Being the week between Christmas and New Year's, my gym's spending a lot of time busily being closed. It was supposed to be open briefly today, tomorrow, and Friday, but when I got into the city today to train, the gym was all locked up. Naturally, I was devastated knowing that if I wanted to train I'd have to walk a whole 5min to get 2 streets over where there's another Goodlife Health Club. Just devastated. That said, knowing that my main gym is closed today, and probably will be on Friday, too, I decided this would be my last session of the year, and I'd have a go at my 1RM's on squat, bench and deadlifts.
Wed 29/12/10
Attempt #1: 1x100kg - weight went up surprisingly easily
Attempt #2: 1x105kg - another easy lift
Attempt #3: 1x110kg - I grabbed one of the other PT's to give me a spot, making sure to be very clear that I didn't want him touching me or the bar until he hears the magic code (ie a stream of various profanities). He obliged and I got the weight up. He then coerced me in going for 112.5kg, which, honestly, probably would have been more like my real 1RM. Having completed the 3 attempts I was aiming, I decided to go for it just for fun, not really caring whether he assisted me or not...which he did, so I won't count it as an official lift. Nonetheless...
1x112.5 - PT assisted.
1RM: 110kg
Bodyweight: 67kg
Coefficient (1RM/Bodyweight): 1.64
Bench Press
Attempt #1: 1x72.5kg - I calculated that with a 67.5kg 5RM, I should be able to do 75kg, maybe 77.5kg. I decided to start with my previous 1RM from the last time I tested it, and go for the higher numbers in attempts 2 and 3. For reasons I'm uncertain of, things didn't go to plan, because this was my only successful lift.
Attempt #2: 1x75kg - FAIL
Attempt #3: 1x75kg - FAIL
1RM: 72.5kg
Bodyweight: 67kg
Coefficient (1RM/Bodyweight): 1.08
Power Clean 5x20kg, 3x30kg, 1x40kg
RDL 3x50kg
Conventional Deadlift
Attempt #1: 105kg - success!
Attempt #2: 110kg - hard lift, but success!
Attempt #3: 115kg - I was so busy focusing on just keeping the bar in my hands and just standing up that I'm not 100% certain I locked out my knees, so if this were a competition I'm not sure if it would have ben a red or a white flag, but as far as I'm concerned it was a successful rep.
1RM: 115kg
Bodyweight: 67kg
Coefficient (1RM/Bodyweight): 1.72
I still had plenty of energy after all that, and was feeling really good, so I decided to finish off with a quick little fullbody circuit.
Pull Ups 1x7, 1x5
Dips 2x5
Hyperextentions 2x10
Traveling Lunges 2x10