smokers corner

Anyone here smoke? quit smoking?

how long since your last one?

Studies show that the more ppl you tell about your smoking adiction and how you want to stop, the more chance you have of staying away from it.

so... I tryed quiting about a year ago, and Ive prob have about 7packs of 20 since then. I last smoked 2weeks ago, planning not to smoke again.

Perhaps someone may like to post some anti smoking website up.

Jen - you got anything?
I quit smoking about 4 years ago. I woke up one morning and couldnt breathe. I went into the bathroom and hacked up something nasty, and i attributed it to a drinking binge the night before where I went through almost 2 full packs of cigarettes in 4 hours. After that, I just quit. It was tough, but I did it.
My mother never tried to quit in the 45 years that she has been smoking. One day I said to her if she cares about my brother and I, then she will make the attempt to stop.

She starting using the "Commit" losengers and has been smoke free for 6 months.
I quit smoking almost a year ago and it was very difficult but I found that chewing cinnamon gum helped curve the cravings. I have no idea why it worked but I still carry some in my purse for those cravings that pop up when I'm stressed out.

manofkent said:
Anyone here smoke? quit smoking?

how long since your last one?

Studies show that the more ppl you tell about your smoking adiction and how you want to stop, the more chance you have of staying away from it.

so... I tryed quiting about a year ago, and Ive prob have about 7packs of 20 since then. I last smoked 2weeks ago, planning not to smoke again.

Perhaps someone may like to post some anti smoking website up.

Jen - you got anything?

I quit approx. 26 years ago. I truly believed the only reason I smoked back then, is because my friends did. I had to be cool, too. But I wasn't. I stopped "cold turkey" It was a killer for a a couple of weeks, but then I just lost the craving for it. So "cold turkey" worked for me. Best of luck to you. You'll find a way to do it. Just say no
I smoked 2 packs a day from the age of 18 until 23. When I quit, I told myself I wasn't really quitting... I was just smoking less frequently. So, I made a deal with myself and said I would smoke one cigarette per year for the rest of my life. To this date, I have had a cigarette each Thanksgiving after that HUGE meal.

I also occassionally smoke a stogie (at the poker table) or even a pipe, but I do not inhale these.

BTW - You would not believe how much of a drug nicotine really is, until you have not smoked for a year and then you smoke one as nonchalantley as if you had been doing that 20+ times a day. BUZZZZZZZZZZ
jpc1058 said:
I quit approx. 26 years ago. I truly believed the only reason I smoked back then, is because my friends did. I had to be cool, too.

I found thats its the other way round. My mates moan at me for it cos they dont smoke. so i dont smoke when im with them.

ive tryed patches and They dont help. The only thing that helps me stay away is that My fitness improves 10fold when Ive not smoked for a few days.
I quit a year ago. I was having something funky going on with my heart racing and other strange symptoms. It was a scary time. Doc said quit, I had my last one that night. Cold Turkey. But, here's the thing - I came down with pneumonia just a couple days after that. I think that was a great way to get thru withdrawal.

Then, I got it in my head: LIGHT UP AND DIE and that was a powerful deterrent. Also got myself a phrase for when I would be doing something that had always had a ciggie with it: I DON'T DO THAT ANYMORE

Thing is, you have to be ready to STOP and you have to give yourself every chance to succeed. So there were friends I didn't see for several months (smokers) and I didn't drink a drop for a long time, I got thru it and people understood. I wouldn't go into a gas station. I usually pay at the pump anyway, but wouldn't go buy lottery tickets or get a drink or anything, cuz the smokes are always right behind the cashier. I knew if I could keep myself from buying them, I'd be ok, so I didn't let myself leave the house when I had a craving because I knew I couldn't trust myself.

Honestly, I don't miss it as much as I thought I would. I've had one here and there, kind of to test myself, but I haven't been tempted to buy them again.

It wasn't easy, but it also wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. If you're planning to quit, lay the groundwork so it will be easy to not smoke.
~LV~ said:
My mother never tried to quit in the 45 years that she has been smoking. One day I said to her if she cares about my brother and I, then she will make the attempt to stop.

She starting using the "Commit" losengers and has been smoke free for 6 months.

Good deal. Similar experience with my family. My mom used to smoke, and one day she caught my older brother and I in the garage experimenting with smoking cigarettes we had swiped from the glove box of her car. She was furious. My brother, being older and braver than I, said "If it's Ok for you mom, isn't it ok for us?" She said that it was no good for any of us. She quit cold turkey that day.
I come from a family of smokers on my Mom's side. Mom, Grandma, Uncles, Aunts, Cousins, you name it, they all smoked. In the house. Around us kids. It really wasn't a surprise when I got caught smokin at school in 6th grade.

I smoked from age 12 to 19. At my worst, I smoked a pack of Reds and a pack of D'jarm Blacks per day. More if I was partyin (hell, I was always partyin:D ). I also chewed.

I've been tobacco free for damn near 10 years now, and couldn't imagine even considerin lighting up. Sure, I'll have a cigar once in every blue moon, but that equates to maybe one per year. I won't allow it in my home, car or office. If you reek of smoke, I won't hang out with you. I won't go to smoking establishments myself usually, but especially NEVER if my kids are with me.

I'm the worst anti-smoker there is--a reformed tobacco freak.
I actually quit smoking two years ago. I quit because my family wanted me to and because my hubby can't stand smoke. Plus I didn't have the money anymore for them. My dad smokes and that is where I picked it up from and my friends. I started smoking when I was 13 and didn't quit until I was 21. Every time I wanted a cigerette I went and ate something to stop thinking about it. Wrong way of going about it. Now I am paying for it and I want to loose that weight that I have gained because I am not happy with myself and I want to do something about it.
I havn't smoked since Sunday, and I havnt wanted one since even though my wife smokes..I'm finding it easier to say I don't want one than to say I have stopped that way its not so much pressure....I havn't gone the eating route as a substitute either...if anything my appettite has gone altogether......

You definately need a reason to stop though,I was watching some military show on tv...and started thinking dam I was that fit and healthy when I was doing that...It made me so pissed off at how out of shape I had got I just stopped smoking and changed eating styles etc there and then..
Excellent thread manofkent.

I have given up smoking many times. My best effort was 6 months - I've managed that on 2 seperate occasions. I am currently in the process of giving up again. I managed 3 months, slipped for a fortnight (due to the lure of herbal relaxants) and have currently not smoked anything for a week.

I sincerely hope I manage it this time - the gym helps enormously.

I have no desire to be a smoker, damn my addiction!
Still haven't smoked so, thats another 10 days under my belt. The weirdest thing happened at the gym the other day - I was doing crunches and suddenly had a nicoteen craving!! Its the only craving I have had in weeks - it was a very strange place to have one.

Ah well, I didn't succumb and nor do I intend to again.
nice job Chris :D ,I am coming up to 4 weeks without smoking tomorrow night.
For the most part its been good going only the odd couple of cravings...
Thanks guys - you all know how tough it can be I'm sure! Tonight is Saturday which is my 'beer night' so, I'm bound to get a craving later. No chance of me smoking though.

4 weeks is awesome shapeshifting, I find hitting the gym and drinking lots of (extremely cold) water throughout the day helps me enormously.