Let me clarify. It's not healthy to be overweight. Some people are overweight. It doesn't make them bad people. Its good if the overweight people are working on losing weight. It's not good if they are making excuses for their unhealthy behavior like claiming that it's better to be fat than to be average.
When I say skinny, I should be saying average, but unfortunately average is now overweight. What used to be the average build is now a minority. This is why I use the term skinny in place of it. Sometimes skinny is unhealthy, in the case of anorexics. Like I said, I would use the term average build, but average is now overweight. Maybe, healthy build is a better way to put it. Now, what used to be average is now considered skinny because the majority of the population is overweight. So basically Oprah is skinny under this definition. She is at a healthy weight which to our society means skinny. She still has curves, but because she isn't overweight, she is skinny. It's confusing yes, but to the average size 14 woman, anything below a size 12 is thin.
There, that's why I used the term skinny.
And society is doing a lot to fight obesity. I was focused on one particular group of people who believe "big is beautiful". I hope I didn't cause anyone to believe that there weren't tons of anti-obesity movements going on right now. There obviously are. The anti-obesity movement is bigger than the pro-obesity one. The government is funding messages to tell us to eat healthy, it's not telling us to gain weight. A lot of the pro-obesity stuff is evident in the media. Especially in ads targeted at women. The Redbook magazine thing is a good example. There was an article in which lots of overweight women were saying it's okay to love being overweight. Advertisers pick up on cultural vibes like the ever expanding waistlines of the population. They want people to feel like they can connect to the media images at some level. If the media were doing all it could to combat obesity, the majority of the population would feel alienated. People don't want to be told that they are unhealthy and that they need to change their lifestyle. They want to feel loved and accepted. What better way than to glamorize the full figure.
Now, I, IN NO WAY STATED THAT SIZE 2 IS THE ONLY HEALTHY SIZE. I WANT TO MAKE THAT VERY, VERY CLEAR. YOU ARE OBVIOUSLY READING MY POSTS INCORRECTLY IF YOU BELIEVE THAT I BELIEVE THIS. I WANT TO SET THINGS STRAIGHT. For some people, size 2 is very unhealthy, it is very thin. Some people were never meant to be that small. Different people have different frame sizes. There is a large range of what size is considered healthy. Body composition is a much better indicator of health, not body size. Unfortunately our culture has become so fixated on size that they have confused size with health. Just because one person is at their ideal weight at a size 2 does not mean that everyone else will be. Size is very subjective. We should be talking about level of fitness/health and not size. If we want to talk in terms of size, since that's how people feel most comfortable, then there is a huge range of sizes that is considered healthy.
So, I hope this cleared things up. And I hope I don't come across as too opinionated. My goal with this thread was to raise awareness of one point of view. That point of view isn't even mine. There are some things about the radical anti-obesity movement that I personally disagree with.
So, there, I hope that cleared things up for you.