First of all, you aren't supposed to wear the same pair two days in a row
Men love stinky bacteria and fungus...
The shoes last longer that way. The fibers need time to go back to the original position. Wearing them too frequently will cause them to break down and fall apart sooner than if you wore them every other day. So basically, say you have just on pair. They last you one year. If you rotate two pairs, they should last you four years.
There are also hygienic purposes. Letting the shoes air out for a while gets rid of stinky bacteria and fungus.
Men love stinky bacteria and fungus...
Stream we wanted to know what shoes you had, not underwear.
Ok, if you have a few paires of shoes, you can list them out but if you have alot (prob most females lol) you can just write the # of how many you have.
Heres me...
1-black on white adidas (everyday shoes)
1-Nike zoom air whites (old everyday shoes)
1-Asic running shoes (running =])1-Dress shoes (lookin' fly ;-])
1-Asic wrestling shoes
1-Nike Free 7.0 Training Shoe (indoor training)
1-Pair of sandals =]
1-Pair of boots
Yeah, I just realized I have ALOT of shoes for a dude.I hope Mreik doesn't take my man card like he did Karky.
I'll take a second helping please. Can you serve it to me naked?
Women like well dressed men, and shoes are just as big a part of the outfit as everything else.
In that order?
Now here's a question for you. Which would you rather have. A beautiful face, we're talking knockout, with a less than perfect body (for kicks lets say, about 10 pounds overweight) OR knockout body-who ever your fantasy chick is- but a not so good looking face???
And yes, if a guy were to pick me up on date with scuffed up shoes it would be a ding on him...