Oooh... some of you are just plain evil! Heehee
I pranked my boyfriend. As some of you know, I'm leaving on April 21 to go out of the province for 2 months for a nursing preceptorship (work term). My boyfriend is also going out of the province for 4 months for his work term. So after April 21 we won't see each other anymore until the first week of September. Anyway, I say to him "I'm gonna miss you so much. We really only have a few more days together because Mom is coming on Wednesday and I'm leaving after that." And he says "That's not true. She leaves again on the 13th, so we have all that next week to ourselves."
Then I pull out my best acting skills.
With the most oh-my-God-I'm-so-sorry face I can make, I reply "Oh my God, didn't I tell you?! I'm going home with her when she goes so I can go see Dad before I leave for Ontario!"
I swear to God, I thought he was gonna cry like a baby. The poor boy looked crushed. lol Then he practically starts begging me not to go home.
Bwahaha. He was pretty pissed when I told him I was lying. But it was worth it. lol