Ryofire's Journal


Iso Lateral Row: 140lbs 2x12

EZ Bar Bicep Curl: 55lbs 1x9, 50lbs 1x12

Russian Twist: BW 1x12, 1x failure

Back Extension: 120lbs 1x15, 115lbs 1x15

Transverse Vaccum: 3x60s

20 minutes HIIT

Smith Machine Squat: 170 lbs 1x10, 165lbs 1x12

Calf Raise: 170 lbs 1x10, 165lbs 1x12

Hip Adduction: 95lbs 2x15

Hip Abduction: 95lbs 2x15

Smith Behind the Neck: 75lbs 1x12

Dumbell Chest Press: 35lbs 1x12

Russian Twist: BW 1x12

Back Extension: 125lbs 1x15

20 minutes of HIIT

Wide Grip Pull Up: BW 1x6

Iso Lateral Row: 175lbs 1x10

EZ Bar Bicep Curl: 60lbs 1x8; 55lbs 1x8

Russian Twist: BW 2x12

Back Extension: 125lbs 1x15; 120lbs 1x13

Transverse Vaccum: 3x60s

20 minutes HIIT

Handstand Pushup: BW 1x8

Shoulder Raise Lateral and Anterior: 15lbs 1x6; 10lbs 1x10

Tricep Pushup: BW 1x15

Russian Twist: BW 2x12

Transverse Vaccum: 3x60s

Superman: BW 2x15

20 minutes HIIT

Smith Machine Squat: 175lbs 1x8; 170lbs 1x10

Smith Calf Raise: 175lbs 1x8; 170lbs 1x10

Hip Abduction: 95lbs 1x15

Hip Adduction: 95lbs 1x15

AM Cardio and Hung Gar in the Afternoon.....................

Oh and if I can stress it to anyone whose reading this. Drink plenty of water.

Dehydration is bad nuff said.

Yea so way to celebrate my Birthday by going to the gym.....then to IMAX, and of course going to the local strip clubs :D.

Pull Up: BW 1x8

Iso Lateral Row: 175lbs 1x12

EZ Bar Bicep Curl: 60lbs 1x10

Transverse Vaccum: 2x60s

Russian Twist: BW 1x12

Back Extension: 130lbs 1x15

20 minutes HIIT

After seeing an awesome IMAX film about the coral reef and aquatic life. Got to go to a Titty bar and get to ago again pretty soon. It's good to finally be of age to drink:beerchug:..........responsibly of course.

AM cardio and Hung Gar in the afternoon.

My grandfather took me out tonight to an awesome Chinese Restaurant I like. They have awesome vegetarian dishes and brown rice. Not to mention a kick ass Japanese Plum wine. There's not too many Chinese food restaurants that serve brown rice other than P.F. Changs.

Dumbell Chest Press: 35lbs 1x12

Smith Behind The Neck Press: 85lbs 1x9

Russian Twist: BW 1x12

Transverse Vaccum: 2x60s

Back Extension: 130lbs 1x15

20 minutes HIIT

I did some AM Cardio and Practiced some Hung Gar. Also Hammerfall's new album No Sacrifice, No Victory came out. Rad!!

Pull Ups: BW 1x10

Iso Lateral Row: 175lbs 1x10

EZ Bar Bicep Curl: 60lbs 1x8

Russian Twist: BW 1x13

Transverse Vaccum: 2x60s

Back Extension: 130lbs 1x15

20 minutes HIIT

Another AM Cadio session and Hung Gar practice day.