Weight-Loss Pumpkin Posse

with my new Pedometer... I realized I walk a little over a mile a day at school... if I were to some how double that daily, I would probably squeek out another pound a week or so... I know I too have not given it my all... We should do our weekly challenge as just giving it our all, and asking ourselves daily. "ARE YOU GIVING IT YOUR ALL TODAY?" the scale will answer back with a yes or a no... :waving:

Go Posse!
I was travelling but now I am back. Can't fully say I have given it my all this past week, but a new week is starting soon, and I AM GONNA GIVE MY ALL. Thanks Shyjesta for reminding us.

Good luck for the week everyone.
another week, and tomorrow is another weigh in? How did you do? Do you feel like you gave it your all? I joined a gym, and was doing my first lesson... I was sweating so much, this was on monday, I am still sore, on my left arm, I think I might have hurt myself some how... I have also been on the treadmill... I am not expecting much this week. next week I am expecting big things though... I plan to go go the gym daily... I wish the best of luck to the posse!
good to hear from ya Shy! having a decent week here myself...hows the rest of the posse? On Nov. 1st my town is having a biggest loser contest! i'm stoked! my dad is joining as well.
For weeks I was at 132lbs and now I have gone a couple of lbs. WTF? I have been busting my ass working out and avoided sugar like the plague. I know it is not muscles that i am gaining (cant have gained 2lbs of muscles in one week), it is not TOM, haven't had a lot of salt and weighed myself at the same time I weigh myself every time. This is really discouraging. I should probably suck it up and keep quiet about it, but I hate that I am bringing the team down. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!

Sorry guys.
You are not bringing us down Juni, by the end you will have a loss, I can feel it! If not at least you are being accountable - have you taken any measurements? You must have lost an inche or two you can celebrate over. I think if you keep it up this week, next week will be a better result - I know I've said that before but don't get discouraged. At least you are checking in weekly and didn't quit like most of the other members of our team - that is something! Next week will be better.
it helps to vent... please do so, we all go through the same kinds of struggles... we are here for each other, or atleast should be. My only words of advise is " you only fail when you stop trying" simple... but brilliant! Keep going, you can do it, I know you can!
Thank you guys. Still down, and I hate the fact that I let 2lbs affect my mood so much. Will let it go and cheer up now. Your posts really cheered me up, CG and Shyjesta. Thank you. I'll work harder this week. No cheat days, sugar or unhealthy stuff for me.

I love this forum.
ha ha! no, not a mini challenge, no one seemed into those, i mean the challenge as a whole. I feel like everyones asleep in this challenge, lol
oh ok, yeah... sleepy time! let's wake up! I have been jogging every morning, going to the gym... but the scale is not showing any progress! ugghhhhhh I dont think I will lose anything this week, maybe even gain. I dont know what it is. I do have alot more energy though! I feel good, but no results?
Good week for me! 2.6 down! I don't think it's possible for me to lose 4.6 pounds this next week to meet my goal but I am going to kill it this week and try my best! Can't wait for Halloween next weekend! It's going to be so fun! Hope everyone else had a good week? :waving:
Just a quick heads up that I won't finish this challenge. I messed up completely and put a lot of weight back on, and am pretty ill at the moment, which doesn't help. I don't want to ruin it for everybody else, so I'm just going to silently bow out and wish you all the best, may the best loser win! ;)
I knew it! I gained two pounds this week... uggh... I dont know why either... with 1 week left I dont think i'll reach my halloween challenge! :(

with that being said, I guess I need to push myself 10 times harder this week
sorry about the gain, thats too bad...but we have ONE MORE WEEK in this challenge! Come on guys, lets make it a strong week!!!
Here it is. Weigh in day! I ended up at 200 pounds Exactly, didn't break my barrier, but I did flippin great! Hope everyone else did well. Has anyone heard from Korrie? She didn't post her weight last week.
you did do great Brandy and i'm very proud of you!!! I'm proud of all of you that stuck with this challenge!

I personally could have done ALOT better job this month and i'm super disapointed. I ended up w/ a 3.2 lb loss...better than nothing?

How'd the rest of our team do???