Weight-Loss Purple Team Thread

Wednesday Food
Hot Cocoa Mix
Skim Milk

Rooms cleaned and organized this week:
Porch, Bedroom, Bathroom, Bedroom Closet, Laundry Room, Hall Closet, Living Room
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Oatmeal with 1/2 cup milk - 225
Chips - 330
2x Yogurt - 180
Pizza sub - 270
Baby carrots - 35
Chicken w/ veggies - 334
Popsicle - 40

40 min walk
20 min strength
15 min tae bo

Grilled Cheese Panini - 460
Chips - 140
Gummies - 140
Yogurt - 90
Carrots - 35
Frozen dinner - 300
Chicken w/ veggies - 334

40 min walk


another day with my food going off the scale of naughty

diet cola
sugar free sweets
2 activia cherry yoghurts
4 shape chocolate desserts
iced marzipan
sausages and baked beans

I have been feeling ill, I've hardly been sleeping for the past week because I get such rotten coughing fits and I've been stir crazy... I can be feeling a bit better - but then a coughing fit makes me feel worse again.

I've been eating so badly that my food and weight is getting out of control and my exercise levels have been zero. It is Thursday and I havent done any salsa or zumba since last Thursday.

I am certainly not well yet - but I have pretty much made up my mind to go out to a salsa night tonight since it will get me away from food temptation and I'll see my friends. Rod has been going out to salsa and zumba every night and I have gone into pity party mode and pretty much binge eaten large quantities of some bad things...

I think that going out will be the best thing... I am just hoping that I do not make myself worse for Saturday. I'll hardly be outside as we can drive from door to door and if I dance I will reduce my talking (and talking triggers coughing fits)...
If it all goes to plan and I do a heap of dancing I will take my exercise level from zero to 3.5 hours at a single stroke...
Sorry to hear you're still sick, Omega :(. I hope you get better soon! I think the important thing is to make sure you don't over do it on the food, and get lots of rest!
My Thursday went a lot better - but far from ideal - I allowed myself to have a chocolate orange as a very high calorie treat - but managed to be much more controlled with the rest of my food... I got out to salsa and was really pleased that I went...

diet cola
sugar free sweets
2 bananas
1 tin apricots
250g liberte low fat Greek yoghurt
2 shape chocolate desserts
1 WW strawberry 0% Greek yoghurt
3 pork loin steaks
1 tin baked beans
1 chocolate orange

3.5 hours salsa dancing

I'm still ill... I managed about 3 hours sleep and am still hit with coughing fits. Being awake for extra hours is not helping me to restrict my food...
At the minute I am happy if I can just not binge...

1 banana
1 cherry activia 0% yoghurt
sugar free sweets
diet cola
weetabix, sweetener, skimmed milk
250g 0% Greek yoghurt
2 WW desserts
2 shape desserts
mini baguette with butter and dairylea cheese slices
chocolate orange

after the success of Thursday's salsa - I couldnt resist going to Friday zumba. The teacher had told me on Thursday that I wasnt up to it and shouldn't go but I ignored him. He said that it would start me coughing and I would feel terrible...

The good news is that I did an hour of exercise and brought my exercise total for the week up to 4hrs 30mins.

The bad news is that I did it and couldnt help but do it at the max level. There is something about my dance history that clicks in and I will not allow myself to get out-danced by anyone. I planned to take it a bit easier and not leap as much with all the moves - but I pushed myself for the whiole class...
Then it came back to bite... I coughed a bit during the class - but not as much as I expected... I coughed more at the end when I sat with my friends and we planned our trip to Blackpool - but not really at the coughing fit level that I have been getting regularly for the past week...

I thought that I had cracked it and I said that I would be at Saturday morning zumba. The only thing subject to discussion was whether we would be out at salsa later on Friday night as some friends were doing that and we would have been if fully fit...

The teacher said that he was surprised by how much better I coped with it compared to what he had expected...

Then on the way home I started a mega coughing fit and couldnt stop. It went on for hour after hour and nothing seemed to properly stop it. It paused from time to time only for the fit to start up again and continue.

Since about 3am, Rod has been talking about calling off Blackpool.
We have both had some sleep since then (me in bed and him downstairs on the settee) and the coughing fit seems to have stopped...

I am keen that Blackpool is ON - but he wants to think about it...

One thing is for sure - I know that I am certainly not going out walking today or doing zumba. I am also really uncertain about whether I will be able to go to zumba next week... It may be something that I have to build up to...

I recognise that I would have been much better off if I had skipped zumba last night and am pretty convinced that I would have been ok if I had done salsa instead last night...

All that I have to do now is convince Rod about Blackpool being ON...
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Grilled Cheese Panini - 460
Ice Capp - 180
Chips - 150
Yogurt - 90
Carrots - 35
Frozen Dinner - 300
Cereal bar - 130
Soup - 150

40 min walk

Well the bad news is that with all the terrible eating over the past week - my weight is nearly up to where it was at the start of the challenge.

The good news is that I got the maximum points for getting organised. Thank goodness that scanning in pages and shredding them didnt require too much physical effort and that it was more time-consuming compared to any requirement of mental effort. I ended up getting more than twice as many scanned in than I set myself as a target - which certainly helps things here...

Compared with the way things were on Thursday evening - I got pretty decent exercise points too.
Neither team have all the scores yet. In the spirit of previous weeks I will allow extra time - for all the scoresheets to get in. I havent been very strict (and if I am honest - got a bit behind due to illness) and it would be unfair to suddenly get strict in the last week.

If anyone is interested in how things are shaping up - they can check out the initial posting in both team threads.

It is amazingly close and could go either way - dependant on the missing scoresheets.

Mandy was uncertain whether she would finish the challenge with her holiday approaching and suggested resigning as an option. I encouraged her to continue as long as she could and try to complete - but she has not finalised her scoresheet. This leaves me with a quandary over whether to deem it that she resigned at that time... I can see arguments both ways. With one approach I allocate her with zero points and with the other she gets the same average as the dummy members we have.

Orange have quite a lot of dummy members at this stage - and all the members who have reported got excellent scores last week. They may well therefore get a very high average score when all the scores are in - which will be allocated to all dummy members.

It is still anyone's game...
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After much consideration - in the early weeks I gave people a couple of extra days to get scoresheets done. I will allow people until 9am GMT on Wednesday to get their scoresheets entered before giving a final score.

This is a generous deadline and means that Orange have every opportunity to create a potentially very high average score for their dummy members. If I were to finalise things now -the average would be reduced by a zero report.

Since we know that Mandy will not report in that time - and she did suggest resigning - I will deem it that she resigned and will get allocated an average score.

This means that both teams have the chance to benefit from my leniency. It also means that players who are keen to know how the teams fared know when they will have an answer.
I'll update later, but I don't think I'll make a big impact on the overall score. Sorry for being late.
It is shaping up to be such a close run thing that every last point is likely to count. It will be great to get your score in. :)
That was a tough call to make, Omega, especially since it potentially determines the win. But probably a lot of us feel like I do ... the experience of doing this together is more valuable than the trophy. So although we were on 2 random teams, we all win by learning how to meet our goals better.