Look dude, sorry if it sounded like I was attacking you personally, you're not the rapist here and you were just saying what you really believe and even though I disagree with you I still admire that a lot.
If there were one thing I wish I could convince you of though, it's that rape is not less severe if there was a physical attack. It fact it's often worse if there isn't as the rapist is then left with a feeling of guilt for not doing more to prevent it and a self hatred for allowing it to happen. This can often lead to suicide.
I don't blame you for seeing things the way you do though, what you're saying sounds logical, but the damage of rape is about 5% physical and 95% emotional.
No problem. I understand how this can be an emotional thing to talk about.
I think it depend on the person. I think that different people react differently and handle things differently from one another with the different degrees of rape that exist.
I'm kind of speaking from my own perspective I guess, and I don't mind talking about it, but I'm a guy who was molested a bunch of times by my female babysitter when I was 4 or 5 years old. She was in her late teens early 20s. Because of this and I couldn't figure out why for many years, I had serious trust issues and emotional issues when it came to women all the way up through my 20s. My relationships never lasted long, because my trust issues put me in a constant state of apathy. Thankfully, this is no longer the case, but it took me several years to figure this out and turn things around.
And I just know in my heart that if she physically hurt me in a violent manner while she was molestating me, that my trust issues with women would have run much much deeper than they did, and I also would still be these having trust issues with women even today.
Jason Salamone
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