🏋️‍♀️Science of Diet and Exercise Journal👩‍🎓

spent a couple of hours painting in the gym, I am out of paint. One section of the wall will become a giant blackboard and the rest of the walls that are not bare metal will be painted with theatre black to make photography and video easier. In time I would lake to add some gym flags or wall stickers that will work as good background.
It must be shaping up well, Tru. Are you getting many clients now or are you not quite ready for that yet?
I need tax return to come in so I can get a higher level of public liability insurance, then I can focus more on marketing and boosting clients. I want to be able to run some classes at the local hall but council requires 20 mil for public liability insurance not the base level 10 mil that most trainer insurance has.

like most things it takes money to make money but I will get there, but it will be a challenge picking up more general fitness clients rather than just athletes, but there is not enough athletes around with a budget for coaching to make a reasonable income when you live rural.
Councils don't seem to encourage small businesses. It does take money to make money. Having a well-equipped gym for you & your family has to be a good thing anyway.
Your son doing so well would be great publicity. I agree about the damage professional athletes' bodies rack up. Sadly the same is often true for young people who push past their limits for years to make it as a pro but never quite do. Of course they don't keep going for as long as the pros but they also don't have the elite level support.
electricity will be off all day tomorrow so just finished getting extension cord sorted out to run the generator tomorrow so I can still have water.
Oof, rural living in a sparsely populated country brings so many challenges with it... No wonder you learned to basicslly do everything.
I grew up rural, and yes you do learn a lot of skills. It can be a big shock to the system for people moving to rural areas later in life. Where I am now the population is growing very quickly and it is causing problems with homelessness as there is no housing available for rent and as soon as power goes out, or internet and phone goes down there is an outcry from those who are not used to lack of services even in town, but at least the ones in town don't lose water when the power goes out, only those who are truly rural have that happen.

Preppers pride themselves on having skills and being prepared for anything, in rural Australia that is simply called living.

After 10 years in Canberra (spent time there for study) there is no way I would ever want to move back to a city ever again. Rural life can be hard but worth it.
After 10 years in Canberra (spent time there for study) there is no way I would ever want to move back to a city ever again. Rural life can be hard but worth it.
I don't think I could either. Tru. I look at real estate in Launceston regularly, trying to prepare myself for moving, but I don't think I could handle it.
seems the power is back on early, the outage notice said it was supposed to be out till 3 this afternoon.

Got a big chunk of concreting done on the driveway with Ds help (son has his weekend as Mon/Tue) my poor body is feeling it. we need a new cement mixer, mixing concrete in a wheelbarrow is hell, The hardware stores have had the cheaper mixers out of stock for months.
Not surprised the affordable mixers are out of stock between the catastrophic flooding, general stocking ussues, and steel prices. Hope you recover quickly.
added a couple more videos to the YouTube channel, KB Halo in half kneeling position for shoulder and spine mobility as well as a Single Arm High Pulley Lateral Extensions (Half Wolverine) which was a special request.

I am not entirely happy with the videos so far, still working in my video editing and filming. there is also a couple of older vids I have left public.

I want to keep the vids to just the exercise, no advertising (I clicked the targeted at kids option to keep the vids clear of ads which automatically prevents comments as well) As time allows I will embed the vids in their own page on my website with more info, that is the place for self promotion, not here or ad filled YouTube.

I am working through the FMS exercises first as the big lifts saturate YouTube along with anything I have had a request for.
I certainly woke this morning with DOMS from the concreting but feeling ok now, a bit of movement and active recovery has done the trick.

I just noticed that the BMR formula I have used for years (Katch-McArdle) and is considered to be the most accurate was developed by the authors of my text book this semester (Frank Katch, Victor Katch and William McArdle)

I need to video D sparring tonight for the Olympic talent ID and little miss want's me to video her doing up-downs (lat pull downs).
I took so much video on my phone tonight I am getting a low space warning lol. Tomorrow I need to transfer it to the computer and cut it together as a 30 second highlight reel.

this is a longer version of the talent id video, the actual video submitted is cut to the required 20 seconds.
I had to register my software for the video with music, I had been using the demo version. Been playing around with some of the features that are now unlocked so my videos should improve a little now.

I saw this and just had to laugh :)