Skinny Jeans

this is an interesting idea (re: the way you dress influences the way you are treated) and i can see what you guys mean. (i'm excited to talk about this! yay!) on the flip side, do you have bad experiences when you are dressed-up? for example, do you all ever have problems with nasty ass girls (eg: dirty looks/haters) or men treating you like you are a bimbo or is that really not an issue for you? (i realize that is not a new concept by any means. just wondering what your experiences have been.)

ALSO, one thing that continually happens to me is that when i'm dressed up (or "made-up" so to speak), is that i get treated like i'm an idiot! seriously. i thought that i was crazy or overreacting but even my boyfriend notices. if i actually care enough in that particular situation, i have to make an effort to "prove" that i'm not a total airhead (like literally, bust out my creditials and sh$t.) it's NOT a big deal but it's annoying. my boyfriend and my friends are all professionals so that means that most of the people we are around are the same and its' a pattern that i've noticed and have to deal with quite often.

it's not the biggest deal in the world and this certainly not a situation where i'm trying to brag or get pity. just wanted to share and find out if you all can or can't relate. :)
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I can't say that I've ever had that problem... but hey, they are just jealous.
I got nasty looks from a girl at school once when I was dressed nicely. But she had something against me to begin with. I attribute it to jealousy on her part. I primarily get positive attention from guys, only older guys though. That's kind of weird. One time I got all dressed up to go to a concert. I ran Into a guy who I've performed with before, I think he's a little over 30. He never gave me a second look before that night, but when I was dressed up he couldn't take his eyes off of my chest. (It's not like I'm that big either). He even complimented me on my top.

It just kind of bugs me that I don't get that kind of attention when I'm dressed normally.
maybe its just me, but i can walk into walmart like i described earlier and walk out with phone numbers/dates/stares/honks/whistles and what not... without being dressed up.. then i can get all dressed up and go to the club and get the same attention.. however, it's never from white men and i cant, for the life of me, figure out why lol
i know what you guys mean but i'm not sure it's always jealously. i mean, most of the people who assume that i'm an idiot are men! maybe it's a sexist thing...hehe.

it's interesting that it doesn't happen to you all. but then again, the people who usually treat me like an idiot work in industries where women are not historically represented or in high positions.

regarding nasty looks from girls, yeah, it could be just haters or maybe they just actually hate me! :eek: but, that's not as big of a deal and really easy to ignore. i think i'm just a little sensitive to it. i'm embarrassed to say why but...mostly because i grew up as an ugly kid (my awkward stage was awful!) and i was always in awe of women who were pretty and i resented them. when i started high school, the retainer came out, my butt got bigger (hehe) and i got a lot better looking and a lot of positive attention so when women give dirty looks out of "envy" or whatever (god, this sounds so stupid...), i feel guilty because i used to look at women that same way when i was younger and i don't want those chicks to feel bad or uneasy about themselves. it's like i'm a traitor! haha...

does that make sense? i know...i'm crazy.

and...don't you HATE it when some dude checks you out when he's with his gf? it's like, grow up man.
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maybe its just me, but i can walk into walmart like i described earlier and walk out with phone numbers/dates/stares/honks/whistles and what not... without being dressed up.. then i can get all dressed up and go to the club and get the same attention.. however, it's never from white men and i cant, for the life of me, figure out why lol

first of all, i love the all walmart examples! i just have to give you props for that! haha...

but, i gotta know --- what do you mean the attention is never from white men? is it from black men? or maybe all types? i'm just curious. if it's from black men, i'm guessing that you have a nice ass and probably nice feet! :D
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LMAO.. yes, it is from black men.. and i know why they look (reasons you mentioned above).. and not that i am complaining about it (after all my bf is black) but white men just never look in my direction.

i used to have really long hair.. and i got looks, but then when i cut it short.. omg.. it has seriously been crazy. my friends say they cant take me anywhere lol
too funny! i'm guessing you won't get growing out your hair anytime soon? j/k

but yeah, i wonder why white dudes don't look??? hmm...

yeah, i just recently cut my hair off and i've gotta a lot more attention. it's not nearly as short as yours (i have a blunt shoulder length bob with blunt bangs, though my bangs are slightly curved around my face on the sides) but it's great. i'm loving the new look. i was one of those girls who basically thought that my hair was my life but i'm so happy that i finally cut it! so much edgier!
I SO know what you guys mean! ARG, it's so frustrating. Just yesterday, I went in to see about upgrading my car to an '08. The guy starts by by telling me I'm tall, lol. I'm thinking, you're not even close buddy, I'm like 5'2" but I was wearing my 4" so I guess I was tall to him. He asks about my husband (which I don't have) and tells me that he's single (probably not lol). He ends it with an invite to Vegas.

I was so mad! (I never really brag) but I felt like telling him "Look buddy I'm here to trade in my BMW for a better one, just do your job and 'sell' me the car, I'm not here for your amusement, I make decent money and have a decent job, I'm not a bimbo that will take you up on your pathetic offer!"

Anyway, getting back to the topic, I think that sometimes when a girl who is already insecure about herself and she sees someone who 'seems' to have it all by being put together she can feel even more inadequate. I think that's when the little green monster comes out-not really out of jealousy but out of insecurity. I find it with younger girls. That or they automatically think you're a whore LOL. I never got that.
By the way, I think short hair is def. an attention getter. I can see why you'd get hit on's not so common and like aenoteal's edgier!

(I gotta say I love you girls LOL)
lol.. yeah.

i ran into my first crush the other day.. haven't seen him since 8th grade! LOL
he just about fell over and all he could talk about was my hair. my bf's best friend lives in Arizona and i have yet to meet him. they were together over the weekend i he got on the phone saying that my bf had showed him a picture of the two of us and he just wanted to say he loved my hair. sunday, i was on my way home from a friends house and, stopped at a stop light, this older woman (well in her 50's id say) is next to me trying to get my attention.. i look over and she says she loves my hair lol.. needless to say.. no, i will not be growing it back out any time soon, if ever lol
I'm growing my hair out so I can donate it. They need at least 10 inches. I normally have shoulder length hair, and now it's a couple of inches past my shoulders. I think there comes a point where hair can only get so long before it becomes unattractive. Oh well. I'll give up a bit of attractiveness for a cause.
Anyway, getting back to the topic, I think that sometimes when a girl who is already insecure about herself and she sees someone who 'seems' to have it all by being put together she can feel even more inadequate. I think that's when the little green monster comes out-not really out of jealousy but out of insecurity. I find it with younger girls. That or they automatically think you're a whore LOL. I never got that.

So there. OMG....I'm the insecure one, and I try not to give someone else a bad look, and I don't necessarily think bad thoughts, other than, "I wish I looked like that" or "I want hair/skin/boobs" like that. LOL I compare myself to EVERYONE. And let me tell sucks. LOL

For a while, I was getting obvious stares and what not when I went to Walmart, or just about anywhere. And when I would run outside....holy cow....I had several people wave, honk, turn around....ugh...THOSE were the creepy ones. And it's not like I was all decked out, either. Shorts and a t-shirt....what's sexy about that?? LOL
lol.. yeah.

i ran into my first crush the other day.. haven't seen him since 8th grade! LOL
he just about fell over and all he could talk about was my hair. my bf's best friend lives in Arizona and i have yet to meet him. they were together over the weekend i he got on the phone saying that my bf had showed him a picture of the two of us and he just wanted to say he loved my hair. sunday, i was on my way home from a friends house and, stopped at a stop light, this older woman (well in her 50's id say) is next to me trying to get my attention.. i look over and she says she loves my hair lol.. needless to say.. no, i will not be growing it back out any time soon, if ever lol

I don't think I'm thin enough to pull off a short do.... :rolleyes:
So there. OMG....I'm the insecure one, and I try not to give someone else a bad look, and I don't necessarily think bad thoughts, other than, "I wish I looked like that" or "I want hair/skin/boobs" like that. LOL I compare myself to EVERYONE. And let me tell sucks. LOL

Wow Beth, I'm sure it took a lot to admit this. We've all that feeling: wow, I wish I had her (blank)...The key is play up the things you DO like about yourself. Confidence is being secure in what you have to work with, not in being perfect...

I try to not to think about the things I'm not happy with, and I play up the things I do like LOL...

I don't think I could pull off short hair either, some people can some people can't LOL.
i didnt think i could either, but hell, i gave it a shot and love it. i agree though, not everyone looks good with short hair. i however do not think one needs to be "thin" to pull off short hair.

a friend that i havent seen in about 2 years saw some pictures the other day and said she almost didn't even recognize me.. i've gained so much confidence in myself the past couple of years and i guess it shows.. most of my guy friends tell me that they can usually tell a woman is confident by the way she carries herself and that is sexy in itself :)
Thanks to some help, I can say it without blinking. LOL I know I have insecurity issues, and I'm working on them. :)

Good to know I'm not the only one who can't pull off the short do look!! LOL