Spears Pregnancy.....


I'm sure some of you have heard that Jamie Lynn Spears, 16 is pregnant. The news media is covering this issue alot and there is a magazine that has offered 1 million for the 1st pics of the baby.

My question is, what kind of example is this for the young children/tweens?? They are all so very happy she's having a baby and offering her obscene amts of money for it. Mind you, I don't believe a teenager who gets pregnant should be 'outcasted' BUT to advertise it so much.....I don't know. I don't believe thats a good choice by the media. I think its sending children the wrong message.

Whats your thoughts??
I also hear alot of bashing.

Their mom was supposedly about to release a book on being a celebrity's mom but that was delayed.
NOT A GOOD ROLE MODEL THATS FOR SURE,LIKE SISTER,LIKE SISTER,HATE TO SOUND HARSH BUT GOTTA BE,I HAVE 2 GIRLS AND THEY ARE BIG FANS OF THE NIC AND DISNEY SHOWS AND IT IS SAD TO SEE A ROLE MODEL THEY LOOK UP TO GET THEIR SELF INTO A SITUATION LIKE THIS,I guess you can learn from it,and as long as JAMIE LYNN doesn't stumble down the same road as BIG SIS it's not the end of the world,she has become a woman now and has responsibilities.
I HEARD bout the BOOK thingy to lol.:grouphug:
i think that entire family needs to crawl back to whatever trailer park they crawled out of and just fade into oblivion..
Luckily my baby is only 18 months so she has no idea about this! :D

I dunno though, I mean it happens frequently because many kids have sex around the age of 16, and if your doing it then you're risking getting preggers. The issue is really that kids have sex at that age and is it appropriate or a good idea considering that its very possible that the girl in the equation will come out pregnant (among a myriad of other emotional issues and risks that come with sex).

On the other side of it, do role models such as a teen TV star have an obligation to be "better" than the rest of us. To avoid behavior that the rest of us succumb too?

If my baby was older, then I would use this as an example of why its a horrible idea to have sex at age 16. I would hope this would turn her right off to the whole idea. But of course if this gets glamourized and Jamie Spears' career does well with this publicity and it seems like she's doing well after having the baby then that could give the opposite result.
On the other side of it, do role models such as a teen TV star have an obligation to be "better" than the rest of us. To avoid behavior that the rest of us succumb too?

My issue isn't that she got pregnant. Stuff happends and I know that. I was pregnant at 19. So I'm not judging her. MY point was that its being publisized so much and the media is offering her 1 million for photos. I don't think the media should be making it as big of a deal as they are. I am not suggesting she hide in shame, but I am not supporting her bragging about it either , KNOWING she has so many young fans.

I did use this as a good time to talk to my DD about it. Although we never had the sex talk yet (she's not quiet 10) She knows you have to "make out" to have a baby...at this point if she believes thats limited to kissing,for now thats fine by me, lol!!! ANYWAYS she was watching TV w/ me when it came on talking about it. I told her what a shame that was and that its really going to effect her career and that b/c she has a responibility now to her child, she's not going to be able to play with her friends as much anymore.
I think the worst part of this is - that a celebutard's sister is seen as a role model... because she's on television -what makes her role model worthy?
I agree NB, that's the part that would worry me too. If little Miss Spears gets married to this boy (he wants to marry her apparently), and they have glamorous shots of them as a family looking like life is wonderful, when behind the scenes its chaos mind you, and her career carries on, it could give the impression that its a good idea to these impressionable kids. They dont realize having lots of money sure helps in taking care of a teen pregnancy.
I think the worst part of this is - that a celebutard's sister is seen as a role model... because she's on television -what makes her role model worthy?

NOTHING!!! Its was one thing to dub her as a role model when she was mentally healthy and seemed to be on her game....but now she is going around w/o her underware, getting drunk, high...it makes me sick really. She's very much the COMPLETE opposite of how a role model should be!
I had read somewhere that the celeburtard's sister and "her long time lover" hello - she's 16 and he's 19 - in some states that's statutory rape but i'm not going there - a long time lover at 16? :eyeroll: were house hunting...

Oh do let's play house at age 16...

::waits for the reality program to begin::
You know, thats the 1st thing that went through my mind...if he's 19 why is the STATE not charging him w/ rape????

Here in the real world if a 19 yr old gets a 16 yr old pregnant, he'd be thrown in jail quicker than you could blink!
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Well her boyfriend got lucky. I saw yesterday that her uncle said that he is 18(or was 18 when she got knocked up) not 19, so it's not against the law.
It's Jamie Lynn Spears.

For the guy, that's called winning.

She's gorgeous, whatever intellectual deficits the family has, it doesn't have precedent in their phenotype at that age. It is the difficulty beautiful women have when they are young.

Yes, it is an adult. But in that state(Louisiana) it's still okay if you're 18, 19 is where they draw the line.:rolleyes:
I think she is WAY to young to be having a baby, but at least it's with a guy shes been dating and at least they can support the baby.