smokers corner

I smoked for many years and when my son was born I quit.
Now 3 years later I started back. I blamed it on stress, now that I recently lost my job it is even harder. However I have rededicated myself to stopping again. I have some patches and hope to be smoke free soon.
Allahkaba said:
*cough* Ahem, if I could I would. But they always give me strange looks when I try and buy alchohol with a permission slip from my mom.

Where do you live? 18 is old enough to buy beer where I come from, not booze though but that stuff sucks anyways
I gave up smoking 6 weeks ago after smoking for the last two years.
I have started and stopped so many times I have lost count
Well I stopped smoking cold turkey on March 5th, It wasn't too hard except my wife didn't quit with me but as the month go by I do feel better for it, my immune system is doing great and I havnt had as much as a cold in nearly 5 months :)
I started smoking when i was 14. Wanting to be "cool" and "rebelious". By the time i was 18, i was smoking over a pack a day. At the worst points in my life, i was smoking about 2 and a half packs a day.

Being addicted to something this strongly was a horrible crutch. I would literally FEAR long meetings at work or airplane trips. It was like a feeling of utter helplessness.

One day after 11 years of smoking, i realized i had a control over everything else in my life, except i was a slave to nicotine. I just didnt want something to have such a strong control over me, especially considering it was an inanimate object. I didnt want to be powerless to this anymore. So I got the patch and started to quit. It's been 2 years and i still have urges when im at the bars or when i see someone smoking, but i havent touched one. I consider my quitting smoking one of the greatest acheivments in my life. Ironic considering i voluntarily started doing it in the first place.

A couple pointers to people trying to quit. First off, dont use the patch if you arent REALLY phsyically addicted. If you can go more than a day without a cigarette, you most likely arent physically addicted. The patch helps you overcome the physical addiction so you can more easily overcome the much more difficult, psychological addiction. Thats the one you gotta beat on your own. No drug will help with that. Most people who smoke are familiar with the "after dinner" smoke. or the "just got outside from a non-smoking place" smoke. These are gonna be the hardest ones to crack.

The best advice I can give though, is if you fail, just keep trying. Statistics show that your chances of success greatly increase with each attempt. Just keep trying.

You must take that desire to quit, and you need to bottle it up. Remeber that feeling, that desire. Any time you have an urge to smoke, take out that feeling. Remind yourself how bad you want it. All it takes it one cigarette and you are again a smoker. You just have to beat that urge, everytime it comes. They will slowly come less and less. Just hang in there. Eventually youll reach the threshold where the urge to have a cigarette will be so weak, youll just dismiss it with the wave of a hand.

I wish anyone whos considering quitting good luck. PM me if you need any advice or encouragement. I'm always glad to help.
nobody smokes weed?

wth....all I hear are cigarettes lol.

I have some weed @ night sometimes to just relax or party party party.
7 months

Here is something to cheer!

I have completed my 7 months free from cigarettes. I have not smoked since 25-Dec-2005.

Do I miss it? You must be joking. It feels like this is the best thing I ever did (apart from bed-yoga :)).

Did I miss it ever? Only a bit for the first 2-3 days. After that, never!
Sometimes weeks pass by and then suddenly it occurs to me oh I havent even thought about cigarettes for weeks.

How much? I had been smoking more than 12 a day. Had been a smoker for 6 years. I had tried to quit seriously 2-3 times before and I thought I would never be able to quit.

How did I do it? I took few days off around Christmas last year - just to rule out the work excuses. Then I combined Allen Carr's book with gym.

It has been so easy for me. I certainly recommend this book to every smoker who would like help. I think this is certainly the easiest way to quit.
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What do we know here about smoking boosting metabolism? I've spoken about it on a few forums before, but besides getting rounds of "no it doesn't " responses, it wasn't until two Taiwanese Doctors yesterday, (1 traditional chinese and 1 western Med) explained to me that to be healthful and promote better health, the nicotinic acid would need a carrier amino to transport or convert it into nicotinamide which is the form we use it in , and boosts carb metabolism and so on..aka vit b3. ..which seems to need to be a concious thing one would need to do.

I did find this link

but it seems there are someother considerations aswell. I am a smoker. I have been for 20 yrs. I have also trained 12 hrs a day for many years recently, including when I was making army recruitment fitness standards and times, and so on. I can also , providing I have plenty of potassium from orange juice , maybe a soda water and flavoured no fat milk to sip on, comfortabley pump out a high impact workout including plyometrics and even perform at serious sprint pace for hrs on end.

if somebody can constructively provide some input on this, and explain to me as a very well educated genius 6 yr old why or why not and what the influences are twd this, I can finally put it to bed satisfied.

Please no trolls on this one if you can possibley manage.
thank you
Blooming Lotus
Sorry to say that I fell off the wagon a while ago :(

Have quit again (last Friday) and, so far so good. I'm on the patches this time which are helping no end. Supposed to be going to a party this Saturday which will be a huge test of my resolve - wish me luck.

Cryptik - I have smoked weed on and off for years. I stopped smoking it when I started taking fitness seriously last year, although I've allowed myself to smoke it very occasionally as a treat but, have found that is the thing which leads be back onto cigarettes so, this time, I am giving it all up completely. I have finally realised that the downsides far outweigh the fun.
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Allahkaba said:
The good old USA of course.
They can ship me out to fight in a war and die, but they won't sell me alchohol!

i dont understand why anyone would refuse a 18 year old beer, 18 year olds should be able to drink (in denmark you can buy booze at 16 and beer at 14 i think)
Running Man said:
i dont understand why anyone would refuse a 18 year old beer, 18 year olds should be able to drink (in denmark you can buy booze at 16 and beer at 14 i think)

I do have to agree with this, and also disagree. I know how it is when your at 18 and nothing to do but get drunk with some friends. Only you have to find a supplier all the time. USA already has an immense problem drunken driving. Kills off an immense amount of people, both the driver, and the innocent family of 4 in the minivan. Giving an 18 year old the right to buy beer or anything alcholic at that young of age would only force them to drive home. Or encourage the fact that they can just open one up in the car on the way to his buddies. I am only 19, but I hated the fact that I still can't buy it. It comes to the point where you mature and realize the effects it can cause. You have responsible younger teens who would do everything right, and always have the double d to be around when they need the ride.. but you also have the majority jackasses who wouldn't care or think twice and think "nothing will happen."

To get back onto the thread... cigarettes kill off more people than alchohol related deaths by a landslide. They should just treat cigarettes like marajuana and make them both illegal to distribute. It does have its negative effects.. but it would saved hundreds and thousands of lives, prevent what families have to go through with there loved ones diagnosed with cancer, prevent the next generation of kids getting hooked on them, and help us fella's and ladies struggling to just stop when our sources are no longer existant.

This is not for a debate lol. Just a rant. Chris I feel you man. I know how hard it is to quit. I am trying again as well. We'll get there. Trust me.
I'm going on my third or fourth week of not smoking. I broke down one day and smoked for a day, but I tossed the rest before going to bed, woke up, took a shower and slapped on another patch and have been good since.
nobody smokes weed?

wth....all I hear are cigarettes lol.

I have some weed @ night sometimes to just relax or party party party.
Not a habbit of it at all...only once in a while

I smoked cigs for about a week and got bronchitas :p no more for me lol
Today is my 12th day without smoking. Managed to see it through the party on Saturday without having one too (very pleased about that :) ) Still on the patches so, I'm aware that I'm still in the process of breaking the habit but, not necessarily the addiction to nicoteen. Moving down to the tiny patches next week and, 2 weeks after that, it will all be down to just me & my willpower!! Yikes!
Today is my 12th day without smoking. Managed to see it through the party on Saturday without having one too (very pleased about that :) ) Still on the patches so, I'm aware that I'm still in the process of breaking the habit but, not necessarily the addiction to nicoteen. Moving down to the tiny patches next week and, 2 weeks after that, it will all be down to just me & my willpower!! Yikes!

How long have you been smoking? How much did you smoke a day?

I'm on step 1 of Nicoderm and it's 6 weeks long, but I'm extending it a week to do some additional reprogramming.
I've been smoking on and off (mostly on) for about 20 years. Given up a few times in the past, my best effort was 18 months back when I was bout 20. This time, I'm determined to make it happen. The quantity I've smoked has varied during different times in my life - at its worst, probably about 20 a day and, at its best, maybe 2 or 3 a day.

I started on stage 2 this time as I was probably only smoking between 5 - 8 a day but, when they come, the cravings are just as bad, especially when socialising.

So, you're 6 weeks into the programme? Thats awesome, well done.