Spears Pregnancy.....

No, I havn't seen that commercial.

I know, its crazy right? Educating kids on all their options has to be one the CRAZIEST things I ever heard of, lol
Educating kids on all their options has to be one the CRAZIEST things I ever heard of, lol
Hmm. I do think it's good in a way because at the end of the day, if teenagers are going to have sex they are going to have sex. In which case far better, surely, that they understand how and why to have SAFE sex?

Bearing in mind that I live in England, where we have a very very high teenage-pregnancy and abortion rate and sex education is very thorough and introduced from an early age...

My first in-school sex ed course was when I was 8 and during that we had the mechanics of sex and pregnancy explained to us and were shown a cartoon of people having sex and a real video showing a lady going through pregnancy and birth.

Sex ed was repeated at ages 12, 13, and 15 in a lot more detail and we were given details of all the contraceptive options and told how to use them and where to get them. (Also the morning-after-pill and abortion.) Having said that, we also discussed the ethics of contraceptives and abortion. We talked about the possible emotional consequences of these things.

The contraceptive pill is free to anybody in this county, (As are contraceptive patches/implants etc.) You can also get free condoms from walk-in clinics. I do think that these are good things in a way because although no contraceptive is a guarantee at least this way teens are aware of the need for it and have no good reason not to use it...

I don't think that educating kids about these things has to encourage them to be having sex. While I was taught this at school, and knew long before that what sex was and what it was for, I was still told by my parents that it was wrong to just go around having sex without being in a loving relationship or at a young age, and I accepted that.
Sigh, I recently got involved in the whole "gossip sites" due to my sister and I actually feel really bad for the entire Spears family since they are ALWAYS IN THE NEWS....EVERY DARN DAY
Basically removing the purpose of a discussion board. Off Topic should just be removed, the bulk of you have no idea how to carry on a legitimate debate without getting offended or crying to a moderator.

Wait, I know what to do..

Shes a whore, how could she get pregnant!? Why do I feel the need to feel superior to her!? Why can't I stop gossiping about Britney Spears!? Why am I overly concerned with the welfare of a millionaire!? Why are my children such water heads that they would look up to an actress!?

Turn off TMZ, say good bye to FoxNews and realize that this girls pregnancy doesn't effect you or your children's lives in the slightest. Also realize that you're part of the outraged masses that add fuel to the fire of Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, Brittney Spears and now her sister.

These people wouldn't exist if it wasn't for the hens, like yourself, feeling morally outraged about their antics.

OMG it is lerking here after you now NEWBRIDE.Ignor "IT" and "IT will go away((HUGGGGS***KORRIE
My problem with the whole thing is... why wasn't JL on birth control? I know it's not 100% - nothing is, except abstaining... but the chances of getting pregnant while using birth control methods pairing condoms with oral contraceptives, the nuva ring, etc... are very very slim. You would think that with her status, her sister's psychosis, etc that she would have taken the steps to make sure there would be no babies. Mistakes happen, I know, but they're for the most part careless mistakes. EXCEPTIONS DO EXIST don't get it twisted. All of my friends that are sexually active - and myself, included - that use the proper birth control methods have never had scares and have not fallen pregnant. I think responsibility is the issue. I'm not condoning free love for all, but if you're going to make a decision at least be smart about it. Apparently JL was not. Part of me wonders if subconsciously she wanted something like this, since her precious big sister constantly overshadows her... but hey that's just the psych major in me talking!
yea,i read one of those celebrity mags the other day, and it said that they believe she did do it on purpose b/c of 2 reasons...#1, she didnt' want to be an actress, this was her way out, and #2 b/c she didn't like all the attention britney got.
While I don't particularly care for the Spears' family, and clearly the mother is a nut, I do feel bad for Britney, her children, and I don't even know what to think about Jamie Lynn. If I had kids these days I honestly think I would just turn the TV off and never turn it on. I hope that instead of spending money on Hannah Montana tickets, I'm taking my kids to Kalispell Montana to go to the national park. I digress. Britney has made so many bad mistakes. And the media is disgusting. If I had the money to hire my own paparrazi (sp?) and create my own AP, I swear I'd dig up dirt on everyone of those assholes who use any part of someone's life to make a buck, and make a huge damn deal over it and embarrass them and be relentless and spread photos of their faux-pas. I understand the constitution but it's a shame there is no median between freedom of speech and privacy. I saw Brad Pitt being interviewed and his children actually believe that when everyone leaves their house they get their picture taken. They dont realize that's not the natural way of life.

As far as teaching children about sex... when I was 17 my mother made me promise her that I would not have sex until I was married. She literally had me scared to death. And the only thing that actually taught me was not to tell her. I didn't feel like having an argument or being chastised or bullied out of my decision. Granted not every mother is like that, but that's what I got whenever she disapproved. And when the time comes for me to have children and then give them the talk, I hope that I have the ability to impress upon them that it's better to wait not for the sake of morals, but for one's own physical health (including pregnancy) and sexual fulfillment. Sex at sixteen is stupid... I didn't have sex until I was almost out of college, but I can't imagine that two sixteen year olds, or a sixteen year old and a nineteen year old really know how to work it and get emotional gratification at the same time.
You seem to have great insight in the matter.I agree w/ you, I have recently begun to see the 2 sisters as a victim of their moms hungry need for money. I guess even her husband has spoke out on the matter.

I am SOOO nervous about speaking to my DD about sex and those type of things. I'll tell you something that I dont' tell too many people (esp not in real life) but I had sex not long after I turned 17, I had it...well, often, I mean, given that I shouldn't have been having it at all, I think by the time I was 20, I had sex about 12 or so times?? Anyways, the reason I did it was b/c my home life was SOO crappy. My parents really acted like they couldn't give a you know what about me, so I looked for love else where (maybe this is what the deal is w/ Jamie?)I got it too, for amt of time sex lasted, then it was gone again. anyways, I've stressed it to my hubby that its SOO important we let our girls know how very much they are loved. I dont' know how or when I'm going to have "the talk" w/ the oldest one, probably soon, she is getting ready to turn 10. I know I will let her know I disaprove, but I will won't exactly do a fire and brimstone kinda talk either.
I am SOOO nervous about speaking to my DD about sex and those type of things.
the more nervous and reticent you are to discuss it - the more appealing it becomes to a child... Kids need education on it - and that education shoudl come fromthe parents at an early age... and child shouldfeel comfortable coming to the parents or some responsible adult with questions... if mom is a nervous wreck about a discussion of sex.. where do you tink the kid is going to learn?
well, I know, I think before talking to her about it, I'm gonna really KNOW what I'm going to say so that I'm not just "winging it" ya know? I'll be less nervous. I think I tend to do ok at not letting my kids know that i"m nervous...like last year when a dog was growling at us (i have this HUGE fear of dogs) but I was brave for my girls sake, lol. The 'tom' talk is something else i'm gonna be nervous about....like i said, she's almost 10 (in april) when do you think I should have these talks????
Kids develop earlier and earlier these days - sooner rather than later would be good... check out some of the feminine hygiene websites - i think it's tampax that has some things you can send away for t o help youo with that discussion...
re: telling children about sex

well, hmmm isnt this an interesting topic lol. Its one that as a parent I hate! I know your not supposed to appear nervous, but geez, I have four kids, and I couldnt just tell ONE about it. Once one knows, they all know! It started with the female cycle talk. My dd is 12 and hasnt started yet, but I told her when she was almost 11 because I knew she would freak out if she discovered blood, she would think she was dying! That was a fun discussion let me tell ya lol Once that was done, and ALL the questions answered, we talked about where babies really come from. Like exactly how childbirth happens. They dont know the ins and outs lol of sex yet, well my oldest dd, probably has an idea, as shes already had classes about it in jr high, but they just know that it has to do with making out/kissing ect. I think its better to tell your kids about things to have them prepared versus not prepared.
About the spears family: am I losing my mind or didnt they media say it was brittany herself that was pregnant again?? Is she or was it the little sis all along? I just wondered because now that sis is pregnant I havent heard any more about it. My kids are huge disney/nick fans. They all know about jamie lynn, in fact Im the one that told them about it, because I figured that would be a good way to show that when you let your younger children date older people, thats what could happen. Yes they are going to have sex if they really want to. I just plan to tell mine that although I think its better to wait emotionally, that it will probably happen before the ripe ole age of 18, and I want them to be prepared. I would much rather them have protected sex, than me be rocking a grandbaby while they are at high school! The thing is, we cant make the choices for them. All we can do as parents is arm them with the necessary information and hope they make the right choice, and be there for them if they make the wrong one!
In responce to the neg. rep Brunette Goddess gave me over our difference in opinions......

"I hate to say that the other guy is right, but he is. My mom taught abstinence only and it only taught me not to tell her."

Sorry you had some tramatic experiance hun, but I'm not going to encourage my kids to go for it, and I would appreciate your respecting my wishes to raise my kids in the way that I see fit.
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Kids develop earlier and earlier these days - sooner rather than later would be good... check out some of the feminine hygiene websites - i think it's tampax that has some things you can send away for t o help youo with that discussion...

Thanks Mal, I'll look into that
The thing is, we cant make the choices for them. All we can do as parents is arm them with the necessary information and hope they make the right choice, and be there for them if they make the wrong one!

Well stated :) My job as a parent is to be their parent, not their BFF, and love them no matter what they do :)
Wow I am not even going to say much ,you know my spelling can be out of wack at times :rolleyes: But it is a touchy and scary subject and I also have 4 kids,and today my oldes daughter whom is 9 turning 10 in MAY came to me today and said I think 1 of the girls in my class got their period because there was blood in the toilet OMG my jaw dropped and to me this is to soon,I just told her lastweek that mommy was SANTA,now honestly how can periods and sex come up in the same week as NO SANTA?
I am afraid of going about it the wrong way because I definately do not want my kids growing up doing the things I did,I am a good person now but geeeeesh as a teen 'TROUBLE" lol.
My sister had told me (she's 15)they showed her in 4th or 5th grade a VIDEO that had a bananah in it lol?Anyway this is a gr8 thread to discus things agree or disagree we all have our opinions.
Yea, I hear ya girl, it is America isnt' it? lol

I dont' even want to think about this type of things, but I guess its time. Have you done the talk w/ your 9 y/o yet?
Have you all seen the recent Ok magazine cover yet?


They all look gorgeous, especially the kids. It all seems slightly Photoshopped though :-/
Yea, they look like a beautiful family, i just hope britney gets control of herself for her kids sake.