Random Question ...... (Game)

Shrek, & Donkey, The Fat Cat from Fival Goes West, The Rooster from Cocka doodle, lol, Hamlet, and Zorro, The Hobbits, Romeo, The Gods & Godesses from A Midsummer's Night Dream and the Lords, The Brother's Grimm, all of the weird ones that could be thought of. Buzz Light Year and Woody, Mary Poppins!! ZOMG!! TOTALLY and Willy Wonka, Pecos Bill, Paul Bunyan, John Henry, The Jim Carrey Grinch, Casper, The Love Bug (yes the car), Elliot from Pete's Dragon, I can't think of any of my character's from my on going Series of Books Cuz they're all packed.

What was your favorite child hood story that you (if you) ever imagined being a part of as a child?
Mine was more of a TV show thing rather than a story as such.

I always wanted to live with: Gobo, Wimbley, Red an Muki in Fraggle Rock. With Monkey, Tripitaka, Pigsy and Sandy in Monkey Magic. And on Sesame Street.


What do you think is more important in a couples relationship -

Respect or Loyalty
Well, they both go hand in hand, but if I had to choose, then I would say loyalty. But, only if loyalty included the avoidance of cheating of any kind.

What's your favorite joke?
There were two sausages in a pan one sausage says "Gosh its hot in here!"
the other says
"Wow! A talking sausage!"

It might be an oldie but man I lolled like fool when I first heard it. And its the cleanest one I could think of =] haha

Whats the stupidest thing you've done whilst drunk?
Smooching with somebody I hated.

Do you like scented candles or oil lamps, and if so, which scents do you use?
I love love love scented candles. however I prefer incense sticks, most incense sticks smell like damp and hippies, however I have brought some Vanilla incense from a little boutique I adore, and they smell divine <3

what career did you want to have when you were a Kid?
Baseball player. Catcher, for the Chicago White Sox. SIGH, obviously that worked out well.

What was the worst pizza topping you've ever had?

On a scale of 1-10, 1 being the BEST, how much do you like this lil guy? >>:willy_nilly:
I haven't eaten pancakes for about 5 or 6 years but lemon juice & sugar used to be my favourite.
(re the little guy(8)- he makes me feel stressed when I'm not.)
Are you allergic to anything?
nope ¬_¬ and since me and my boyfriend broke up i'm in that wonderful place of never knowing if I will again, how scary.

Do you like Twilight or do you think its overhyped?
I think it completely sucks, and I've only seen the trailers. :cuss:

Do you sometimes try to make people feel miserable, just because *you* are feeling miserable?
I don't think so really, but then I'm not miserable a lot. (I'm generally a fairly upbeat person!)

If you had to give up one of the following for LIFE, which would it be??
Music, or cleaning your teeth?
Cleaning my teeth. There is NO way I could ever give up music. Not even if I got to put my bare hands on Kelly Clarkson's freshly washed breasts, twice a day, for 15 minutes at a time, for all eternity. Well...I know what IIIII'M dreaming about toniiiiight!!!

Have you ever dyed your hair?
A couple of times. Nothing to out-there though.

I'm on the cusp of a 'baby-making' endeavor with my other half - so definitely no dyes from now on.


Are you a registered Organ Donor ? If not, would you consider registering so your 'bits' can be used when you die ?
Yeah, I'm an organ donor. But, my organs are probably unusable, sooooo...sucks for whoever needs them?

What are you watching on TV right now?
No Tele at work'ees.


Define what you consider to be "sexy".
Guy or Girl - or both - doesn't really matter, just define it in your own words.
Well, obviously ALL dudes are sexy, so I'll focus on what I find to be sexy qualities in women...

- Self respect, AKA - not being slutty. Sex isn't a need and it's not "just" sex. So, don't play that game with me. I'm not a "your body is a temple" kind of dude, but have a little respect for yourself and don't offer up your body just to get your rocks off. Sex is supposed to mean something and I find it completely unattractive when women (and men too) act as if sex is no big deal. If it's not a big deal, then don't cry to me when your boyfriend cheats on you. I mean, I thought it was "just" sex, right? Anyway...no sluts.
- Girls who don't try too hard. I hate girls who always have to "look sexy" or be the "hottest one in the room", so to speak. Girls who want attention and do superficial bullshit to get it are extremely unattractive to me. Girls who flaunt their body? Trampy and unattractive. Girls who know what they have, but don't feel the need to show the whole world what's under their clothes? I love you. Seriously, if you want to impress me...don't try to impress me.
- Girls who eat. Seriously, eat something for Christ's sake. Don't be that cliche idiot girl that orders a SALAD for dinner, while I'm sitting there, stuffing my fat face with a big ass steak.
- Honesty. Enough said.
- Girls who are humble. I'm not a fan of people, especially women, who act as if they are princesses and honestly feel as though they deserve to be treated like royalty. I find it extremely attractive when women understand that they're not some hot shit, just because they are a girl.
- Brunettes, hazel eyes, green eyes and round faces. I don't know why, but round faces drive me nuts.
- Women who are dedicated, committed and respectful towards the relationships that they're in. I hate, hate, HATE people who date "for fun" and don't take relationships seriously. Yes, having fun is important, but it's a teeeeerrible foundation for a relationship to be built on. Casual dating is such a joke to me and I don't want to be with a woman (or man?) that is casual about love, you know?

There's other stuff too, but...I'm rambling, so I should stop. Yeeeeeah.

Same question...what do you find to be sexy? Please say chubby dudes with small weiners, please say chubby dudes with small weiners...:crosses fingers:
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Okay - What's sexy .....
Here's my take on it.

Respect - Of the Self and towards others who deserve it.
Intimacy - Have the capacity to display emotions physically.
Articulate - Have the capacity to fully express themselves verbally.
Humor - Gotta be able to have a laugh and lighten up about things.
Manners - Be polite, be courteous, be considerate.
Abilities & Skill - Have the capacity to do many things both physically & mentally. Be a thinker not just a do'er (and vise-versa). I find this VERY sexy personally.
Well Scented - I love it when a man keeps himself smellin' gooood. - Teeth & Bod.
At least Marginally Domestic - Gotta be able to keep his shit relatively clean and not be lookin' for another Mother.


Are you good with managing your money ?