I liked it mate. I really like pasta mate. I could have had more than 500g but I know thats too much then. I dont know why I have the stomach of an obese person. I was never fat in my life but I can really put in large amounts of food in my stomach and still not feel satisfied.I dont know why.but thats something for once in a month, now I am off to running hard again 
hi, im back from HIIT and I need to assk a question:
why was it easier for me to sprint today? I usually kill myself sprinting, today It went ok, I still am tirred but not as usual. I could have decreased the 10 second breaks (since I do the Tabata method of 20 sec sprint, 10 sec off).
Is it because I eat a lot of carbs yesterday? (dont they digest by the night??)
Is it because I only had a banana before HIIT and not some breakfast cereal?
Or is it just one of those days where you body just indicates that it feels like working?
I did HIIT first thing in the morning on previous occasions but still felt more tired than this. so doing it first thing in the morning is not the case that's helped me I guess.
hi, im back from HIIT and I need to assk a question:
why was it easier for me to sprint today? I usually kill myself sprinting, today It went ok, I still am tirred but not as usual. I could have decreased the 10 second breaks (since I do the Tabata method of 20 sec sprint, 10 sec off).
Is it because I eat a lot of carbs yesterday? (dont they digest by the night??)
Is it because I only had a banana before HIIT and not some breakfast cereal?
Or is it just one of those days where you body just indicates that it feels like working?
I did HIIT first thing in the morning on previous occasions but still felt more tired than this. so doing it first thing in the morning is not the case that's helped me I guess.