Sorridere's Journey

Wednesday: Lifted lower body 10 reps as circut 3 times through
Bulgarian Split Squat
Stiff legged deadlifts 40lbs
Squats 40lbs
1 leg kickback 20lbs
1 leg deadlift 2-10lbs db
hanging leg raise

I love the way I feel after working out. I feel like I can achieve anything yet exhasted at the same time! :D
Thursday: Sprint workout
ran .25mi for warm up, sprint 30sec, jog 30sec repeat 2 more times, walk 1 min, sprint 30 sec, jog 30sec repeat once, walk 1.5min repeat sprint/jog again twice, walk 2 min repeat spint/jog again twice.

Didn't have enough time to do my upper body workout.

Friday: Lower body lift I did 6 reps 5 times through as a circut
Squats 40lbs
Stiff legged deadlifts 40lbs
Lunges - stepping backwards 6X10lbs, 6X20, 6X15, 6X15, 6X20
1 legged lying leg raise 20lbs
X-band sideways walk
Plank 1 min
Well now that I have embarrassed myself on here trying to be helpful, I might as well post my update pics and measurements.

As of 9/12/08
Weight: 138 -2lbs
Arms: 11.25 same
Chest 34 -.25 :(
Stomach 33.5 -.5
Butt 40.5 same
Legs 23.75 -.75


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Saturday: Run didn't go so well today.
I ran 13 min at 9:45m/m walked 5min then tried to run back, but my legs were so tired and both of my sides hurt so I ran 5 min(.5mi) walked a few min, ran 3 min walked again ran 2.5 min and walked the rest of the way home. So total run 2.4mi in 23.5min = 9.79m/m average.

This afternoon I lifted upper body 4 sets of 8 reps w/ 45sec rest between each set before going on to next lift
Triceps pushdown 40lbs
Lat pulldown underhand grip 70lbs
Bench press 2-15lb db
bent over reverse fly(I think it's called?) 2-5lb db
Pushups: 5 T-pushups per side, 8 reg pushups, 4 T-pushups per side, 8 reg pushups
1 arm bent over row 20lb db
Plank: 30sec reg 30sec each side, repeated once, 1min reg
Lying triceps extension 15lb db

I have been craving oatmeal cookies like crazy this past week! I haven't given in, but I never crave oatmeal cookies, kinda weird.
so your husband is a truck driver? how is his fitness level if you dont mind my asking... my dad is also one.

speaking of cookies, i am going to eat some plus cake. birthdays are yum.
Well I gave in and had 1 bite of an oatmeal rasin cookie at Subway b/c I won a free cookie in their Monopoly game, but I gave the rest to my hubby.

He's as healthy as a horse according to the doc, but IMO he's getting quite a gut on him. He's a farmer primarly so his legs and arms are very muscular from manual labor, but he has a lot of back problems from working too. He used to lift weights and looked great back when he was in school. He turned 30 this year, so he says his days of looking good are over. I keep telling him that if he wants to look that way again that I would help him and he is starting to make some changes, but he still eats a lot of junk. When we met, he did not have a single dish in his house! He ate all of his meals at the gas station which was a block from his house. I keep encouraging him to become healthier, but it is ultimatlly up to him, and when he finally decides, I'll be there to help him along. It's hard though trying to be healthy when he doesn't care. I'm sure a lot of you guys deal w/ family members and friends that just don't seem to understand. I just am stubborn and hard headed enough that I want to prove to myself and to everyone else just what I can turn this chubby body into. And hopefully in the process they figure out that they can have a better lifestyle too by becoming healthier. My goal is to someday look like the women in the figure shows, like Jamie Eason.

(oh and I'm definitly not expecting! I ate 1 bite last weekend and haven't craved anything since :D )
Workout for past week

Sunday & Monday off

Tuesday: Morning Ran 1.4 mi in 13min = 9.28m/m walked 5 min then jogged .4mi home in 5min got a drink of water then ran .75mi at 10m/m pace. So total 2.55mi in 25.5min =10m/mi average

Upper body lift in afternoon 10 reps as circut 3 times through
Lat pulldown overhand close grip 60lbs
Bench press 2-20lb db
Push ups regular
1 arm bent over db row 20lb
Flys lying on back 2-10lb db
Tricep extensions 2-10lb db
Chest pull 30lbs
Plank 30sec per side & reg

Wednesday: I had to work late and ran out of hours in the day to workout

Thurday: Lower body lift 3sets of 10reps
Step ups onto folding chair 10 per leg
1 leg Lying hamstring curl 20lbs
Squats below parallel 40lbs
Deadlifts 40lbs
X Band walk 10 steps each direction
Things have been pretty crazy around here lately. My husband is finally getting into the field to combine so he's working late hours, his grandma is in the hospital she has a fractured disc so she's gonna be there a while and she can't be left alone b/c she isn't breathing well and my mom's bday was last week and work has just been extremely stressful to the point I have been looking for a new job. So workouts have been put to the side a little.

Let's see if I can remember what I did this past week.
Monday: Lower body workout I alternated between 2 lifts for 5 sets of 6 reps
Squats 40lbs
Deadlifts 40lbs

Walking lunges 20lbs
1 leg deadlifts 20lbs

1 leg kickbacks
X-Band walk

Tuesday: Run went great! I ran 1.5 miles in 13.3min =9m/mi!
I was so sore afterwards and Wednesday I could hardly move, so I didn't workout that day.

Thursday I spent my workout time in the hospital w/ my grandma in law. She's more of a grandma to me than some of my grandmas.

Friday: Run went well again. I ran 1.6mi in 15min =9.4m/mi
Lifted upper body: I didn't have much time and I was exhausted so I did 2 sets of 10 reps as a circut
Bench press: 2-20lbs db
Seated row: 40lbs
Shoulder press: 2-10lbs db
Lat pull down wide overhand grip: 60lbs
Standing overhead triceps extension: 20lbs

I was so proud of myself last night, I made and ate chili for the 1st time in my life! I am an extremely picky eater and I have never cared for beans or tomato, but in the past year I have been trying to eat healthier and have found I love tomato and beans now! I was so picky when I was younger the only meat I would eat was chicken nuggets and they had to be dark chicken! lol
I didn't have much time so I did a quick lower body workout 3 times through as a circut 10 reps each leg

Step ups onto folding chair 2-10lb db
Lying 1 leg extension 20lbs
Lunges stepping backwards 2-10lb db
Stiff legged deadlifts 40lbs

I wanted to do squats but I hurt my back doing them last Monday b/c I was trying to get my butt as low as possible and I had trouble keeping my back in the correct position. My back only hurt until Wed, but I didn't want to push my luck. I was hoping to go for a run today, but I'm feeling pretty tired and worn down so I think I'll just relax this evening instead.
Monday: The only time I had for a workout was while I grilled 2 hamburgers. So it was pretty quick! I alternated between squats and deadlifts for 3 sets of 10 w/ 40lbs then X-Band walk 30 steps in each direction

Tuesday I finally signed up for a membership at the YMCA! I really didn't want to spend the $50/mo but I know I need to start working w/ heavier weights to get my body in the shape I want it to be.
Workout: 3 sets of 10
Bench press: 2-20lb db
1 arm Bent over row 25lb db
Push ups 1 set 10, 2 sets 8
Lat pull down: 70lbs
Ran 1.7mi in 16min = 9.4m/m walked 5min ran .5mi in 5min on a treadmil w/ incline set at 1

Wednesday: Lower body 3 sets of 10
Squats w/ an actual bar! :D Bar + weight = 50lbs 4 sets of 7 b/c I was trying to figure out how to hold the bar properly
Stiff legged Deadlifts 50lbs
Hamstring curl 1 leg at a time 30lbs
Leg Press 70lbs

Thursday: HITT on treadmil: 30sec sprint, 30sec jog, 30sec sprint, 30sec jog, 30sec walk, repeated 2 more times
Weights: Circut 3 times through 10 reps each
Incline Bench Press: 2-20lbs db
Flys on incline bench 2-10lb db
Shoulder Press 2-10lbs db
Triceps pulldown 50lbs
Cable curls 45lbs - My arms looked awesome in the mirror while doing these! lol

I really like working out at the Y b/c in the morning hardly anyone is in there. Wed there was 1 other person doing weights and this morning no one was doing free weights, 1 old guy was going around to each of the machines. I found a 12 week workout plan on that I am going to try. It is a 3 day split w/ chest, triceps, abs on day 1, back, biceps, calves on day 2, and legs, shoulders on day 3. They change the exercises every 2 weeks which I really like and there are about 7 exercises each day. They don't have as many squats and deadlifts as I would like (8wks have squats, only 2 have dl!) So I will probably add or sub them in each week.
Friday: Leg workout! My favorite :)
Squats: 7x50lbs, 5x55, 5x60, 7x60
Deadlifts: 5x70x3, 7x70
Leg curl: 5x70x3
Hamstring curl single leg: 5x50x4
Leg Press: 5x80, 5x90, 5x100, 7x110
Leg Kickbacks: 5x50, 5x60x3
Hanging knee raise: 10x3
Feet up on bench crunches 10x3
Bicycle crunches 20x3
Stationary Bike: 10 min HITT 30sec speed 6, 30sec speed 20 on 25 speed bike.

My legs felt great! I did a lot of low reps increasing the weight each time b/c I wasn't used to the machines and I wasn't sure what I could handle on the squats. I know I can lift a heavier weight, next leg day is Friday so we'll see what I can do then!

Saturday & Sunday I took off, I was so busy I didn't have time to workout, didn't even have time for a Sunday nap!

Monday: 1st day of my 12 week program. So far so good!
DB Bench Press: 40lbsx12, 40x10x2
Cable Pushdowns: 60x10x2, 65x10
Incline Bench press: 40x10, 40x9, 40x8 (I wasn't supposed to do the 3rd set but I forgot!)
Overhead Extensions: 15x10, 20x8
Decline Bench press: 40x8x2
Run: 1.75mi in 17min =9.7 min/mi on treadmill
Crunches: reg, feet up on bench, bicycle, & leg raises 3 sets of 10 as circut

My funny moment in the gym today: I couldn't get the benches set up for bench press to incline/decline so I had to do the decline on a bench out in the middle that didn't have a rack to place the bar on. I got laid down ok, but I didn't think I was going to be able to get off the bench after doing them!lol! I can only lift the bar right now, so it wasn't going to crush my body by resting it on it, so I laid it on my hips and had to use my abs and strain w/ all I had to try to raise up! Luckily there wasn't anyone else in the gym to see me struggling! :D
Tuesday: Cardio
I didn't really feel like doing much so I sporadically used the bike and stepper using hill settings and intervals for a total of 25min.

Wednesday: Back, Biceps, Calves
Lat Pulldown: 90x12, 100x10, 105x10
Seated Cable Rows: 70x12, 80x10
Hyperextensions:2 sets of 10 (our gym doesn't have the machine for these so I had to improvise - used a bench press setup so I had my ankles under a bar & leaned forward as far as I could before pulling myslelf back up.)
Barbell Curls: I tried this w/ the bar but it was too heavy so I had to use dbs
40x5, 2-15lb dbx10, 2-10lb db x12
Seated Calf Raises: 25x12, 35x12, 35x10
Alternating db curls: 15lbx12, 15x10

Walked on an incline treadmill 3.5 incline, alternating between 1min 3.5, 1min 4.3 for 15min
Well I just found out my job is going to end in a month and a half. I was already looking for another job, but it is still pretty depressing. My insurance license runs out at the end of July, so I knew I would be done then, so I knew this was comming. I just didn't expect it so soon. I'm glad my boss gave me plenty of notice though. You want to hear something ironc? I was planning on sending my resume to an auto sales co for a receptionist postition, and my boss told me today that my replacement is a woman from that office! How crazy is that!?!
Sorry to hear about the job loss. These are certainly challenging times in the US. I am sure you will land on your feet.
Thanks G8r80. I'm sure we'll be fine, things haven't been affected too bad in my area. My husband and I have been thinking about maybe drawing unemployment for a few months so I won't have to drive to town in the winter. I think I might go insane not being able to get to the gym though!

I tried to post pics yesterday but my home computer is retarded and it somehow just shut down in the middle of it. That thing pisses me off so bad most days I want to throw it out the window!lol Since I can't do the pics on my work computer I'll post my measurements as of 10/18.
Arm: 11.25 same
Chest: 34 same
Stomach: 35.75 -.75
Butt: 39.75 -.75
Leg: 23.75 same
My weight was up a pound at 140, but that doesn't concern me. I had to buy a new belt the other day b/c my other one is too big now! Yay!
Workout Friday 10/17:
Legs & Shoulders
Squats: 60x8, 70x8, 80x6
Deadlifts: 70x8, 70x8, 80x5
Shoulder Press: 2-10lb db x12, 2-15lb db x10
Leg Extension: 70x10x3
Side Lat raise: 2-10lb db x10x2, x8
1 leg Hamstring Curl: 55x10x2, 55x8
Rear Lat Raise: 2-5lb db x12, 2-10lb db x8, x10
Lying leg raises w/ rollup 2 sets of 20
I didn't have enough time for cardio b/c this took an hour to complete!
Workout Today, Monday 10/20:
Chest, Triceps, abs
DB Bench Press: 2-25lb db x8, 30lb/arm x5x2
Cable Pushdowns: 80x10, 90x5x2
Incline Bench Press: 60x5, 50x6
Overhead Extensions: 20x8, 25x6
Decline Bench Press: 40x12, 50x8
Crunches: 3 times through circut
Hanging knee raise 10
Legs up on bench 12
bicycle 30
lying leg raise w/ rollup 10

Run on treadmil: 1.0 incline 1.95 mi in 18min =9.23m/mi

Running on a treadmil is so much easier than running outside. I can't wait for spring so I can get back out there again! Right now it doesn't get light here untill 7am and is dark by 6:30pm and it has only been getting up to 60* during the day. I'm a wimp when it comes to the cold so I'll stay inside!
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Picture Time!

Hopefully this works this time. I've been trying to upload these for the past hour. I need a new computer badly!!! I take my pics first thing in the morning. I can't see a difference between these and last month's, but I am starting to be able to feel more muscle in my legs. When I look in the mirror from the side I am able to see my hamstrings forming. I need to get my diet better so I can loose the fat that's covering up my beautiful muscles! :D


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Tuesday's workout 10/21:
Exercise Bike: 15min of 1min intervals
Elipital: 5min of 1min intervals - decided I didn't like it b/c it felt more like when I got going the machine did more work than I did!
Walked on treadmill at incline of 4.0 for 5min, 4.5 incline for 5 min of 1min intervals

Wednesday 10/22:
Back, Biceps, Calves
Lat pulldown: 110x10, 130x10, 150x8
Barbell curls: 40lbs(the bar) x4, 40x3, 30(2-15lb db) x8
Bent over cable rows: 70x10, 80x10, 90x8
Alternating db curls: weight per arm: 20x5, 20x5
Hyperextensions: 2 sets of 8 - I don't like these, it feels like I'm working my hams more than my back
Seated calf raises: 25x12, 35x15, 45x15

Walked on treadmil at incline of 4.5 for 1min intervals for 20min w/ 5min warmup & cooldown

Thursday 10/23:
Ran on treadmil incline 1.5, 1.9mi in 18min =9.47m/m I felt exhasted and wanted to quit after 4 min. I couldn't believe I made it through the whole thing!

Friday 10/24:
Legs & Shoulders
Squats: 70x8x2, 80x7, 90x4x2
Deadlifts: 70x8, 80x8, 90x6x2
Lunges stepping backwards into lunge: 2-15lb db x 10 per leg, 2-20lb db x 7 per leg
Shoulder Press: 2-15lb db x 12, 2-20lb db x 8
Leg Press: 110x10, 130x8, 150x6
Side Lat raises: 2-10lb db x 10, 2-15lb db x 8, 15x6
Hamstring curl 1 leg: 55x10, 65x10, 70x5
Rear Lat Raises: 2-10lb db x8, 10x6x2
Leg Extension: 70x10, 75x10, 80x8
Lying leg raises w/ rollup 20

This took 1:15! The squats and deadlifts took 30min! I was pretty tired by the time I got done and didn't have any time for cardio anyways so I only got 2hrs of cardio in for the week. My goal was 2 1/2 hrs. But I did better than last week so I'm gaining! :)