Random Question ...... (Game)

If I had a Gorgeous well muscled man about the age of 25, and about 6'3-6'5 to hang onto. ;) :p

What Color would you paint your room and why?
Umm, I'm not gonna lie...I don't have an answer for this question that DOESN'T involve some sort of sexual innuendo.

If one of your friends spent time in a mental hospital, would you still be friends with them?
Yes, I should say so. I spent a month and a half in a Psych Ward. AND wouldn't you know it, made a couple of friends! (Not long lasting, but a Best Friend) we're not all crazies!! :D :svengo: (well depending on what You're definition of crazy may be...;) :p)

If you'd had the chance to go to an all boys or all girls school growing up, would you have gone?
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Umm, I'm not a big fan of rap. But, if I had to pick, then I would say Ice Cube. Yeah, that's right...Ice Cube. I mean, he does push rhymes like weight. Ya heard?

Have you ever eaten something while taking a poop on the toilet?
No, but I just read a magazine this morning...;) :p

What did you eat for Breakfast? this morning if not Breakfast maybe Brunch?, and plz don't forget the details. :)
I had 4 small slices of dark rye bread, 2 small slices of ham, 1 slice of Leerdamer light cheese, 2 plums and a cup of coffee. And I'm starving hungry. :(

If you could change any one part of your body, which would it be and why?
Well, there's always the obvious choice of "I want a bigger weiner", but, in all reality, I think I would change my neck. It's so HUGE. But...no, no...I don't want to change my neck. I like it.

What was the last movie you watched in a movie theater?
Oh yeah, all the time. It can be a little labor intensive (depending on the type of pasta), but it's sooooo worth it.

Do you ever get into your car, with every intention of going to a specific destination (like the mall or to McDonald's) and then completely forget why you got into the car in the first place once you pull out of the driveway?
Well since I don't own a vehicle...I would say it's something I would probably do. Have I experienced it with other's? Yes

How many times have you listened to one song over and over and over? I'm currently listening to Moby's - Heaven for the past hour...(so just curious)
If I'm really digging a song, like it's really describing where I'm at, I'll keep listening to it till I can't find anything else in it. If I'm trying to learn a song, I'll keep listening till I've got a picking pattern or melody. Both of those could take an indeterminate amount of time :D

Have you ever tried to learn an instrument?
Currently trying my hand at Violin. :svengo:
Always wanted to learn it - so I went out and bought one.


Whats your star sign. ?
Virgo---the biatch

Do you ever have a bath specifically to cut your cuticles?
Ah .... not as yet ..... RG.
Interesting concept though.


(Calories and Weight loss aside)

Describe your ideal breakfast - no holds barred.:reddevil:
Ideal, as in "eating healthy" or as in "oh my God, this is so good that I want to crap my pants, take a picture of it and then show my best friend's mom?" Umm, I mean...

Two eggs, over easy and some hash browns, mixed together, squirted with a healthy dose of ketchup and served with a side of bacon and a glass of orange juice. Yeeeeeah...awesome.

Have you ever listened to someone else having sex or masturbating, knowing that you shouldn't be listening...but...you still do it anyway, because it's kind of hot and you have nothing better to be doing anyway?

How many hours a day would you say you're online?