I am at the gym twice a day now. Spending roughly 1 hour each time.
I have contemplated a years worth of working out.
If you care for it, please give me some opinions on this.
Phase 1 is 3x20 reps, 4 body parts per day and ~30 mins of cardio.
Phase 2 is 3x15 reps, 4 body parts per day and ~45 mins of cardio.
Phase 3 is 3x12 reps, 4 body parts per day and ~50 mins of cardio.
Phase 4 is 3x10 reps, 4 body parts per day and ~55 mins of cardio.
Phase 5 is 5x5 reps, 4 body parts per day and ~60 mins of cardio.
These workouts, by the way, make me feel like I'm overflowing with energy once I'm done. There is no intake before or after these workouts. I remember nearly passing out from working out when filling up with carbs and proteins an hour before...now I am going without them and feel twice as better - is there some knowledge on this paradox or is this just me being glycogenicly efficient and full upon waking up in the morning?
I workout 5 days in and 2 (more or less) days out. My intention behind these first 5 phases is to make my core solid and reach a good fitness starting point that is above average. Also hoping to get the splits in there by the end of phases 2 or 3. Nearly 8 inches away from it.
Caloric intake will be standard for my days except that for phase 1 I will cut out the breakfast.
No sugar.
No salt.
Water only for drinking.
No cheating.
I indeed remember you saying that about the fitness industry and not about the country in general, apologies for that.
Wishing you good health and no worries,
Regarding rep ranges of your exercises, depends on goals. Regarding 4 bodyparts/day 5 days/week, depends on the bodyparts. If I were going to do 10 sessions/week, I'd personally be looking at focusing on different goals in each session (eg 3x strength, 3x speed, 3x endurance, 1x ROM). The fact that you've thought about different phases is good, although I'd be more concerned with which areas of fitness are focused on increasing and which areas are focused on maintaining during different phases (eg you might spend 3 months building up a strength and aerobic base, then 3 months building up speed and anaerobic endurance while maintaining strength and aerobic fitness). There's nothing inherently wrong with what you've said so far for your strength and conditioning, just make sure you have a good reason for everything you do. Strategic programming is key. You'll probably want at least one session a week specifically focusing on ROM if you want to be doing the splits.
Regarding how energised you feel, I can't explain that one. May be something related to ketosis?? As I've mentioned plenty of times, my body responds completely opposite to how you describe your body responding. The one time I tried fasted cardio, I did pass out afterwards, right as I was about to grab a recovery drink. I suppose something that could be a factor is what type of carbs you were loading up on. I've always found that I skip the sugar rush and go straight to the sugar crash when I'm eating lollies. If you've been loading up on the wrong kind of carbs, then by the time you go to train you might be in a sugar crash, which would cause the problems you're describing.
I'd recommend consuming something after your training, even if you're feeling super energised after each session. While you're having success on fasted training, I can't see a good, logical reason to continue fasting afterwards.
I'd keep salt in your diet. Your body functions as a sodium battery. Without salt, your neurons don't function. The amount needed is small, but it is necessary. The good news is, you probably don't need to ADD salt to anything to get your daily needs, as there will probably be enough salt already in the foods you eat, but I wouldn't try to eliminate it or fret whenever someone cooks something with salt in it.
No water for eating? J/K. What's your stance on drinking milk? I don't have any qualms with recommending people to drink milk and natural juice (fresh squeezed is best as you can control what exactly enters your cup). It's more the empty calorie drinks - soft drink and alcohol - that are worth worrying about, in my opinion.
So that's my POV; just some things to think about. Good luck with doing the splits. That's a rare achievement indeed.