realworksuks vs [Focus] - "LIKE DONKEY KONG, SON!"


I'm starting to get the impression that this half a pharmacy of drugs and supplements I'm on has no effect whatsoever. I think my body just destroys them upon ingestion and does its thing regardless.

Then again, this thought process is a side effect common with most of them, haha.
My balls make all the supplements I need to workout.
What can I say, I've got big balls...

DISCLAIMER: After recent upset members have come forth, I should make it clear that my ball comments will cease if the thread participants wish them to. I do not only think of my penis, testicles, and poo talk, and I do not wish for this to be the perception. Thank you for your time.
What can I say, I've got big balls...

DISCLAIMER: After recent upset members have come forth, I should make it clear that my ball comments will cease if the thread participants wish them to. I do not only think of my penis, testicles, and poo talk, and I do not wish for this to be the perception. Thank you for your time.

What can I say, I've got big balls...

DISCLAIMER: After recent upset members have come forth, I should make it clear that my ball comments will cease if the thread participants wish them to. I do not only think of my penis, testicles, and poo talk, and I do not wish for this to be the perception. Thank you for your time.

Hahahaha. For serious? Please to ignore any whining you receive re: anything you ever write here. As long as you're not breaking any of the forum rules, which you're clearly not, as far as I can tell. Pretty sure rws'll agree that expressing yourself is never unacceptable in this thread.

And whoever's doing the whining, *best Apu voice*: I can't believe you don't shut up! :p The only upset here is my having to see a nice guy like Mark write in a disclaimer because some of you spend way more time being busybody control freaks than you do supporting others and working on your goals. That or you just have a hell of a lot of time to spend on hatin'. :boxing_smiley: :rofl: I'm sorry, but settle down, for your own good. I mean have you seen this thread? I don't even understand how your brain is wired that lets you think his friendly comment was somehow inappropriate. Is it the children!? Is it the children who are somehow on the internet and have never seen the world "balls" before? :rofl:

P.S. If you want to discuss it, please feel free to take it up with me in pm, not here. This is about fun, not dramamama'ing. Okay, good talk. ^_^

Edit: Oh, I see shaun said basically the same thing much more succinctly. Well played, sir.
Sir, this is inappropriate.

Please refrain from offending me further, or I will kill this cute little bunny I have here in my hands. I warn you - it's quite adorable.


It is the official policy of The People's Republic of R&F to NEVER negotiate with terrorists.

Commencing nuclear bombardment. :SaiyanSmilie_anim:
So yesterday’s workout was awesome. I decided to give my knees a break and not work legs, instead I did a fast paced, heavy weight upper body day.

I started out with bench
135 X 15
165 X 10
185 X 8
195 X 5

I did that all at one time, then the next three things I circuited..

Weighted Pullups
Bw X 10
30 X 8
35 X 8

I strapped on a 35 pound plate to myself while doing pull-ups, cuz I’m hardcore!@ And that’s how I rooooolllll!

Military press
85 X 10
95 X 9
95 X 8

T bar row
70 X 10
90 X 10
90 X 10

OH yeah, then I also did some calves, 2 sets, and 1 set of skullcrushers…

it was a short workout but I had to hurry to get on the golf course with 2 of my buddies. It was a hilarious round of golf…

We play that if you hit an animal with a golf ball moving at a reasonable speed you get a case of beer from the other players. We got pretty close to hitting some deer… but still didn’t get em’

I heard a big racket and I looked to my right to see my friend driving after this pheasant or something while it was running away… hilarious stuff.

Also we decided to mix my protein drink that I packed with some beer. It was surprisingly good…. Beer taste with a nice chocolate aftertaste… I think I found my mixer!
Last edited:


Ran 1.7 miles in 14.5 minutes @ 8.5mm

A1 BB Bench 85x15, 85x12, 85x8x2 - 45(S)x20x2, 45(S)x19
B1 Pull-up -70x7, Chin-Up -70x10, -70x7
B2 DB "Power Clean" 35x10x3
C1 Seated S(houlder)P 55x10, 60x10, 60x9
D1 CG Bench 45(S)x18, 45(S)x15, 45(S)x12
E1 BB Shrug 175x10x3
E2 BB Curl 45x10x3
F1 Bar Hang 0X25/17, 0X30/19


Mmkay, as per a challenger appearing earlier, and the fact that I'm losing strength on my primary movement (from being too tired, I'm pretty sure), running is now restricted to off days and possibly mondays after max upper (later, in the evening), as per the half-marathon training I will now be doing.

Everything but the primary was excellent. The speed stuff rocks, I can really feel it doing its job, and it's improving my control and explosiveness immensely. A month ago I struggled to BB Curl 25x10x3, now 45x10x3 is doable, if not easy. Yeah, buddy. And, uh, there was supposed to be athird set on the bar hangs, but my ripped-off-callus holes in my hands tore open and were bleeding all over everything and generally annoying me, so I decided to call it quits on that. Really need to start sanding those things off before they become a nuisance. Forearms felt prefatigued today anyway.

I also have a wicked excellent story, but I'll be keeping it to myself for now. :cool:

Also, for the record, jman and dave were right about chins being easier than pull-ups. I will be doing wide-grip pull-ups for a while to see how that factors.
Moo Goo Gai Pan, extra MSG and added caviar.