smokers corner

I'm with you there Chris the ice cold water thing works well, I completely switched my drinks...I stopped drinking soda altogether and apart from my coffee in the morning I only drink water now
Best method to quit

I smoked for about 6 years before giving up for good on Christmas day in Dec 2005. I have had no cravings or withdrawal symptoms since I quit. 1 week into it and I knew I had said good bye to them forever.

I would very happily recommend to everyone and I truly believe this is the best, easiest and cheapest method under the sun.

I quit after reading "Allen Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking" book.
This book, written by an English chain-smoker, is hugely popular in UK.
Smoke free days are good days. I slipped last week and had a cigarette after a meal with my boss. Strange thing was, I didn't really enjoy it!! Haven't felt like one since.

You don't need our willpower Sadie, I'm sure you have plenty of your own :)
It's been 12 weeks for my husband, he used the Commit lozenges as well. Now he's been off of the lozenges for about 2 weeks. Due to stress he had his first cig about a week ago but he said he didn't enjoy it at all. He ended up throwing the rest of the pack out of the window while he was driving. :)
slimsadie said:
it will be my smoke free day 1 if i dont get tempted..can u all send some of your willpower to me?

Hey well done for the new start! :)

We do not need willpower at all to quit smoking.
Read "Allen Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking" book. It costs £8
Been a couple of weeks since a post in this thread hows everyones non-smoking doing?Its now been just over 7 weeks since I have had or wanted one :D Its doing my immune system wonders and I havent had as much of a cold since stopping
I also occassionally smoke a stogie (at the poker table) or even a pipe, but I do not inhale these.
I was always curious about this. How exactly are you smoking it if you're not inhaling? I'm not a smoker at all, so I don't really get the mechanics. Are you somehow just drawing it into your mouth and preventing it from entering the lungs? Or are you just keeping a lit cigar in your mouth to look cool =D
I'm sorry to say I've had a few 'moments' since my last post and have probably smoked one or two cigarettes :(

The 'moments' are becoming fewer and further between though - haven't smoked for a while now.
Fil said:
I was always curious about this. How exactly are you smoking it if you're not inhaling? I'm not a smoker at all, so I don't really get the mechanics. Are you somehow just drawing it into your mouth and preventing it from entering the lungs? Or are you just keeping a lit cigar in your mouth to look cool =D

Simply puff it, then blow. Compared to inhaling its like taking a deep breathe.. or just taking a puff and breathe (deep breathe)

Eventhough I am only 18 I been smoking for about 8 months. Everytime tells me its so early just quit now. I have heard it all, and I was at a pack a day. I don't understand, I hate smoking but its the addiction that keeps me to it. I hate the smell, the taste, after taste, and a night of drinking, I get the next morning sandpaper throat. I hate it all, but I will be honest. I know stress is an excuse to have one, but I did stop for 2 weeks, 14 days total, and I had the WORST withdrawals. I was depressed, terrible bad mood.. the slightest things would trigger me off until I would walk outside and go for a run. I know I can quit whenever I want, its the hardest thing to do, but the one thing stopping me is having those withdrawals again. During that entire time I did not crave one at all, but for the life of me I could not have a good day, or not be an ass without one. I have now forced myself to 2 a day, one in the noon, and one after dinner. I have kept to this for close to 4 weeks now. I made a goal that once I have my eating plan, workout routine and my membership to my gym I will stop completely as there will be a different healthier gateway for me.

Good luck to everyone who is quiting.. I feel you, and I know how hard it is, but you all can do it. For some of us it just takes time to say no for the day, instead of just having one.
smoked for 7 years, 2-1/2 packs a day. been nicotine free now for 4 months. i miss it terribly, i still crave having a cig every single day. but hey, i can walk a flight of stairs and not be outta breath anymore :)

I am going through the tobacco withdrawl right now. First I quit cigarettes but failed and started smoking cigars. I traded them for the cigarellos. I quit the cigarellos and started chewing snuff. Now the only tobacco I have at all is a product called Ariva that they refer to as a cigalet. I am using them kind of like a Commit Lozenge

In the next couple of weeks I want to be nicotein free. At least since I stopped smoking I can breath. I could never have skated long distances before or done anything taxing very long. I have a lot more air now.

The drawback is that I know my body fat will likely increase. I am lifting and skating to try and keep that from happening but I am hungry all of the time. I am going to try and concentrate mostly on losing the addiction to nicotein without getting too fat. Perhaps by next year the cravings will be gone and then I can worry about getting any BF I do gain off.
Lost in Dreams said:
I quit smoking almost a year ago and it was very difficult but I found that chewing cinnamon gum helped curve the cravings. I have no idea why it worked but I still carry some in my purse for those cravings that pop up when I'm stressed out.

basically what I did. gum, mints, especially altoids stuff since it was strong.

it only takes 7 days for nicotine to get out of your I don't like the patch or stuff like that, because in my head, its keeping you on the nicotine.

after 7 days, its all mental, so if you have no physiological need, its just breaking a habit at that point...and that's where having something else to put in my mouth helped.

whatever it takes, its good to quit. I officially quit 4 or 5 years ago. But then I smoked rolling tobacco a little, and now I still smoke cigars, but its a considerable improvement over a pack a day of Marlboro reds.
after numerous attempts I finally quit about 2-3 months ago, don't really know what I did different it just worked this time. I just went cold turkey and only have a minor craving every few weeks, but that's no problem to resist.
I have been quit for 4 Months, 3 Weeks, 5 Days, 21 hours, 26 minutes and 31 seconds (146 days). I have saved £587.56 by not smoking 2,937 cigarettes. I have saved 1 Week, 3 Days, 4 hours and 45 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 14/12/05 01:00
Deniseuk said:
I have been quit for 4 Months, 3 Weeks, 5 Days, 21 hours, 26 minutes and 31 seconds (146 days). I have saved £587.56 by not smoking 2,937 cigarettes. I have saved 1 Week, 3 Days, 4 hours and 45 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 14/12/05 01:00
He He! Nice one. Congratulations. How did you quit? Cold Turkey?

My stats are quiet similar to yours. I quit on 25-Dec-2005. It has been almost 4.5 months. Whatever I saved on cigs, I am spending on gym and healthier food and supps.

I am so very happy to finally kick these cancer sticks.