Spears Pregnancy.....

Life happens


I've told my kids that should they have any questions, come to Mom. Mom will explain everything and make sure they get their facts right. Mom doesn't judge but Mom does give the benefit of her 4 decades of life experience to give some insights into what makes sense at what age.

So far, this approach seems to be working quite fine. I've gotten several explicit questions along the variety of, Mom, I heard about XYZ, is it really that? etc.etc.etc. And I've simply given the facts in return...and the emotional insights as well.

Parents live in a fool's paradise if they think their children won't hear about sex from their peers.

Data points,

Tell me about it, I'm sure she already knows far more than I think she does, lol!

My dd has no problem comming to me and asking me questions, so far they havn't been too bad :)
Dr. Phil & Britney

While this topic is about JL's pregnancy, I wanted to just voice my opinion about the Dr. Phil thing with Britney. Before I read this article this morning I thought it was way over the line for a therapist/counselor/psychologist to make any sort of a statement. I think Dr. Phil is a big bag of hot air. I'm not saying he hasn't helped people but I'm not sure he does it any more of a thoughtful and inventive manner than someone without a psychology degree. I used to watch his show a couple of years ago but stopped because his episodes were getting reminsently trashy of the '90s and early Y2K talk shows. Yet another disappoint for that family. They sought help and were truly exploited. I can't think of any reason why he felt he had the right or reason to make a statement without consent from the family. If any regular Dr. Joe had done that to any Joe walking down the street (or sitting in a mental facility) he would most likely have his license revoked. Unfortunately we live in a country where more money means that you can run amuck as you please and destroy other people's lives. It's truly disappointing to see someone who took an ethics code oath and he feels so righteous that he doesn't need to follow standard practice. For all the stupid crap that family has done I sitll think its a shame that they can't even count on doctor/patient confidentially for some privacy.
Yea, I hear ya girl, it is America isnt' it? lol

I dont' even want to think about this type of things, but I guess its time. Have you done the talk w/ your 9 y/o yet?

She knows about the whole period thing but NOWAY on the birds and the bee's.I figure you really don't talk to them about that until they get their period plus I don't want to OVERLOAD her with all the info at once.She does however have 2 boys in school she likes and 1 asked if she could go to his basket ball game.OK Give me a KEY to a dungeon to lock her a way until she';s 18 hahaha....No my other daughter is 11 months younger than her and she is not interested in the whole boy thing ,she focuses on cheerleading,reading,playing with friends ,they are so different but in a good way,except the whole mommy I have 2 boyfriends grrrrr.lol
Ok, yea, I guess I'm going to look online for some help answering questions, but I think I'm gonna have the talk this comming week? My dd is too interested in boys for her age, I think...what happend to cooties?? lol She skipped that stage all together!

As for the deal w/ dr phil, I do like him, I think he's really good (maybe not the best) but really good anyhow. But in regards to the deal w/ britney, I did find myself wondering if he did this to actually help her or was he looking to cash in on the popularity of it?
Ok, yea, I guess I'm going to look online for some help answering questions, b

should give you a good jumping off point and there's a free sample section to to get stuff in the mail :)

Just remember the conversation you might (or might not have had with your mom - I'm still waiting for my mom to tell me about sex :D ) and do the complete opposite :D
When I was quite young - I cant remember how young but younger then 10. I just asked my Dad "Where do babies come from?" and he explained in quite a matter-of-fact way about wombs and eggs and periods etc. Also at School I had lessons aswell (I think they are mandatory in UK state run schools, but I might be wrong). So it was quite out in the open, importantly not just at the hypothetical questions stage but also at the time to make your mind up about things stage.

I don't have any kids of my own (the benefit of the education I recieved maybe? :D ) and I don't mean to tell anybody how to raise their own kids. But if your children get the impression you don't approve of sex before a certain age/marriage/whatever, and they do get themselves in a bit of a fix they may be relucatant to come to you for help. Because they are afraid you will be angry, disapproving, disappointed, etc.

Anyway I guess what im saying is, if I had kids, Id tell them whatever I decided to tell them, then make it clear that whatever happens its ok for them to come back and ask for help....

And maybe if Jamie-Lynn had been able to do that she wouldn't be having a baby? Not that I know a great deal about the Spears family either lol.
I am the daughter of a mom that got preggie back when you had to quit school (I was born in 68) and she never ever had "the talk" with me. I always said there is no way I would let my child be "in the world" uniformed if it were up to me.

My daughter is 14 1/2 and we have already had "the" talk and many others. I was raped when I was 16 and we've had a talk about that too. She has always been an over curious child so she has known since before she can remember where babies came from but the information she got changed over the years (in the amount of details I mean)

One rule I always followed when she was little was not to go over board on the details....answer their question and wait to see if they have more...as they age their "want" for information will increase.

While its ok to be nervous about the talk, remind them that you were once where they are now. It helped my daughter a lot to know that she had a mom she could come to, when I told her I didnt...and it helped her to know that no matter her question I would answer it and show her where she could read about it as well.

As a result she comes to me with every little "so and so told me this.....is it true...can you tell me more about it" because she knows she will get the straight answer from me.

No amount of "you shouldnt have sex until..."is really going to work, you can tell them that, they can ignore it. What we should be teaching our daughters is not to be afraid to ask questions and be educated and IF they should decide at age 17 to have sex, the best way to protect themselves.