Post your pics

Hey Guys!

Hi everyone...I havent posted here in Months!! i've been very busy with other things...doing lots of work and a PhD, and working on my new hoby car (Ford Capri :) ) and to be honest I have given training a break since may/June.

I have completely vegged out and not done any physical training at all, and have been eating sh*t (micro meals and biscuits!!) for a few months, but I have done a bit of technical training for Wing Chun.

The pic of my arm/shoulder/upper pec is from January when I was working out.

The pic of my chest is from mid August when I was vegging out!! I'm not happy with my body at the moment but I have the inclination to start working out again...all I need now is the time and the money!!


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whats up xander. damn since may/june??? :p
welcome back man. I know the feeling, I did the same thing. The hard part is starting again. After about 2 weeks of forcing yourself to go you get back in the habit of it.
I've been hittin the gym really heavy for the last month now (took a 2 month vacation,lol.). I'm about back to where I was except maybe alittle more muscular.

The lastest issue of "Muscle" has really inspired me to lift heavy. I feel like I can really call myself a bodybuilder now.

Just get in there and start lifting till you puke, you'll feel great afterwards bro.
Hey xander, I try not to miss but I know it sometimes gets difficult to go in. If you're feeling guilty and aren't happy how you look just try to make a little time to get back into it.

Good luck with yout PHD and your Capri, and get your ass back in the gym!!!

Peace! =^)
back in '98

Hey gang, new to the site and figured i would join in... back in '98 I did the 12 weeks challenge (BFL) and this was the result. Have been out of it since... plagued by poor-ness, being a new daddy and also injuries. Hoping to make a come back at 38 years starting tomorrow. I sure hope the injuries dont wipe me out.

Scott Ewing


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Nice results! Just remember to slowly get back into it, cause as you know, it is a big change in life style. You can do it though. Goodluck bro. :)
Lol thats me like 1 year ago. i never really thought of posting a picture until i ran into this thread again.


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Latest pic of me. Lmao, this thread will never die! I know I need to work on pecs more. I'm starting to put more decline bench in my routine now.



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lookin good! Id say you need to focus more on traps rather than pecs (its an area I tend to under-do myself).

I like the v shape around your abs that goes from the hips (i never remember what that muscle it part of the obliques?)

I'll be starting at it again in the new year, though I wont be able to afford any supplements so ill see how that goes!
Thanks xander. Yeah My traps are under worked, I'll concentrate on them more too.

I don't know what those muscles are called. I usually lay sideways on the prone crunch machine and lift a 45 plate doing crunches on my side.

Was it you or wolverine that finished a bulking cycle a couple months ago?
oh yeah f.u.c.k. i forgot i got some new pics - they are pretty good. ill post them up tomorrow.

panman - looks like u got some awesome improvement. you should get more pics and post them. But remember... cuttness is what the ladies love. for example, everybody is telling me to stop bulking and do cutting because "i'm too big" (thats b.s.). So i am going to keep bulking.

This is why: i need 18-19 inch arms and i only have 16. :( chest size i want to keep the same (46.5 inch) - once i reach those magical numbers I will start the official cutting.

btw, anyone know some good tips to get my arms huge without increasing my chest size?

so to wrap up: to help your pecs, decline the s.h.i.t. outta them with some flys. i also recommend you do more incline! keep up the good work and don't sacrifice those abs!
To grow those arms... this is what i have read... Dips. Do them leaning forward to work more chest and do them vertical to target triceps. There are 3 heads to the triceps and thus makes for the larger of the muscle area of the upper arm. Larger triceps makes bigger looking arms.

I figure if you were to do 5-6 sets of dips, alternating angle to work chest then triceps would be killer, finish with some flys superset with pressdowns or something and your done.

Do the same for the back and biceps... Bent rows or seated rows to build thickness in the back and warm up the biceps, then finish with direct assault by doing dumbell row and dumbell curls.

As you can see from above... you have blasted those body parts and are in and out of the gym inside of 30-40 minutes (excluding cardio, warmups, stretching).

For legs... squats and calves.

There is an old saying for those of us classified as a "beginner" bodybuilder.... KISS. Keep It Simple Stupid! lol I have had many of the big guys in gyms tell me through the years not to waste my time on "targeting" exercises... thats for the big guys who are allready big and just need to get that little itty bitty muscle over there beside the medium sized muscle just under the larger muscle (lol)- you know what i mean?

Keep on working dude, you look good.

Scott out
in the last picture my arm was at a weird angle so it doesnt look as big as it should. its showing more of my bicep and the camera couldnt see my tricep.
nice work everyone! my webcam should be coming in the mail in a little bit, so hopefully i can get a pic up soon...