Ok what do you guys think of this scenario...
Guy in his 30s meets a 16 year old girl. Well she and this 30 some year old guy start talking and to their surprise they click fairly well where they actually do have enough things in common to have great and meaningful conversations. So based on that, they quickly become close friends and continue to talk to each other on a regular basis for the next 2-3 years. And during those years, nobody touches anybody, it was strictly platonic, and nothing physical or sexual happens between the two. He basically exercises complete restriant, shows her as much respect as possible, and waits for her for at least those entire 2 years until she at least turns 18. Then just months after she finally turns 18, they start dating.
What do you think of this scenerio in general?
And what would would think of this scenerio if you were this particular girl's father?
Jason Salamone
Heres my opinion on that, as i am a father, but even if i werent. I dont beleive that there should be any type of close relationship between a 16 year old girl and a 30 something year old guy. I dont care how much they have in common, music, sports, books, whatever.
As the father, I would put a stop to that fast if it were my daughter, by any means neccesary.
Now, lets say my daughter was already 18 and off to college or something and she decided to date a 30 year old guy, well, i wouldnt agree with it but it would be out of my control as she would be an adult and independent to make those decisions.
On the earlier topic tho : Rape is rape ! I dont care if the girl is 13 or 35. And if the girl is under 18 "in America" and the guy is over age and even if its consentual, then its statuatory rape. As Americans, we should already know this and understand the consequences of breakin that law. There are no excuses. There is no debate.
Now in the U.K., the laws and culture may be different then here, im not exactly sure what they are. You can look back to the early bible days when there were arranged marriages between Kings and very young girls, even multiple young girls and it was common place.
The bottom line is the laws of where you are living must be obeyed, weather its consentual or not ! Period.