Raising The Bar

Today's session proved to me that I'm doing the right thing by switching my training to the morning, I had a ton of sleep last night and was feeling in good condition to lift but the 'new years resolution' people were in today making it imposible for me to do sets like I'm supposed to and I ended up only managing to do my squats, OH Pressing and a few chest presses

The good news is that I was squating 319 for reps pretty comfortably, I put 154 lbs on the bar for the OH press by mistake but still managed a couple of reps at that weight and I've almost perfected my Asian squat!

I think I'm in a better condition now than I was a few months back to really make some gains
Hey Rich I just wanted to let you know that I am having trouble with my laptops wireless adapter and havent checked my email since Saturday or so. Dont think I am ignoring you.
Hey Rich I just wanted to let you know that I am having trouble with my laptops wireless adapter and havent checked my email since Saturday or so. Dont think I am ignoring you.

No worries

Here's the bulk of it:
"I’ve decided I’m going to scrap my old training log and start a new one as soon as you can get me a new training schedule (I get paid on Thursday).

I’m going to have to make a few sacrifices if I’m going to progress further so I’m making an hour in the morning or 30 minutes at lunch available to you to plan my training around (still only Mon-Fri). That makes 7.5 hours a week in total and don’t worry about overtraining, I can cope with a lot

The theme I want for the training is for anyone who looks at it to think ‘holy crap, how is this guy still alive’ i.e. I want it tough, and aimed at forcing major adaptation.

I think my goal at the moment is to lower BF % without dropping much weight so my diet is also going to get super clean when I get onto this new plan with pictures being posted more frequently to show change in body comp. Any suggestions here would be gratefully received."
No worries

Here's the bulk of it:
"I’ve decided I’m going to scrap my old training log and start a new one as soon as you can get me a new training schedule (I get paid on Thursday).

I’m going to have to make a few sacrifices if I’m going to progress further so I’m making an hour in the morning or 30 minutes at lunch available to you to plan my training around (still only Mon-Fri). That makes 7.5 hours a week in total and don’t worry about overtraining, I can cope with a lot

The theme I want for the training is for anyone who looks at it to think ‘holy crap, how is this guy still alive’ i.e. I want it tough, and aimed at forcing major adaptation.

I think my goal at the moment is to lower BF % without dropping much weight so my diet is also going to get super clean when I get onto this new plan with pictures being posted more frequently to show change in body comp. Any suggestions here would be gratefully received."

Wish you luck with this new log and new personal fitness goal, CCR.

Best wishes to your girl friend. Let us know how this turns out. I hope its nothing to be concerned about.

Best regards,

I did the early morning session today to test the water a bit. I got to the gym OK but I was feeling a bit tired while training though.

I did a bit more of a FBW using the a mix of my regular schedules because I hardly got to go to the gym yesterday and I'm off again tomorrow to help a friend move house

As my lifting gloves ripped I used surgical tape on my damaged finger

2x3@ 330
2x330 + 1x308

BB Rows
6x3 @ 176

Single leg deadlifts

chin ups

DB chest press

Overhead BB shrugs
2x10 @ 99

*Bicep curls
2x15@ 35 (each hand)


Calf raises
3x10@ 132

I'm sure I did more but I can't remember right now, I'll update if I remember anything
Gloves are pain in the A$$. Just grow stronger hands. :D

I might have to do that, I bought XL and they ripped before I'd ever used them to lift anything!! I doubt I'll be able to find gloves big enough now as I bought the most expensive pair I could find and they still fell apart
If it puts any of your minds at ease, I do have quite a large head, feet and hands but they all get dwarfed by my massive wang :eek:

Anyway, yesterday was quite cool, I was helping a friend move and it was a great reminder to me as to why I lift weights. I was lifting all the stuff I used to find heavy and not even breaking sweat. Although I only managed 2 proper meals yesterday, and both of those were take-out so my body needs TLC today
Anyway, yesterday was quite cool, I was helping a friend move and it was a great reminder to me as to why I lift weights. I was lifting all the stuff I used to find heavy and not even breaking sweat.

Ya when I moved last time, I was thinking "Damn Im glad I deadlift. Lifting this couch is easy."
If it puts any of your minds at ease, I do have quite a large head, feet and hands but they all get dwarfed by my massive wang :eek:

Seeing things usually puts one in the insane asylum, we still love ya though :D

Best wishes to you,

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