 209
1x2 220
1x2 231

I get 220 to legit high pull height now :D

D1 Back squat
1x3 264
1x2 275
1x2 286
1x1 297
1x1 286
4x3 264

This doesn't really seem to get any easier :( I think I'm on a plateau with my back squats at the moment.

E1 Good morning
1x3 187
1x2 198
1x2 209
1x2 198
3x3 187

1x4 187
1x4 198
1x3 209
1x2 198
1x9 176 (only got 5-6 reps before)
1x4 198

Well these suddenly improved.

F1 Cheat curls
3x8 88
Drop set (semi strict curls) 1x12 44

F2 Bent leg dragon pike
3 sets, messed around some

Nutrition: the usual
Monday 26.05.08

Week 3 day 1

A1 Deadlift
1x3 352
1x2 363
1x1 374
1x2 363

I really need to work on these. Hopefuly I'll gain strength quickly.

B1 Hang power clean
1x3 203.5
1x2 214.5
1x1 225.5
1x2 214.5

C1 slight-push press
I use leg drive but not as much as I usually do. I want this to be a bit more shoulder and arm work than just legs
1x3 132
1x2 143
1x1 154
1x2 154

D1 Clean pull
1x3 286
1x2 297
1x2 308
1x1 330

E1 Front squat
1x3 220
1x2 231
4x2 242
1x3 231

Next time I'll start with triples at 231, should be fun :D

E2 rear delt fly
3x8 17.6

E2.5 DB cuban press
1x8 13.2
1x10 11
1x8 11

F1 Good morning
1x3 187
1x2 198
3x2 209
1x3 298

F2 Yates row
2x8 198
1x12 176

G1 OH support
2x25 154
1x21 154

Shoulders kinda hurt at the end, dunno why really.

G2 Ab pulldowns
1x17 88
2x12 99

Altered technique a bit, I stop before I come all the way up and go down again, it's to keep tension on the abs and don't use the hip flexors as much

H1 OL BB curl
1x14 49.5
1x12 49.5
1x07 49.5 + iso hold

H2 Wrist extension
1x10 17.6
1x08 17.6
1x12 13.2

Nutrition: the usual
Yeah sorry, I had a lower back injury, could be a mild herniated disc. Haven't seen a doc, I'm just taking it easy, doing pullups and stuff. The pain isn't going away so I'm guessing it is something more serious than just a strain or something.I haven't been arsed to post my workouts lately because it is kinda depressing not being able to do squats n deads.
Karky what are your goals any way? dident you use to be really skinny? I seen some pics of you not long ago but forget where they where. You where pretty big looking. Are you still on a bulk?
goal is to get big and strong.

This journal hasn't been active in a while.. I might start it up soon though.. I wanna try DC training