Punky's Diary....

thanks for the response! usually I HATE summer....but this year will be my son's first attempt at exploring the world outside our house!! TOO FUN!!
Well, I'm still at it folks! Found these Weight Watchers bite size chocolates to have on hand in case of an emergency - better than eating 3 regular chocolate bars! I am trying to watch my calorie intake - I checked a site Beagle gave me that calculates how many calories you need to maintain, to lose, and to lose lots....and it says for extreme weight loss to try 1850 calories...sounds like way more than most people shoot for on diets....should I be trying for lower?
I love this site, it has been very helpful!
Ok well I'm off to the gym this morning even though I'd rather stay home and just forget about it. I am trying to teach myself that even if life gets in the way and I don't go as much as I wanted to in a week - I should still go as much as possible instead of the old habit of scrapping the whole week and starting again on Monday. So even though my so was sick this week and I missed a few, I will still go today - every time makes a difference I imagine! I've decided to weigh myself on Tuesday mornings, so I am anxious to see if changing my calorie intake will make a difference.
Hope all of you are hanging in there!
Here I am!
I was sick with the flu for a couple days - so I didn't eat anything (VERY RARE!) I decided that I would weigh myself every Tuesday morning, and I was surprised to see that since starting to count calories - I had lost 5 and a half pounds! YAHOOOOOOOOO!! I am going to try hard to keep it up! I gave in to a couple glasses of Pepsi this week....such a big temptation for me....I don't buy it except for company....and then I usually have to get into it! So that's what happened...my husband calls me an addict (I'll even sneak sips of his!) SO SWEET AND DELICIOUS! If I could have something and have it not effect my weight it would be pop!
anyways I'm hanging in there!
Hi there Punky!!
Water seems to be a bit of a theme, so I thought I'd share this little "tip" with you. I have a friend at work, and she's just given up pop. Well the other day, she came to work with her water bottle, and something I felt was a little strange...a bottle of stawberry extract...like you'd use in baking. Anyway, she pours a couple little drops in and she swears by it. Obviously you could use any flavor you that suited your fancy, and apparently she says there's no cal's in these extracts. To be honest, I've never checked the labels on them myself. Anyway, it's a tip if you're up for something different!! Keep up the awsome work!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats on the 5lb weight loss !!! :D I really think counting the calories is the right way to go. Keep up the good work and hope you are feeling better soon.
my diary.....

Thanks to Bailey and AussieGirl, that is an interesting tip about the water! Today was not so good....but that's going to happen right? My husband, the sweet guy that he is, brought me home a Cadbury Cream Egg as a treat....well of course I ate it....plus I always feel like if I've ruined it I might as well go all out so I added two babybel cheeses to that list and a meat sandwich. All after 9!! I was good all day and then I ruined it. I have noticed though, that each time I cheat I am more aware and I feel worse about it. As soon as I see some progress I always sabotage it. I need to stay focused. It's so hard not to eat after my son goes to bed...I finally get alone time...and i want to spend it with food...my oldest and dearest friend! That's very sad!
Oh dont feel so bad. My husband works the night shift so I tend to get lonely at night and yes my secret friend was also food, usaly chocolate. And as for eating at night time I suffer the same problem. Your day is so busy running after the kids when they finaly go down for the night the time is yours and you want to preserve it.
My bigest challenge is because it me time I tend to stay up late to make the most of it. Unfortantly it means this is the time I am most prone to eating. here is what has helped me this week. I love to scrapbook, so I try to spend my time doing that, it keeps my hands and mind busy so I dont normaly think of food (plus you dont want your photos to get chocolate on it lol), of course there are times when your too tired to get the stuff out and set up. Thats when I come on here go to the forum or chat online with friends. Also reading a book helps keep my mind off food at night or listening to music. I find its mostly when I sit down to watch TV (which I love to do lol) I start to eat. My hubby gets home about 12.30pm so I usaly stay up for him but I have notice how much the munchies hit at that time. Last night fighting the problem I had a simple solution and went to bed lol. First time in years I was in bed by 9pm. But side effects were I avoided temptation and woke up really well rested and had a easier time eating a healthy breakfast.
You have been doing really well, dont let these little things get you down. I do know how you feel and fight the same things, But as long as we keep on going each day we will win in the end.

P.S. Aussie girl great tip about the water going to give that a try
try not to get too down about the late eating, are you eating enough protein in your evening meal to keep you feeling full, if i don't get enough i will snack like crazy.
Hey, great to see ya here!! You'll love it here, I've become addicted to this place, can't wait to get on here and get motivated and get good ideas. Theres lots of good snack ideas in the food section, and they've been a lifesaver for me :) I'm counting cals and working out 5 days a week, love it.... Hope to get to know you lots better!!!
my diary Feb 04

Thanks so much for the support guys! I have the same problem as you Zoila, I stay up late to make the most of my alone time and that's when the fridge starts whispering my name! I like that you scrapbook to take your mind off of food, I try to read but so often all I want to do is space out in front of the TV. Thanks also to Trusylver - I guess I don't eat a lot of protein because there seems to be so many calories in meat! This is difficult for me as I am used to having meat with every meal! Thanks also to Jess for your encouraging words.
It's so hard for me to stay focused...today my parents came over and brought Timbits - so of course I had a few - what I really felt like doing was taking the box into the bathroom and eating them all by myself! My sister who is a size 0...how is that a size??? said she noticed that I was losing which for some reason always makes me feel like eating more! Why am I afraid to succeed? Also when I screw up it makes me feel like throwing in the towel for the rest of the day and binging....stupid hey?
I also have days where I feel like I have an empty leg....like I could eat and eat and eat! I never feel satisfied....that is today.
I'm scared to weigh myself on tuesday in case I've gained....but as Dr.Phil says you can't change what you don't acknowledge.
hope everyone is hanging in there!:rolleyes:
Hey Punky!!
You know it sounds like you're doing awsome...you a couple timbits, a couple isn't bad...you satified your want, and stopped yourself. I have the exact same reaction when my mother says ANYTHING about my weight...all I want to do is eat the worst thing I can think of. Some times I think what we do is to "punish" those around us, we "punish" ourselves, especially when they're a size 0!!!!! Remember, tomorrow we start new and usually feel better!!! :eek:
protein isnt just meat~! you can get it from egg whites, tuna, boca burgers, protein shakes/bars, cottage cheese, chili, peas, and even some beans. :)
Hi ya. You know you are going really well, bad days here and there are going to happen so dont let it get to you. Dont be scared of the scales, its just a number. I saw this episode of Oprah (lol we get her here too) and she was talking about weight and owning the number, I thought yeah thats cool. In the past when I sliped up I wouldnt want to weigh my self but then when I was good getting on the scales and wondering why I didnt lose then getting down. When the truth was I did lose it was just the weight I put on the week before but didnt want to own up to. If you stayed the same or even gain, Just shrugg it off and say its ok Today is a new day. Thats the only thing that keeps me going. Look forward always and know where all here supporting you.
my diary feb 6....

Thanks to AussieGirl, Wonderwoman and Zoila for the encouraging words. As far as protein, my hubby and I are such "meat eaters" - we don't eat a lot of beans or eggs....one of my downfalls is that I am such a meat and potatoes kind of girl....I hate weird food, but hating it limits my menu options. I need to get into veggies and beans (if anyone has any good recipes I'd be very grateful!)
I liked what you said Zoila...you're right - I need to see the scale no matter what the number is instead of burying my head in the sand until I feel I've done better.
Today was a pretty good day...no major slip ups and I went to the gym....so few weeks left till summer - have to stay focused!
I feel really angry at myself for getting in this position....I should have pulled back long ago and done something about it instead of wallowing. I hate food so much and I love food so much.
hope you're all hangin in.
Well weighed in this morning and had no change - HALLEHLUYAH! I was soooo bad last week and I really expected to have gained so I'm happy and trying harder this week! Went to Costco and now the fridge looks gorgeous - full of green grapes, strawberries, peas, and Motts fruit cups! Decided to also try Kashi Go Lean cereal....I'll post my opinion. Hope you're all well!!!!
I am SO happy for you!

Really, I seriously am! I remember that I read your very first post, and I see none of the discouragement that I saw then!!! FABULOUS!!! And hey, Timbits? I hear ya! I live in saskatoon, we're all about the Timmy's over here too! sigh....today I managed to go through the drive through for the first time since I've been on my diet. I had completely cut Tim out of my life for a month and a half!!! It was almost like the voice over the loudspeaker was testing me....I said "I'll have a Large single single please" and the voice boomed back at me....."Would you like anything to EAT with that"!! I almost laughed to myself, but just stuck with the coffee.

One thing I have learned in WW is that life is full of tests, in fact, the theme of today's meeting was "Life is a Cafeteria". How true. Think about how a cafeteria works. and imagine the tray is your life. You take your tray, and you walk through the cafeteria, and you can put whatever you want on your tray, but when you get to the end of the line, you have to pay for what's on your tray. The point is, that at the end of the day, you have the power to put whatever you want on your tray, and it goes farther than just what you're eating for the day! You ARE worth the success that you are capable of, and have already achieved! I am so proud of you!!!

feb.8 diary.....

Thanks Shawna - that message was very sweet - thanks for taking the time to write it! I like your analogy about the cafeteria - it helps to keep those things in mind - gives you a visual to focus on.
This week I am doing good, with the exception of this evening (it was my hubby's birthday) - he requested homemade alfredo sauce and four cheese raviloi! I had a very small amount and half a piece of cake. I'm sure I went over my calories for the day but not by much.
Tonight while I stayed up to watch The Biggest Loser after my son went to bed I started daydreaming about food....on Tuesday I popped in to the bakery in my neighborhood to get my husband's cake - right after I went to the gym...PAINFUL....they had these apple turnovers stuffed with whipped cream that I love....I ignored them and tonight when they popped into my thoughts I remembered my little baby sitting in the shopping cart for the first time this week like a big boy (he's almost 7 months) - he was so cute looking around at all the people and I just want to enjoy him and not be preoccupied with my weight.
I will keep at it and not give up.