Random Question ...... (Game)

There are a few actually ..... thanks for asking Chef. :sifone:

Cate Blanchett - JUST SUPERB !!!
Toni Collette - 10/10 and so totally AWESOME !
Gerard Butler (Purely for my visual pleasure)
Geoffery Rush - Another Aussie genuis !
Steve Carrell - I'd consider marrying this guy I reckon.
Hillary Swank - I just love her. She's absolutely gorgeous and talented. I'd consider marrying her too actually.
Jim Carey - Funny. Funny. Funny.
Jack Black - No comment necessary. He ROCKS.
Leonardo Dicaprio - He's a master of his Craft old Leo. !
Seth Rogen - ANYTHING he is involved in is an absolute winner. ...... aaaand he looks like the 'Boo' the bear from the animation Open Season.

OK - I'll stop there.

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What's your favorite perfume or after-shave ??
No, but I've thrown my phone so hard against the wall it broke..kinda the same yeah?

What's one thing in your past you would want to relive?
I would love to go back and be a four year old as long as i could remember everything. I see the fun my daughter has with the simpleist things.

What is the coolest wild animal you have seen in the wild. (i saw a bear and a moose. love seeing those types of things.)
Hi Matt hope you are doing great :)Well the most coolest animal seen in the wild was an elephant,(A short ?? long story here,could not resist it)that was while visiting a wildlife sanctuary at Bandipur In India, and we were travelling by a bus, when a parade of elephants crossed us in the jungle.We stopped to see them and to avoid the herd from getting close to the bus,the idiotic bus driver blew the horn which got the baby elephant scared and then.......It was time for us to scare cause a big large tusker elephant,(maybe the leader of the herd) and then he roared with anger and ran towards the bus and chased us!!!This is the most thrilling experience that I have had.It is an amazing experience to see animals in the wild,different from what you see them at zoo...In the wild They are ready for their catch!Coolest in the sense we lost our and I saw that pomp in them when they made us run away like hell !

What is the most romantic thing that someone has done for you?
Bought me flowers. Pshhh, DOES NOT COMPARE AT ALL to what I've done for someone else.

Are you having Heartburn right now?
Um a very long time, I now have 8 cavities...so figure it out...:blush5: but hey when you never leave your home & don't care about yourself, what's the point?

Yes my question is tied in with my answer from the previous question.
Um a very long time, I now have 8 cavities...so figure it out...:blush5: but hey when you never leave your home & don't care about yourself, what's the point?

Yes my question is tied in with my answer from the previous question.
I went through that same thing. There was a good year or so where I never even looked at a toothbrush. And now I'm too afraid to go to the dentist to check the damage, so I've been brushing like a madman ever since I got back into it :D

From a rational point of view, I suppose it's to save yourself further pain in the long run. But when you're in that space, you don't much care about future pain, you've got enough of it already.


Do you have any numbers on speed dial?
nah! I have a cellphone... no need for that..... just tap my iphone, find the name.... viola!

Why is it that you can be TOTALLY happy in your current relationship... but when you are on facebook and find out your first love is engaged.... you are really just crushed in a way?????

even though you dont want them back?

( haha sorry just something recent i ran into!!!)
i dont get it????
Haha, that kinda happened to me, although I wasn't in a relationship when I found out.

I don't know. I guess it's just confirmation that you're no longer at the forefront of someone's mind anymore. Like a door shutting on the past that you can no longer open.


What's your favourite pie?
CHERRRRRRRRYYYYYY!!!! OMG!!! :drool5: :drool5: :drool5: !!!!!!!! :D

Did you know you can get a Eggnog DQ Blizzard? I think there is a Pumpkin Pie one too. C R A Z Y!!
No I didn't - and Cherry Pie sounds FANTASTIC :drool5:

Do you have a favorite time of the day (and/or) day of the week ?

(I love Sundays and early mornings/dawn)
I like Night, and Hump Day. hehehee I just said hump....:jump:

Why do you think your favorite day of the week is the day that it is to you?
Yes, sometimes, especially when I am in creepy stalker girl mode...

How many consecutive movies or tv episodes have you sat down to watch?
Yes, sometimes, especially when I am in creepy stalker girl mode...

How many consecutive movies or tv episodes have you sat down to watch?

quite a few. :) I once did a marathon of watching the entire mini series of Band of Brothers. I believe there are about 10 or so episodes.

Question: If you could cancel one show on TV, which one would you choose and why?
You wouldn't know it, but Shortland Street. It's a horrible NZ soap that apparently everyone watches. There's nothing unique about it, just the accents. But as for non-NZ shows, I'd cancel The Hills. I haven't watched an episode, but damn, some people just do NOT deserve as much attention as they get.

If there was a draft for superpowers, and you had to list the superpowers in order of preference, what superpower would you put at number 3?
x ray vision.

Have you ever broken a bone in your body?