We had the same thing happen to a gardenia plant. I'll plant another one of these days.My mom grows a lot of herbs. She has to keep her mint sequestered away from everything else or it bullies the other plants. I definitely want to grow some. Like Cate said, it makes great tea when fresh (or dried). We actually had a rosemary shrub that had gotten VERY large and was quite old, but they can be very sensitive to overwatering. One year we got the remnants of a hurricane that dropped several inches of rain and it drowned our poor rosemary plant. :[
Great job on the 5 lbs!
Mine is Bipolar 1 and the meds were great except for all the weight gain. I really miss them at times like this when the depression reaches level 254....Wow, you've lost 137 pounds?! That's phenomenal! I can't believe you're not excited! I only read the first post of your diary, so i see you're climbing down from a high weight but still -- you've made such progress! I have bipolar as well -- bipolar II. I think the psych meds are interfering with my weight loss. Once Spring is over i'm going to see my doctor for a med reduction. Spring is often a time of high mood for me so i don't want to change anything now. Tho this year i don't feel a thing -- rats, because my hypomanias are so much fun! It might be because it's still so cold out. I get beautiful euphoric episodes. But the rest of the year i'm depressed and don't need such heavy meds. The weight-gain associated with psych meds really sucks!
I tried about 10 different ones so not sure really...Rebel, could you try a different med? I know that some exist for which the weight gain symptom isn't supposed to be so bad.
Yea I think all the work is the idea.Thanks for stopping by my diary Rebel! I would caution you to think very carefully before getting a dog. They are very expensive and i read in your journal that you're always looking for economies. It's all the rage to clean dog's teeth now and that runs (in Canadian dollars anyways) $1000 to $2000 every year or so. Heartworm / flea / tic meds cost $200 every Spring. Also, i wouldn't recommend a puppy as they are adorable but tons of work. They like to get up at dawn and it sounds like you like your zzzs, as do I. Adult dogs are content to sleep all day tho. The potty-training and chewing stage can be quite trying. My dog was a particularly bad puppy, slow to potty-train and even chewed my kitchen floor! I love her to bits, she's turned into a wonderful adult dog, but i had my doubts about her that first year.
It was pretty good. Chicken curry/ chicken cacciatore.The Chicken Experiment. Sounds... threatening
Paracelsus´ law. Even water can kill you if you drink too much in a short amount of time.I just don’t like meds that turn toxic at certain levels.
Yup thats why I don't drink waterParacelsus´ law. Even water can kill you if you drink too much in a short amount of time.