Spears Pregnancy.....

Yes, it is an adult. But in that state(Louisiana) it's still okay if you're 18, 19 is where they draw the line.:rolleyes:

The guy could have been 35, it doesn't matter if the parents don't press charges.

And really, the only reason its an issue is because she claimed to be a devout god fearing citizen when in reality she was letting the basketball run the train on her behind the gym.

Its hilarious to think that any of you mothers worry that your daughters will be affected by this. It'll go away in two weeks and won't lead to a massive spike in teen pregnancy. Although, shoving an "abstinence only" policy down young womens throats will.
I dont' think its hilarious at all. Do you have children?
Well, hope the last part wasn't directed towards me, I'm sure it's not. But just in case...I'm not a mother and don't plan on being one for several years lol. :p I agree with you about the abstinence stuff, it rarely works, especially nowadays.

But anyways, I'm not shocked by the pregnancy. Plenty of teenage girls are having sex, so it's bound to happen. Sad but true. My concern is the age of the daddy. I don't condone an adult sleeping with an underage person no matter if they're just 18 or 35. Even if the 'underage' individual happens to be 17 and of legal age in their state. It's gross. And of course now there are rumors that Casey isn't the daddy and it's a much older man.
Its hilarious to think that any of you mothers worry that your daughters will be affected by this. It'll go away in two weeks and won't lead to a massive spike in teen pregnancy. Although, shoving an "abstinence only" policy down young womens throats will.

And don't get me wrong. I am a conserned parent. I do not like ANY PERSONS premarital pregnacy to be shown in a positive light all over the media. I realize we are talking about the spears girl, but thats just one case. There have been MANY cases of premarital pregnancy's in the media.

HOWEVER, just b/c I am concerned, does NOT mean I am freaking out or panicking...its just something that I think about.
I agree with you about the abstinence stuff, it rarely works, especially nowadays.

I understand that more and more kids are getting pregnant now adays, but that doesn't mean that us parents should give up on teaching abstience. Its my job as a mom to teach my DD whats best, and PRAY that she takes my advice.
I understand that more and more kids are getting pregnant now adays, but that doesn't mean that us parents should give up on teaching abstience. Its my job as a mom to teach my DD whats best, and PRAY that she takes my advice.

I don't think anyone should give up. And I agree, that is one of your jobs as a parent and I'm glad you do that. :) My point is that it doesn't work as much as alot of people hope and think it does/will. The way society is today and all the situations that teens go through, they(not all of them) are going to have sex. No matter how many times or ways they've been advised/lectured/taught, etc. But it isn't a lost cause.
I know, its a sad world we live in now :( Its almost unheard of to marry a virgin. But, like I said, I have to try to teach my kids whats right.
I understand that more and more kids are getting pregnant now adays, but that doesn't mean that us parents should give up on teaching abstience. Its my job as a mom to teach my DD whats best, and PRAY that she takes my advice.

No, it should be your job as a parent to equally represent all options. The discussion shouldn't begin and end with abstinence. Informing your kids that wearing a condom or being on birth control is very effective is the first place to start.

Condemning sex, saying thats its evil and telling your kids that abstinence is the only true way of being safe is insane. What you'll have on your hands is another pregnant teen because shes going behind her parents back to do what all young people do.

The only virgins that I know that are over 18 are religious nut jobs who's parents scared them into waiting for marriage.

If kids, boys and girls, alike knew more about their options you would have less teen pregnancy. Most high school girls would never ask their parents if they could go on the pill and most guys(any age) hate condoms.

Its great that the moral elitists want to protect their "babies" for life, even though the abstinence only view has been around for hundreds of years and hasn't changed anything. If anything, sex education should be mandatory for all kids and it should present an equal view of both sides of the argument.

Lastly, I personally can't see the difference between an unwed mother and an unhappy marriage forced upon two unprepared individuals.
Well, what I've gathered from your post is that you are both young and childless. One thing I have taught my DD is to learn when not to argue w/ someone. I especially tell her not to argue w/ her 4 yr old sister who obviously isnt' old enough to fully understand.

I apply that same principle here.
Well, what I've gathered from your post is that you are both young and childless. One thing I have taught my DD is to learn when not to argue w/ someone. I especially tell her not to argue w/ her 4 yr old sister who obviously isnt' old enough to fully understand.

I apply that same principle here.

Meaning you have nothing to add to the discussion. Great point of view, someone challenges your argument and insulting the said person makes it all better.

PS: I fail to see how having a child of your own makes your discussion any more valid. Who wants to have a preggo teenager who's ruined her future? Not me, on the other hand I have realized that suppressing any and all urges to have sex doesn't work and will never work. Preaching abstinence and misinforming your children about proper protection only makes things worse.

Good luck though, im sure you'll raise another frigid ice queen who won't even kiss before shes 24. Remember kids, if you kiss, baby jesus will cry.:cry:
Oh, I have plenty I could add. Am I up for the great debate? NO. I do realize that people have a certain mindset, certain ideas and opinions. Do I believe that you are going to change my mind or that I will change yours? NOPE. Lets just agree to disagree.
Oh, I have plenty I could add. Am I up for the great debate? NO. I do realize that people have a certain mindset, certain ideas and opinions. Do I believe that you are going to change my mind or that I will change yours? NOPE. Lets just agree to disagree.

Basically removing the purpose of a discussion board. Off Topic should just be removed, the bulk of you have no idea how to carry on a legitimate debate without getting offended or crying to a moderator.

Wait, I know what to do..

Shes a whore, how could she get pregnant!? Why do I feel the need to feel superior to her!? Why can't I stop gossiping about Britney Spears!? Why am I overly concerned with the welfare of a millionaire!? Why are my children such water heads that they would look up to an actress!?

Turn off TMZ, say good bye to FoxNews and realize that this girls pregnancy doesn't effect you or your children's lives in the slightest. Also realize that you're part of the outraged masses that add fuel to the fire of Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, Brittney Spears and now her sister.

These people wouldn't exist if it wasn't for the hens, like yourself, feeling morally outraged about their antics.
I think your getting a little carried away here, don't you? You stated your 2 cents, I stated mine. Enough already.
No, it should be your job as a parent to equally represent all options.

Bwahahaha. Presenting all possible options for any given choice as equally valid is pretty much the opposite of parenting, at least from my perspective as a mom of a preschooler. Kids need structure and guidance, so that they can learn to make good decisions once those decisions are solely theirs. As I say to my kid, "You need to practice making small decisions, where nothing really bad can happen if you choose the wrong option, so you get good at making decisions. But until you're good at it, it's my job as your parent to make the big decisions." And even teenagers are empirically still pretty bad at making big decisions.

My 4yo knows where babies come from (although not the mechanics of how they get there), the existence and function of menstruation, and pretty much everything else you learn in 4th grade health class. She's going to get an HPV vax as soon as she's old enough (and will know exactly what it's for, and why). And she'll probably know about a variety of birth control options years before she's in a position to need them, because IMHO the data supports that as the best way to ensure it's used if there is sex - and my personal values would rather trade a higher incidence of teenage sex for a lower incidence of unprotected teenage sex. So I agree with the position you're advocating - but I disagree with pretty much all of your tactics for advocating that position.
Thank you for your opinion Ally. The thing that gets me is this guy has assumed that just b/c I'm not happy w/ the media for the happy-go-lucky spin they've put on this pregnancy, He ASSUMES i'm ONLY going to preach abstinence. I've never said I'm not going to teach her about the various methods of prevention. My DD is only 9. I have not made up my mind the extent of which I will tell her about prevention. I dont' have to make that choice now. Right now, for being 9, I think her knowing I am against premarital sex is enough.

Now, if we were to continue this discussion of informing our kids of "all the options" This doesn't stop at sex. Should we inform them how to do drugs and not get busted? Should we teach them the various ways to get rid of a hangover?? I believe that in the end by educating our children SO MUCH that we are really hurting them in the end.
My 4yo knows ........... the existence and function of menstruation, and pretty much everything else you learn in 4th grade health class.

She knows this at 4? wow. Hum....I bet I'm gonna have to talk to my 9y/o about that here soon huh??? YIKES! lol
She knows this at 4? wow.

Your kid probably respects your bathroom privacy more than mine does. ;) Or accepts "I'll tell you when you're older" as an answer to embarrassing questions better! And while I don't think that she really "got" it, she's at least heard a decent explanation as the result of a multitude of questions.

But yeah, you probably do need to talk to her fairly soon - something like 10% of white girls get their period before they turn 11, and 90% before they're 14. Something like 15% of white girls have their breasts start to develop before they turn 9 - so she probably already has classmates who wear bras, and may have classmates who have their period.

gets really good reviews among my LJ-friends - it covers all the hygiene bits, but nothing about sex at all. (I think it does explain how to use a tampon, but no more than you'd get from the package insert.)
Yea, my dd is pretty good at staying out the the bathroom. SO FAR (knock on wood) when my DD asks me a question I'm not easy w/ answering, I'll say "well, what do you think?" lol, so far its worked, lol.

I've seen that book at the stores, it looks really good, but theres alot of topics that make me uneasy, lol I guess I need to get over it!
with all the sex education in schools and on tv (mtv..has that damn commercial with the pig buying a condom...have you seent that)...I cant believe kids arent "wrapping it up"...not only because of pregnancy but other std's as well. And yes...I agree with Phoebe about the HPV vaccine. I have a friend who works at a gyno office and thats the leading cause of cervical cancer in younger patients....


this was a public service announcement....

wrap it up folks.....its so easy to avoid getting into this kind of trouble
its silly kids, need discipline or else what are they leaders of tomorrow gonna b like