Sorridere's Journey

Last night's workout was so hard! I didn't think I was going to be able to walk by the end of it!!!

Underhand grip lat pull down: 165x10, 170x10
Wide Grip Stiff legged deadlifts: 115x10x2
Cuban prone snatch: 2-5lb plates x10x2
Bulgarian Split Squat 2-15lb db x10x2
Lunges stepping backwards off step w/ forward reach: 2-5lb dbx10x2
Abs: Ball crunches, reverse crunches, lateral flexation 10x2

My legs are so stiff today, and my butt hurts! But it's all worth it b/c my legs are feeling so much stronger.

Food yesterday:
Meal 1: 3 egg omlet w/ milk, peppers, onion, mushrooms, deli turkey, and a pinch of cheese
Meal 2: Yogurt and Orange
Meal 3: 2 slices of leftover pizza
Meal 4: Apple, 2 stalks of celery w/ pb, cottage cheese
Meal 5: PWO Shake - My fav so far: 1.5 scoops choco protien powder, 3/4 cup milk, 1/2 cup oats, 1 tbsp pb
Meal 6: 1/4lb hamburger on ww bun w/ spinach and tomato, and a dinner salad
Late night snack: small slice of homemade apple pie w/ homemade ice cream :(
The pie obviously wasn't in my plan, but I stopped by my parent's house and they sent it home w/ me and I just couldn't throw it away. But I only had 1 piece and there isn't any more left so no more cheats!
I was really sore yesterday but I still wanted to get my cardio in so I rode the exercise bike for 15 min of 1 min intervals. Wasn't much, but I wanted to get my body warmed up so I could stretch. It didn't seem to help though, I was still hurting this morning. Hopefully by the time I lift tonight I'll be feeling better.

Food yesterday:
Meal 1: Oatmeal w/ apples, hazelnuts, and flaxseeds
Meal 2: Banana and yogurt
Meal 3: 2 slices of leftover pizza
Meal 4: 2 stalks of celery w/ pb
Meal 5: Apple, cottage cheese, salad, leftover hamburger
Meal 6: Handfull of almonds and a cup of popcorn
I ended up not working out Wed night, which was probably a good decision since my muscles were still hurting. I wound up having to go out of town to take care of some business stuff and didn't get home early enough. Food went really well until dinner, we went out to eat at a mexican place and had a margarita and they have the best chips and salsa there so I couldn't resist.

Thursday: I ran on the gravel road. It was my first time running outside this year, which felt sooooooooo good! :D I forgot how great it felt to actually be able to say I ran from there to there instead of just picking my feet up on the treadmill. I aslo forgot how helpful the treadmil is! I ran 1 mile in 10min then walked .25mi back, ran .5mi in 4:48 then walked the remaining .25 back for a cool down. I'm happy w/ my time and distance on this run. This time last year I could only run for a few min before stoping, so I'm improving. My goal this summer is to run a 5k under 30 min without stopping to walk.

Friday 3/20:
Step ups: 2-10lb db x2x10 per leg
1 legged bent over rows: 2-8lb db x2x10 per leg

Stationary lunges w/ back foot on step: 2-10lb db x2x10 per leg
Pushups 2x10

Plank 1minx2

Front Squats: 55x10, 65x10

10 min on the eliptical while waiting for the squat rack....amazingly there were guys actually doing squats in there! :)
Just to update anyone that might have wondered where I've been....We found out my mom has cancer again, so I've been taking care of her. I've been working out some but I haven't been doing my cardio like I should. We're moving on to the 3rd phase of NROL today, it should be interesting. I'll let you know how it goes.
My good thoughts and prayers are going out to you and your mom. Take it easy on yourself and when you are ready get back to your routine. Take care.
Thanks everyone. This has been a real trying time for me, my work has become extremely stressful and time consuming along with the constant worring about my mom. I think all the stress has triggered depression. Thankfully my husband understands how I'm feeling, and we are going to go the doctor and get some help.

With everything that is going on lately I don't feel that I have the time to keep this journal up to date. Hopefully in the future I will have more time to continue it. Thank you to everyone on this site for the encouragement and help I have received. I have been able to change my body and do things I never dreamed of before b/c of you guys. I won't disapear completely, my journey isn't over.
That's a good attitude. Take it easy but don't give up the moments of taking time to do yourself good with exercise. I know it can be tempting when the s*** hits the fan, but it will be good for you to have moments dedicted to just YOU. Sending you a big hug, even though I am not a touchy feely type. :) My heart really does go out to you. Keep every corner of sunshine you can.