smokers corner

Thanks no i didnt do cold turkey that would of been to hard lol iused the clear patches
well done on your quit , i am using my money to buy new clothes and going on holiday
ManLondon said:
He He! Nice one. Congratulations. How did you quit? Cold Turkey?

My stats are quiet similar to yours. I quit on 25-Dec-2005. It has been almost 4.5 months. Whatever I saved on cigs, I am spending on gym and healthier food and supps.

I am so very happy to finally kick these cancer sticks.
Sore Mouth

This may sound strange but chewing gum is making sores in my mouth. I mean this is painful. I am brushing my teeth 2 -3 times a day and rinsing with hydrogen peroxide. This bites, has anyone else experienced this phenominon.
No sorry, never had that.

Well, I am giving up smoking AGAIN!! I have decided that I've been 'slipping' far too often lately so, all matches, lighters, tobacco, papers etc etc went in the bin last night!!

It hasn't even been 24 hours yet but, I have stocked up with chewing gum. I always find hte first 3 - 5 days are the worse.

Wish me luck :D
Stopped all nicotien last Saturday before 9:AM and have had none since. It gets tought to fight the cravings. There are also a lot of stressors with the business failing and it looks like Sheri and I are splitting up. It's hard to hang tough but I a sure I can make it.
i started smoking as a teen b/c i thought it was cool (i'm an idiot) and quit about 5 years ago b/c even though i was addicted i honestly couldn't stand the taste and how my clothes smelt anymore, tired of coughing and being out of breathe, and on top of that my father had heart disease and so does my mother, so i felt i should try to prevent this from happening to me b/c honestly i don't want to suffer like i saw them suffering w/their diseases. when my father passed away it really made me not want to go near it at all. i guess when people actually see others suffering from illnesses it really gets stuck in your head, plus my daddy always wanted me to quit and i did when he was alive and i'll never go back to it now that he is gone. i quit cold turkey as well. i have to say though that i did cheat in between here and there like when we went out for some drinks, etc. it was kind of hard not to have a butt w/those drinks. i haven't smoked at all in a very long time and haven't even cheated. what also actually inspired me to quit was when my brother quit, then i realized wow maybe i could do it to then and i just went for it and it worked. i think you really have to want to quit in order to be successful.

also, my hubby just went on the nicoderm patch. i can't say it is totally working for him. i think he has like two more steps to go and sometimes he still will have a butt in between here and there. he quit one time for 6 months, another for 9 months, and now is trying again, so i guess it is much harder for others and some it's easier. he also eats a lot of altoids to help w/cravings. i think it's mostly stress at work and such that makes him grab for another butt. i just hope he is successful in the end.

good luck to all of you that are trying.
I am one of the few people here who still smoke. I feel fine, except when it comes to running, that's a bit hard to do. I do the one minute interval training, but not higher than 5.2 mph (yet).
Last night around 3am I used the nicotrol inhaler. I had a craving and was not able to sleep so I used the inhaler and drank some generic niquil.
here's my lil story
I tried my 1st and last fag (lol) when I was 8 or 9, I regreted immensely and went straight to my parents tellin lol, they got mad, i got sad and promised never to do it again, and didnt. I really didnt like it either, couldnt even produce smoke.
good luck to everyone tryin to quit! its a piece of cake
I smoke like nobodies business. I try to throw it out before I get into the gym parking lot. It's is so contradictory to smoke and workout. I keep saying I need to atleast cut down. I heard it interfers with white blood cells and you shouldn't smoke for atleast an hour after working out. But, I don't remember all of it.
Every smoker knows someone who smoked all their lives and lived to 97 years old or something. Its so easy to use this as a twisted justification to smoke, as some kind of proof that smoking actually isn't bad for your health after all!

Much as I wish this were true, I was given a reality check over the weekend. My step uncle who is in his sixties, has been diagnosed with throat cancer. He has been a heavy smoker all his life and this was almost certainly the cause.

I am not suggesting that this should motivate any of you to stop. It has however, motivated me to try as hard as I can to kick the habit once and for all. As of yesterday, I am going cold turkey so, wish me luck!

I smoked when I was a teenager 'just for fun' then came college and before I knew it was full-blown addicted. I started to hate it...but couldn't stop for more than a day or two without getting bitchy, and feeling like hell. So, I finally just said 'this thing is stronger than me' and I admitted defeat. I did my research, went to my doctor and told her I wanted Zyban (which is the same as Wellbutrin). You actually continue to smoke for a day or two, but most people don't want to once they start. I was on it for 90 days--and I absolutely am free from cravings--it's amazing. I generally don't even take tylenol, but every organ in your body becomes addicted, and even for stubborn me it was too hard to quit. There are risks associated with the medicine, but I can tell you that I never thought it would be this easy to be an ex-smoker. (i had tried to quit with patches, gum, cold turkey for years.) Just thought I'd share a success story!
I started smoking because everyone else was doing it :rolleyes: I stopped because I started to train towards military-specified goals and found that it hindered me so much it wasnt really an option not to quit (and I was starting to cough up brown **** really nasty, gave me a wake up call as well), and I've found that the best motivator for me not smoking is that I will lose all that I've trained up! so the moral is: smoking sucks dont do it :cool:
Let's see. I'm not a heavy smoker, I'll have maybe 3 ciggarettes a day. And thats only if the day was hard or depressing. Helps take the edge off.
I only smoke Prime Times, maybe it's the flavor.
So far it has'nt impacted me very badly, I'll get sinus infections more easily, thats about it.
If you want to take the edge off or something, drink a beer or two. it is better than smoking which is very harmful to you and will stop your progress in training unless you are only doing anaerobic training
Running Man said:
If you want to take the edge off or something, drink a beer or two. it is better than smoking which is very harmful to you and will stop your progress in training unless you are only doing anaerobic training

*cough* Ahem, if I could I would. But they always give me strange looks when I try and buy alchohol with a permission slip from my mom.
Very rarely I will enjoy a nice Camel Ultra Light (Camels taste so good.) But I'm not a smoker, even though all these damn Nazi Ads against smokers makes me want to chain smoke.
Allahkaba said:
So far it has'nt impacted me very badly.

I sincerely hope that you are right. Trouble with smoking is, you won't really know anything about the damage it is doing to you until its too late.

I was a heavy smoker at 18 and have been smoked pretty consistently for well over half my life. As of about a year ago, I became quite a light smoker. No more than 2 or 3 a day unless I went out with friends and had a drink. This is a cycle I am now determined to break. I don't want to wake up in 30 years time, still a smoker with a long list of health problems because of it.

Besides, it doesn't really sit well with my fitness regime...