Planet Fitness-Judgement free? I think not!

lol did wwe need to know it was with your "blackberry"

I tried to be cool.
LV, I agree with you completly. I once considered joining but then didn't go threw with it. Although I somewhat can see why they would'nt want jeans, boots, or sandals I still think it's lame completly.

All in all LV I 150% agree with you. Judgement free my ass.
Wow, ok, where to start with this.

I guess first, let's clarify that I agree, the gym is sharte.

But, to some extent I've gotta lay into you man, don't be pissed or offended, I just gotta point some stuff out here. I'd say this even if you were my best friend.

Then she says that its the same way that a restauraunt dress code works. Thewy have rules she says and you abide by them. I said true but a restauraunt also doesn't post signs everywhere claiming to be a "Judgement Free" zone.

At that point she shut up and walked away and said have a nice workout....LOL.

Ok, first let's just clarify that a dress code is not a way of passing judgment. It's a formality. There's a very clear difference unless the formality is made to discriminate. They're completely different words, with completely different meanings. The reason she walked away from you wasn't because she knew you had her beat, it was because she realized she had nothing to gain arguing about this with someone who doesn't know what "judgmental" actually means. Sorry, but you have no right to scoff at her. You made yourself look like an uneducated idiot by using the word incorrectly, and she couldn't be bothered to get into an argument over it. My hat off to her for just walking away.

Not trying to make you look stupid, but you're getting way ahead of yourself with this whole "judgmental" thing, and your behaviour in dealing with it just begs someone to put you in your place on it.

In fact, none of your complaints are forms of judgment. "No deadlifting" is not judgmental, it's just another formality. "Don't drop your weights" is not a judgment, it's a formality. "Don't grunt", again, a formality. The accusations of hypocrisy are laughable because they stem from not knowing the proper definition of "judgment".

Use some sense here man, "Judgment free zone" doesn't mean "do what you want, we have no rules", it means that nobody is going to judge you. Given that this place is a gym, most people would recognize this as a marketing angle to attract people who may be self conscious of their body. It's meant to attract people who don't go to other gyms because they make them feel inadequate. Not to encourage body builders.

The ONLY judgment this place is passing, is labeling all these people as "lunk heads". Which is pretty stupid as well.

But, when a fat person who finds exercise hard enough to do as is sees someone grunting with strain, it makes them wonder why they can't even work hard enough that they need to grunt. They think you're just showing off, or they realize how unfit they really are. Rather than just admitting that grunting is a normal physical reaction to working hard, they'd rather make these people feel ok with the fact that they can't even lift enough weight that they need to grunt, so they create an environment where nobody's grunting so they can feel average. Thus, they call the people who do "lunk heads" because the term seems to resonate well with their targeted client base. It's a gimmick phrase.

So congrats, you discovered their secret. They aren't a gym for fit people. If they were they wouldn't need to advertise a "judgment free zone". Stop complaining. You're only going there for cardio, you can get that for free outside with zero equipment, any annoyances are your fault for going there, or anywhere in the first place.

You were disappointed by their rules, and annoyed that their rules impeded your workout. Understandable, but that doesn't mean you should take it out on staff who aren't in a position to change anything one way or another.

You misinterpreted "judgment free" and didn't realize what type of people it was meant to attract, so you joined the wrong gym for your needs. Get over it, move on, but don't go complaining how judgmental they are for not catering to your preferences and needs when you aren't even applying the word correctly.

All these rules are in place so that nobody feels like the person next to them is working any harder or doing much better than they are. It's to create a comfortable, non-competitive environment where nobody is drawing any attention of any sort to how much they're lifting, or how hard they're pushing themselves. There's no point in complaining "Well you'll never build much muscle like that", because that's not what the people there joined to do.

However I agree with you. This is the wrong gym for 90% of our forum goers, and is the wrong gym for anyone who seriously wants to build their body. But the gym itself hasn't done anything wrong. Their free candy is a little questionable, but if a job was giving out free pink slips, would it be the employer's fault that you got one? Or your fault for taking it? I mean it's not like nobody ever told you candy isn't healthy.

It's just as you said, the gym is geared for fat people who like to sit around all day eating candy and pizza, but at least these people know they need to be more active, and have taken the initiative to stay active enough to survive their lifestyle, and this gym offers them an environment to do it where they can feel comfortable. You've really got no place criticizing the gym for it like you have.

I don't hold it against you though, for the record I'm just going to assume that you were so dumbfounded at how insane these rules seemed to you that you let it get to you and lost a bit of your rationality in addressing it. They do have reasons for it though, and while none of those reasons apply to you, they certainly apply to their other members.

Don't let it get to you so much.

P.S. Yes, they have to exercise SOME judgment to determine when someone has violated the rules, but seriously, now you're just getting anal retentive. I can't help you so don't get mad at me. Either go argue your points to a dictionary, or get realistic.

For the record, I have no affiliation with any gym. I think a gym membership is a total waste of money unless you're specifically training for something.

I hate making posts like this because it can give you a bad rep with other forum members, and I don't have any interest in offending anyone or making enemies here. I'm not saying close the thread, I'm just saying that if and when you decide to address what I've said, just remember what I said earlier, I don't mean to lay into anyone, it just had to be said eventually, so if you disagree, I'm more than happy to hear you out, I just don't want this thread to put people on bad terms with each other.
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I hate making posts like this because it can give you a bad rep with other forum members, and I don't have any interest in offending anyone or making enemies here. I'm not saying close the thread, I'm just saying that if and when you decide to address what I've said, just remember what I said earlier, I don't mean to lay into anyone, it just had to be said eventually, so if you disagree, I'm more than happy to hear you out, I just don't want this thread to put people on bad terms with each other.

I highly doubt, and I'm not patting myself on the back here, you will never make me look bad to other forum members here or give me a bad rep. I've been here for years now helping people with their goals and everyone knows that. My opinion on the gym is my opinion and that means that some will disagree such as yourself, however you seem like the only one.

I do appreciate you taking the time to write that post though, honestly I really do, and trying to have me look at it from a different perspective because I'm man enough to admit that I'm not always right. That's the beauty of life though, learning something new everyday, and trying to look at things from different angles.

I will end it as we will have to simply agree to disagree because even after you stating your opinion, I still feel the same.

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Fair enough. I was more concerned about coming off as some jerk railing on another member and all, and some people get really over defensive on the internet (cuz internet is sewius biznis).

I will end it as we will have to simply agree to disagree because even after you stating your opinion, I still feel the same.

I think you may have misunderstood me, or I just wrote it too damn long and fogged up my points.

I totally agree with you that the rules are just bad rules to have in a gym. I agree with you on almost every point except, these rules aren't judgmental. Unfair, stupid, and maybe a little oppressive even, but not judgmental, and cannot be judgmental because they don't possess traits in alignment with the word's definition.

Now, if they said you couldn't wear skullcaps because they don't let gangster types in, THAT would be judgmental.

Calling you a lunk every time you screw up IS pretty judgmental though -_-

One way or another, just be thankful that you can feel out of place in that type of gym. It's a good sign that you don't fit in there.
Fair enough. I was more concerned about coming off as some jerk railing on another member and all, and some people get really over defensive on the internet (cuz internet is sewius biznis).

Now, if they said you couldn't wear skullcaps because they don't let gangster types in, THAT would be judgmental.

Calling you a lunk every time you screw up IS pretty judgmental though -_-

One way or another, just be thankful that you can feel out of place in that type of gym. It's a good sign that you don't fit in there.

Naw, you didn't come off like a jerk. You were simply stating your opinion on the matter, which is what a forum is all about, and I appreciate that. I feel bad for people who are quick to take defense without trying to understand another persons perspective. If I did that, I'd never would have gained the knowledge I have today.

But c'mon, the no skull caps or hooded sweatshirts rule?!?! Those items are meant to keep someone warm during the winter months. Don't you think that kinda indirectly implies that they are relating that to a "gangster" crowd, which is horrible itself, and want to keep that crowd from joining?

I can see where the no sandals or Jeans rule would be put in place for saftey reasons but why would a "gym" not allow a hooded sweatshirt? After all it is a gym isn't it?
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Im talking about to the gym!