Snorkles- six pack abs goal. Journal

I didnt understand the protein, fat and carb part mate. It says I need approx. 2618 cals since I chose the moderatetely active option. I am 5ft 5". 18yrs. can you help me with that? please. thanks.
I did my calculations andyesterday I had:
2954 cals. and my daily maintenance is 2618cals. is this coerrect since I dont see it matching realistically..
this is what I eat:

breakfast-4 oatmeal pieces with milk, 1 apple,3 eggs (2 whites)
10am- coreslaw with turkey pieces and light mayonnaise
1pm- fat free yogurt and some almonds
3pm- 2 apples
4pm- HIIT workout (tabata sprints)
4.30- 2 portions of cubrol + large veg salad. (removed the fat parts) (photo of it, explanation underneath)
6pm- 5 walnuts
9pm- can of tuna + 10 almonds + handful of capers

ps: I dont know how much I burned during the HIIT session but still, I barely had a "good lunch" except post workout and I dont think I eat about 3000 cals. but I may be wrong and maybe the figures are shwoing the actual truth.
for example I have to sort out how many cals an egg has since I only eat 1 whole egg and eat the whites of the other eggs.and I also have to sort out the nutritional info of a 125ml can of tuna. so if there are any indications please tell me. thanks for all.
as for today this was my day until now:

breakfast 8am- 2 weetabix otameals + milk + 2 eggs ( 1 white)+ orange
11am- vegetable salad with 2 slices turkey
2pm- apple+ fat free yogurt
3pm-4.30pm- Full body workout + abs + light cardio (10mins)
5pm- large chicken breast with large vegetable salad
7pm- 7 walnuts + can of tuna + 5 cherry tomatoes + 3 small fat free cheese slices
9pm- medium chicken breast + 4 tbls corslaw without mayo.

didnt feel satisfied in any of the meals today. 2196 cals eaten, I need 2618 cals a day so this was a defecit day no?
carbs- 264.5g
proteins- 182g
fats- 92.5g

I didnt take into account the cals I burned working out so thats more than the 422 cals which are subracted from both numbers.
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I didnt understand the protein, fat and carb part mate.

Let's say a person has a maintenance level of 2,600 calories. And, they want to shed some fat, so they cut that by 2,100 calories a day . Assume this person weighs 160 lbs.


Target 1 gram of protein per lb. of bodyweight. That's 160 grams of protein or
640 calories ( 160 x4 ) a day.


Target 25% of your fat loss level of overall calories for fat. So, 2,100 X 25% = 525 calories from fat. One gram of fat is 9 calories, so that's about 58 grams of fat.


Plug figure. So, 2,100 - 640 ( protein ) - 525 ( fat ) = 935 calories from carbs.
One gram of carb is 4 calories, so that's about 233 grams of carbs a day.

It says I need approx. 2618 cals since I chose the moderatetely active option. I am 5ft 5". 18yrs. can you help me with that? please. thanks.

Just round it to 2, don't have to be that exact......these are just ' estimates ' remember..

Help with what ? I don't follow.

I did my calculations andyesterday I had:
2954 cals. and my daily maintenance is 2618cals. is this coerrect since I dont see it matching realistically..this is what I eat:

It is impossible for anyone other than you ( i.e someone on this forum ) to decide if it is correct or not. You have the labels, you weigh the food, you know the portion sizes etc.

ps: I dont know how much I burned during the HIIT session but still, I barely had a "good lunch" except post workout and I dont think I eat about 3000 cals. but I may be wrong and maybe the figures are shwoing the actual truth.

Your HIIT calories are anyone's guess...but then again, if you did your Harris calc assuming a given level of HIIT as part of the calculation, you don't need to track your HIIT calories burned each day anyway - it's assumed in your Harris calc.

for example I have to sort out how many cals an egg has since I only eat 1 whole egg and eat the whites of the other eggs.and I also have to sort out the nutritional info of a 125ml can of tuna. so if there are any indications please tell me. thanks for all.

You should able to very easily find this info on-line ( i.e eggs ) or on food labels ( i.e tuna )
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as for today this was my day until now:

breakfast 8am- 2 weetabix otameals + milk + 2 eggs ( 1 white)+ orange
11am- vegetable salad with 2 slices turkey
2pm- apple+ fat free yogurt
3pm-4.30pm- Full body workout + abs + light cardio (10mins)
5pm- large chicken breast with large vegetable salad
7pm- 7 walnuts + can of tuna + 5 cherry tomatoes + 3 small fat free cheese slices
9pm- medium chicken breast + 4 tbls corslaw without mayo.

didnt feel satisfied in any of the meals today. 2196 cals eaten, I need 2618 cals a day so this was a defecit day no? I didnt take into account the cals I burned working out so thats more than the 422 cals which are subracted from both numbers.

When you say " I need 2618 cals a day "

Just to clarify - is 2,618 the calculation you got just to maintain your weight ?

Or is 2,618 the number you came up with to lose fat ?
When you say " I need 2618 cals a day "

Just to clarify - is 2,618 the calculation you got just to maintain your weight ?

Or is 2,618 the number you came up with to lose fat ?

its the number of cals to maintain my weight.

today (rest day) I had until now:

breakfast: oeatmeal cereal + milk + yesterday left overs of chicken (very few)
10am- 3 eggs (2 whites) + apple
lunch- 2 palm sized fish portions and 6 tbls of corslaw (no mayo.) olive oil instead.
4pm- fat free yogurt + 3 walnuts + orange
8pm- large chicken doner (no bread) with corslaw (with mayo)
(so thats about 1838 cals for today.good defecit.)

185 g carbs
136.5g proteins
61.5g fats

I found out the eggs and tuna info by the way. and about the calculation thing, I asked you to tell me how much fat, proteins and carbs I need daily. I am 147.7 lbs. So I need 148 grams of protein meaning 592 cals. I need 650 cals from fat. And I need 1358 cals from carbs? Did I get it? Because I think I am in no way taking such amont from carbs since I am trying to stay away from them (apart from my breakfast) since I want to shed fat.
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and about the calculation thing, I asked you to tell me how much fat, proteins and carbs I need daily. I am 147.7 lbs.

To lose weight, it's 2,618 x 80% = or around 2,100 calories a day.

I gave you the tools earlier to do the math on "how much fat, proteins and carbs " - but here it is anyway.

Protein-- 148 grams of protein..............600 +/-calories a day

Fat-- Target 25% of 2,100...................525 +/- calories a day ( about 60 grams a day )

Carbs -- Plug. So, 2,100 - 600 - 525 = 975 +/- calories a day ( about 244 grams a day )
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On the basis of 2600 cals (since that is my daily maintenance) I calculated that I need:

proteins- 148g/ 592 cals
fat 72g/650 cals
carbs 339g/1358 cals

or are calculating on the 2,100 range assuming that I am aiming for fat loss?
On the basis of 2600 cals (since that is my daily maintenance) I calculated that I need:

proteins- 148g/ 592 cals
fat 72g/650 cals
carbs 339g/1358 cals

or are calculating on the 2,100 range assuming that I am aiming for fat loss?

I already told you.

It was 2,100 ( which is a cut of 20% from 2,600 .)......

" To lose weight, it's 2,618 x 80% = or around 2,100 calories a day "​
If you don't like Fitday, I'd check out Nutrition Data

You can register and either use foods in their database or add those in your own "pantry" of foods. It takes a little bit of time on start-up, but once a food is in your pantry, it's always there. You just click on the amount of it you've consumed (that is where the food scale comes in until you've learned how to approximate portions based on this).

If you eat the same stuff over and over again, it's very easy to maintain log this way. The only hurdle is that in the old version, you couldn't save your total consumption data after every day (so you have to copy the data you care about into a separate spreadsheet). I don't know if the new updates they've made have fixed this or not.
hi guys, thanks for the help. I got the hang of both nutrition data and fitday too. Over these last 3 days I have been calculating calorie intake, Ive got my list of foods (which took me about 2hrs to compile) all set and I just add calories at the end of the day. I am already suited to the ammoutn of cals so when I am eating throughout the day I know that for example "i just eat 100 cals" etcetc. Infact yesterday I managed to work out that I have about 1000 cals left so I eat a large chicken breast. Wringell, ok I am workoing in the 2,100 range mate. Thanks for the calculations aswell. In these last 2 days I had: 2196 cals and 1838 cals (on the rest day)

today-sunday I had:

10am (woke up late ) had an apple
breakfast- 3 weetabix oatmeals + milk + 2 eggs (1 white)
lunch- 1 1/2 chicken breast and 3/4 of a cauliflower (large meal since tonight i will be out)
4pm- orange + 10 almonds

= 1635 cals.
- carbs - 111g
-proteins- 71.5g
-fats- 22g
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(monday-hiit+full body workout 9 hrs later):
woke up 7am had a yogurt
HIIT tabata sprints
breakfast 8am- oeatmeal cereal with milk + 3 eggs (2 whites)
11am- small veg salad with 1 1/2 turkey+ pear
2pm- other half of small veg salad with 1 1/2 turkey + apple
5pm- 3 slices fat free cheese + 1 tomato
5.30-7pm Full body workout + abs
7pm- 4 slices brown bread toasted with can of tuna + 1 tomato
8pm- 2 fish palm sized portions + 4 cheese slices


1953 cals. again.. a defecit.
AND TODAY i eat the amounts of:

carbs- 195.5g
proteins- 158g
fats- 62.5g

and accoring to the 2100 cals per day i should have taken 148g proteins (i eat more), 244g carbs (i eat less) and 60g fat (i eat more).

but for the first time calculating these amounts, am I on the right track or should I increase ccarbs or decrease protein etc?

last question - What happens if I always end up on a defecit side? are there any negative aspects to it? Because once I am getting hold of the calories list etc and staying under calorie maintenance is becoming easy to do especially when I workout. (I also managed to track the amount of carbs, proteins,fats i took in the last few days too, so any comments/suggestions about something would be welcome thanks
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1953 cals. again.. a defecit.
AND TODAY i eat the amounts of:

carbs- 195.5g
proteins- 158g
fats- 62.5g

and accoring to the 2100 cals per day i should have taken 148g proteins (i eat more), 244g carbs (i eat less) and 60g fat (i eat more).

but for the first time calculating these amounts, am I on the right track or should I increase ccarbs or decrease protein etc?

Going a bit over or under isn't a huge deal - don't get too caught up on the detail...i.e " should have ". And if you ARE fixed on getting EXACTLY 2,100 calories - you're only about 150 calories short - just add 12 oz of pure O.J.a day - that's about 160 +/- calories and 40 +/- grams of carbs ...done.:)

last question - What happens if I always end up on a defecit side? are there any negative aspects to it?

You're only off by 150 calories...not enough to worry about IMO.

If you want, just add some juice to boost your calories and carbs.

Because once I am getting hold of the calories list etc and staying under calorie maintenance is becoming easy to do especially when I workout. (I also managed to track the amount of carbs, proteins,fats i took in the last few days too, so any comments/suggestions about something would be welcome thanks

You're doing fine.
ok thanks then :) . so lets say i am always on a carb defecit everday can i take for example 2 slices brown bread daily or it would be better if i stay without "daily" bread? since i rarely have bread as you can see.

will post today's food later tonight. rest day today.
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ok thanks then :) . so lets say i am always on a carb defecit everday can i take for example 2 slices brown bread daily or it would be better if i stay without "daily" bread? since i rarely have bread as you can see.

will post today's food later tonight. rest day today.

Nothing wrong with bread - just make sure it's some sort of ' whole multigrain ' bread variety instead of the usual whole wheat or white bread ( if you can.)...or make sure you have the bread along with some protein like lean meat , peanut butter etc.
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yes yes my bread is brown bread whole grain. and yes, i generally have turkey slices or a can of tuna with it. i like it :)
ok thanks again mate. until now I had- (rest day)

breakfast- 3 weetabix oatmeals+ apple+ 3 eggs (2whites)
11am- vegetable salad (no corn)) + 3 turkey slices ham.
1pm- fat free yogurt
4pm- 1 chicen breast + medium corslaw (with light mayo.)
7pm- 5 wlanuts + tomato + pear
9pm- 1/2 chicken breast with 3 fat free cheese slices + some 10 green peas.

2001 cals

tommorow I will have white pasta after a month a half without it hehe
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breakfast 7am- 2 servings special k +milk+ apple+ 3 eggs (1 white)
9am- football
10-am apple
1pm- fat free yogurt
2pm- banana
2.45pm-4.30pm.Workout - full body workout + abs + cardio 20mins
5pm-Post workout- 2 servings white pasta (cheat meal of the month) + 2 special k bars
8pm- 2 slices turkey + capers + 3 slices fat free cheese

calories- 3229 cals (needed some calorie fuelling after days of defecits and workout)
carbs- 527g (mainly because of the 500g pasta serving )
proteins- 130g
fats- 62g
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Curious: What did you think of white pasta after not having it for so long? Did you feel like you got your "cheat" feelings fulfilled from it?

I had some about 2+ months ago, and I hadn't had it for some time before that, and it tasted really really WEIRD to me - almost like something was off.